Achievement 3 by @jovita30 Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

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Plagiarism is a type of cheating that involves the use of another person's ideas, words, design, art, music, etc., as one's own in whole or in part without acknowledging the author or obtaining his or her permission. Plagiarism is not just restricted to written text, but is applicable to other works such as ideas, design, art, and music. Source

There are different types of plagiarism and all are serious violations of academic honesty. We have defined the most common types below and have provided links to examples.source

Direct plagiarism is the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else’s work, without attribution and without quotation marks. The deliberate plagiarism of someone else's work is unethical, academically dishonest, and grounds for disciplinary actions, including expulsion.source

Self-plagiarism occurs when a person submits his or her own previous work, or mixes parts of previous works, without permission from all professors involved. For example, it would be unacceptable to incorporate part of a term paper you wrote in high school into a paper assigned in a college course. Self-plagiarism also applies to submitting the same piece of work for assignments in different classes without previous permission from both professors.source

Mosaic Plagiarism occurs when a person borrows phrases from a source without using quotation marks, or finds synonyms for the author’s language while keeping to the same general structure and meaning of the original. Sometimes called “patch writing,” this kind of paraphrasing, whether intentional or not, is academically dishonest and punishable – even if you footnote your sourcesource

Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects to cite their sources, or misquotes their sources, or unintentionally paraphrases a source by using similar words, groups of words, and/or sentence structure without attribution. We must learn how to cite their sources and to take careful and accurate notes when doing research. Lack of intent does not absolve the you of responsibility for plagiarism. Cases of accidental plagiarism are taken as seriously as any other plagiarism and are subject to the same range of consequences as other types of plagiarism.

Examples of Plagiarism

  1. Copying another writer's work with no attempt to acknowledge that the material was found in an external source
    Copying material from several writers & rearranging with citation
  2. Incorporating another writer's words or phrases within a larger paraphrase, without quotation marks or citation
  3. Changing the words of an original source, but uses the ideas without citing
  4. Changing the words of an original source & using the author's ideas with attempts to acknowledge the material's source(s), but without correctly citing
  5. Using graphs, charts, figures, or images from a source without citing
  6. Failing to cite, believing info is "common knowledge" source


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  1. Know When to Cite
    First and foremost, many incoming New commers have the misconception that you only have to cite your information if it is a direct quote. However, this is far from the truth. Even if you are paraphrasing an idea, you need to provide a citation. As a “Golden Rule” you should always remember to give credit where credit is due. In other words, if the idea is not completely your own, you must cite the source (journal, magazine, book, internet site, etc,) where the information was found. Otherwise, you could be at risk of plagiarizing.source

  2. Use Quotation Marks
    If you do decide you use an exact quote from a particular source, it is important that you use quotation marks, copy the information word for word, and cite the source. If you do not, you could be misconstruing the author’s original idea and presenting a false representation.source

  3. Err on the Side of Caution
    It can be hard at times to distinguish your own ideas from other people’s ideas, however, when in doubt it is best to always err on the safe side and cite a source! Unless it can be qualified as “common knowledge,” you ought to take a second to ask yourself where that thought or piece of information originated.source

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

Thank you very much for this opportunity


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I am happy to announce that i have successfully verified your achievement 3 post. Now you are eligible for performing your achievement 4 which is about the applying markdown. You can refer this post for your next task.


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 3 years ago 

Thank you @sumit7428

 3 years ago 

My label has not changed based on the verified achievement 3

It has been updated thanku.

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