Achievement 3 by @kingporos Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello, Steemians

Hope you all are doing well in this pandemic. I'm Nirmalya, I have already done my Achievement 1 & 2 so I'm going forward and attempting Achievement 3.

I want to thanks @cryptokannon and @steem.history for helping me better understand about Etiquette Guide in Steem.

What is Plagiarism

Presenting someone's work as your own is called plagiarism. If Someone comes up with an original idea/word but you pass on that idea/word as your own then it's called plagiarism.

Plagiarism can be related to anything. Be it copying others' literary work without giving them proper credit or cite them without their consent.

Duplicating or redistributing texts, images, ideas, music, videos, and counterfeiting them fall under the category of plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a form of stealing and it's ethically wrong. It is unethical for three reasons.

"Firstly, it is unethical because it is a form of theft. By taking the ideas and words of others and pretending they are your own, you are stealing someone else’s intellectual property.
Secondly, it is unethical because the plagiariser subsequently benefits from this theft.
Thirdly, a degree is evidence of its holder’s abilities and knowledge. If a student gains employment on the basis of a qualification they have not earned, they may be a risk to others." Source

Plagiarism is FRAUD. Period.


Steem is a blockchain-based social media and members earn by adding original content. As for me, Steem is not just a social media it is a virtual community for us. Human civilization came a long way, and one of the reasons for it because we have certain guidelines in our society. To grow as a community we too have to follow some guidelines too.

In my mother tongue meaning of Etiquette is "শিষ্টাচার", it means civility. So don't just post and run away from the community. Engage with the community and be a part of it. Upvote good content, engage with them by meaningful commenting. Support newcomers. Support each other. Be humble. Be courteous.


"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

Here is my Achievement - 1 .

Thank you & Steem On ✌🏽


Hey ya!
It's better if you copy from anywhere. Write it in block quotes using this ">" then provide it's source.

Happy Steeming!

 3 years ago (edited)

First of all, Thank you @aniqamashkoor for Verifying my Achievement 3.

Updated it. Please check.

I have one concern though, I have already verified Achievment 2 but didn't get an upvote by @steemcurator03 as stated by @cryptokannon . Source

Looking for an update.

Steem On

You will get it. If it goes 5 days old and you don't get the upvote then please tag me back.

Hey @kingporos, This is Aniqa Mashkoor, A greeter helper.

You have completed your achievement 3 about plagiarism. Hope so with completion of this achievement you must have gain all the knowledge about how to source and cite.


Your next task is to complete achievement 4 Achievement 4 : Applying Markdown

I encourage you to complete your achievements till 4 to be a part of NEWCOMERS SUPPORT PROGRAM which is 500SP Minnow Support Program in the Newcomers' Community.

Happy steeming :)

 3 years ago 

Hi, @kingporos,

Your post has been supported by @tarpan from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

Thank you @tarpan.

Can you please support my Achievement 2 post?

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