in Newcomers' Community4 years ago

I am Nwaeze Chimaobi Obed, from Abia State of Nigeria and resident in Aba city. If i am asked to introduce myself in a simple statement, i will tell you that "i am a believer".


I was born on November 5th, 1988, the 6th child of seven children. My parents were poor, so food was rationed, yet we shared what we had and stayed joyful.

It wasn't long and i noticed that i was different. There is this way the other kids stares at me. I can sense that pity in their eyes anytime we were about to play. I can sense that on several cases they paused to watch me run or observe how i walked. Yet to other kids i was a total scare.

I was born with a disability on my right foot which affected the way i appeared. It was difficult to put on shoes, it was difficult to walk or run properly. My parents explained that my case is not common yet there are persons who have lived all their life with my kind of disability. I BELIEVED there could be a cure and i persuaded them.. Thankfully those hopes paid out in 2002 when i underwent a surgical operation to correct the problem. I might not work or run completely normal but the disability is no longer noticeable, no more strange stares, no mockery ... I can put on shoes and appear normal.

I completed my secondary school education in 2010 and decides to acquire a skill . i graduated as a computer technician and decided to build a business. There was no fund and i BELIEVED that with effort something could be achieved .

I AM A BELIEVER. I believe in God. I believe that destiny is created when we are consistent and work on what we believe. I believe that miracle happens every day but we should put ourselves on the part to receive it. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

As i have come to learn, @focusnow and STEEMIT is a platform that requires effort, but then there are benefits that result. As for me it is just another fight that needed to be won. I will put my best and encourage everyone to win.

Thank you all.
Cc: @steemcurator01

 4 years ago 

Wellcome to steemit.. Best regards @aafadjar

 4 years ago 

Thanks so much

 4 years ago 


 4 years ago 

Hello @mobibliss, you're highly welcome to this great platform @steemit. Am @prolee a member of the @steemalive greeters guide (SGG). You, agreeing to join @steemit is a good and beneficial idea.
As a @steemalive member now, you're expected to participate in the community activities, like partaking in the LID report, here is a good sample of a LID report,, you can go through it. Also making a "diary post", "mytowntenpics" post in the @steemalive community.
Am not limiting your visit to other communities and partaking in their contest. You're free to explore other communities and participate in their various contests. If you take a stroll to @Worldofxpilar, a contest on Cityscape Photography and Art is going on there. Also in @steemgeography, a contest about 'your favourite season' is being hosted there. If you're a good cook, just take a cab to @steemfoods and post about your food preparation. Hello friend, @mobibliss, because of the care I have for you, I want you to go learn and earn in steemcryptoacademy where we're lectured by our professors concerning cryptocurrency.
Big thanks and achievements as you participate in the following Activities listed above.
@prolee cares.

 4 years ago 

Thanks for the guide .

 4 years ago 

Thank you

 4 years ago 


 4 years ago 

Hello @mobibliss. Welcome to #steemit.

You have such a wonderful story to share. I also was in some kind of similar situation before. Let us be strong together. For God will never trial us if He knew we couldn't get through it. That, I believe.

There are so many communities in steemit, I'm sure you will find those which suit you. But, may I suggest Newcomers' Community, Steemit Nursery and Steem Alive for starter?

You can click on their names and they will lead you to respective community. I think these three will help you greatly.

Other than that, please enjoy your stay.


 4 years ago 

Thank you

 4 years ago 


 4 years ago 

Wow.. what a sweet write up you have here.. I assure you joined the right trend .

You're super welcome to steemalive Family Mr. Chimobi.
❤️How pleasant to have you here .

I'm Godson @kadosh2340. The Least Born

• Do well to reply all compliments and comments both here on WhatsApp and on the Platform.

• Do well to read and observe the rules and regulations of the Community.
• Feel free to explore the platform ...

You're welcome once again Mr Chimaobi..! ❤️

 4 years ago 

Thanks bro

Welcome to steemit blockchain @mobibliss, having a disability is not limiting your ability to do many things in life. You can get engaged with members in this platform and participate in contests on any community. Constantly follow @steemitblog for constant updates, join the @diarygame and @LID on @steemAlive community. Feel free in our mist. Congratulations on completing your achievement 1 task
#twopercent #cameroon

 4 years ago 

Thank you

UpWith a cheerful heart, I @chizikky187 is glad to welcome you @mobibliss as one of the #SGG in the house.
You made a right choice if joining steemit and I assure you will Excel only in your committed efforts to make participation in joining the success hub.
Steemit has many ways of earning like following the @steemitblog.
Right in @steemitblog, we have an ongoing lectures by our steemit crypto professors in @steemitcryptoacademy.
If you'll participate in the lectures, you do the assignment and you earn high.
If you follow @steemalive the best community in steemit, you have many ways of earning in steemalive community.
You write your #lidreport and post under comment on any lid post.
Today's lid report is below 👇
Highlight your carrot as a spotlight. Always support lid report.
Always participate in #steemitcontest.
Best regards from here @chizikky187.
@chizikky187 cares and feel free to notify my attention.

 4 years ago 


hello @mobibliss you're highly welcomed to steemit platform, what a nice step you have taken, I appreciate your believe put up a hard work here in steemit and you will be surprised t what you will achieve, steemit Platform is a great platform with lots of opportunities, so I will encourage you to explore the platform and take good advantage of your opportunity, involve yourself in the many contest available and register with other platforms under steemit like, @SteemitCryptoAcademy
@Writing & Reviews
@Music For Steem
@Account Booster
@Steem Geography
@Steemit Nursery
@Steem Healthcare
Work hard and reap the reward of working hard I am @gentle101 a member of @steemalive greeters guide, once more you're welcome

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