in Newcomers' Community4 years ago



Selamat malam sahabat steemian.

Dimanapun sahabat berada semoga sahabat sehat selalu. Pada malam yang indah ini saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya di steemit pada seluruh anggota steemit yang ada dunia khusnya di tempat saya tinggal di Indonesia.

Pertama saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya terlebih dulu di dunia steemit, nawa saya Ruswanda, umur saya sekitar 24 tahun. Saya mengenal steemit dari teman saya dan saya tertarik saat mereka menjelaskan steemit kepada saya, dan saya tertarik saat mendengar apa yang mereka bicarakan tentang steemit.
Akhirnya saya ingin mengenal steemit lebih jauh lagi. Saya memutuskan membuat akun steemit.

Sedikit aktivitas saya sehari hari.
Saya pernah kuliah di salah satu universitas ternama yang ada di tempat saya tinggal di Indonesia yaitu di Aceh. Dan saya mengambil jurusan di bidang guru dan akhirnya saya lulus pada tahun 2014 dengan predikat memuaskan.

Saya terlahir dari keluarga yang bisa di bilang sederhana, dan prinsip hidup saya pantang menyerah dan saya akan selalu berusaha sekuat mungkin agar apa yang saya inginkan tercapai.
Mengenai hobi saya sangat suka main bola.
Itu adalah salah satu hobi saya. Dan saya suka menulis.

Dan saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada senior saya di komunitas paltfrom ini yaitu bg @heriadi, @salmanwains, dan semua teman saya yang telah memperkenalkan dan memberi masukan kepada saya tentang steemit. Sehingga saya tertarik dan ingin mengenal platfrom ini lebih jauh lagi.
Dan saya akan membagikan beberapa momen terbaik yang layak untuk saya bagikan di platfrom ini dan saya akan memberikan yang terbaik.

Dan hanya sekian dari saya sebagai perkenal saya di steemit. Dan saya sangat meminta maaf apabila ada kata kata saya yang kurang baik. Saya minta maaf karena saya pemula di steemit dan di platfrom ini.
Dan tidak sepenuhnya tau tentang steemit.
Dan saya sangat membutuhkan saran dan kritikan dari sahabat steemit untuk saya lebih tau lagi.
Sekali lagi saya minta maaf apabila ada kata kata saya dalam postingan kurang baik.


Good evening steemian friends. Wherever you are, hopefully you will always be healthy. On this beautiful night I want to introduce myself to steemit to all members of the world, especially where I live in Indonesia.

First I want to introduce myself to the world of steemit, my nawa is Ruswanda, I'm about 24 years old. I got to know steemit from my friends and I was intrigued when they explained steemit to me, and I was intrigued when I heard what they had to say about steemit. Finally, I want to get to know Steemit even further. I decided to create a steemit account. A little of my daily activities. I once studied at one of the well-known universities where I live in Indonesia, namely in Aceh.

And I majored in the field of teachers and finally I graduated in 2014 with honors. I was born from a family that can be said to be simple, and the principle of my life is never to give up and I will always try my hardest so that what I want is achieved. Regarding hobbies I really like playing football. It is one of my hobbies. And I love writing. And I would like to thank my seniors in this paltfrom community, namely bg @heriadi, @salmanwains, and all my friends who have introduced and provided input to me about steemit. So that I was interested and wanted to get to know this platform further. And I will share some of the best moments that I deserve to share on this platform and I will give my best.

And only a few of me as my introduction to Steemit. And I really apologize if there are my words that are not good. I'm sorry that I am a beginner at Steemit and on this platform. And don't fully know about Steemit. And I really need advice and criticism from Steemit friends for me to know more. Once again I apologize if my words in the post are not good. Thank you.


Welcome to the world of Steem!

If you want to get started right away, the following community could be of interest to you:

You are also invited to take part in my daily delegation draws.
There are 100 and more SteemPower to be won every day.
100 SP can make the start much easier for newcomers in particular.
Here is the link to the current raffle:

I wish you a great time on our blockchain!

Steem on!

Yours @kryptodenno

Hello @iwanda,

🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸Welcome to Steemit🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸

Check out @cryptokannon's Newcomers Achievement Program and complete these achievement assignments for a great start on Steemit. You can learn how Steemit functions and what other resources are accessible to you by doing so.

Steemit is blockchain-based blogging and social networking site that pays users in STEEM cryptocurrency for posting and curating material. Do participate by making posts, commenting on other users' posts, and voting on others' posts.

Aside from the Newcomers' Community, you should go at the List of Steemit Communities Categorized by Their Subjects and find a community that is a good fit for you.

Remember to follow @steemitblog for the most recent updates.

Best regards,

 4 years ago 

thanks for the information, what community can i join

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