Achievement3 by @janesanyim task: content Etiquette 06-06-2022

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

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Hello everyone! I am so excited to be here once again for the writing and posting of my achievement 3 which revolves around plagiarsm.


With the speeding spread of the Internet, plagiarism is an emerging issue not only for the academic community but also for all educational and training institutions and organizations. However, this issue has not yet been considered comprehensively and seriously in the Society at large. Therefore, in this achievement 3, l would be discussing extensively on plagiarism, disadvantages of plagiarism and ways to avoid it.


Plagiarism is copying others’ work, even by expressing it using one’s own words without proper citation. In other words, plagiarism means using someone else’s intellectual product as their work. Therefore, it is considered as the theft of intellectual property.

Plagiarism is a theft and can warrant sanction or even imprisonment because it is considered a violation of academic integrity and a breach of journalistic ethics.


Patchwork plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
Global plagiarism
Verbatim plagiarism

PATCHWORK PLAGIARISM : This is an act of putting together parts of different sources
of information so as to create your own text.

PARAPHRASING PLAGIARISM: This means re-writing someone else's text and making it your own without acknowledging the owner.

GLOBAL PLAGIARISM: This is the process of presenting the totality of another person's work as your own without taking permission from the owner. Global plagiarism can be done online or from a hard copy.

SELF-PLAGIARISM: Self-plagiarism is an act of recycling your own previous work.

VERBATIM PLAGIARISM: This is a direct copying of someone else's work and presenting it as your own.


Plagiarism has so many disadvantages and these ranges from destruction of student's reputation, student's expulsion from school as well as destruction of academic and professional reputation.



Plagiarism can actually be avoided and stopped irrespective of whether someone is writing an article, term paper, content for sale or thesis. Below are the following ways to get plagiarism avoided.



One can avoid plagiarism by being the original author of one own's work. There is nothing so satisfying and fulfilling to understand that your work is devoid of plagiarism and that you are actually the originator of your own work. When the impact of our brain child is positively felt, we are commended and plagiarism is avoided.

As a student, you can avoid plagiarism while writing your assignment. Do not procrastinate, start your research on time and gather all the required information needed for the successful writing and completion of your own assignment. Read the information over and over and understand it very well then translate and write it correctly using your own choices of words. That way, your assignment is done correctly and your professor is proud of you as he awards you more marks because it is done without plagiarism.

After making references to an already written work, do well to properly and fully acknowledge the author. Once good acknowledgement is done, plagiarism has been avoided.

While reading or in the class, take your own note and develop your own work by yourself. Preparing your own work is a good way of not plagiarizing.


I consider plagiarism a theft because It cuts across cheating, copyright infringement, stealing, faulty citation imitation and so on. I believe that plagiarism has a well stipulated rule which is taking permission from an author of a book or giving full recognition, citation and acknowledgement to the true owner of an article before publishing it.

In view of the above mentioned fact, plagiarism can be fought and put to a stop if we can embrace creativity and make good use of our God-giving brain and create something unique that we can proudly call our own.

"I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community, and also will do my very best to embrace them".


Hi @janesanyim I hope you are well, after reviewing your achievement 3 i must inform you that this does not meet the requirements established for validation according to the Newcomers' Community.

Do not forget at the end of the post to put the sentence at the end:

"I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and also will do my very best to embrace them."

“You must use one of the citation examples described in the explanation of achievement 3, For this you must make a post of no less than 200 words of your authorship about what plagiarism is and additionally include the aforementioned examples (they will not be counted within 200 words)”.

“All the content used that is not 100% of your authorship must be cited according to what is described in the protocol of achievement 3”.

Use the citations to identify the content that is not of your authorship, remember that the other part of the post must be of your authorship and not less than 200 words.

Make the corrections and I will come back to verify your achievement


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