Achievement Task 3: Content Etiquette by @chrisubuo

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)


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It's an honor to have you here in my blog, I Hope you are doing fine and life is being kind to you. I was successfully with my achievement 2 and it's now time to pay attention to the third achievement post which is about content etiquette.

plagiarism is one among the most emphasized content etiquett on Steemith and In this post, I will concentrate more on plagiarism as one of the most frown among the don't on Steemit.
To be on the same page, let's start by defining plagiarism

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is a dishonest act involving usurper who takes another person's intellectual property presenting it as if it was his, without giving the true owner any credit through referencing or a citation.

"The merriam webster dictionary traces the etymology of plagiarism to it's Latin roots where it conveys the idea of a person who kidnapped words" The merriam webster

Plagiarism in most cases is a form of stealing that doesn't involve the taking of physical materials or property, it often involves someone being robbed of an idea, or claiming craftsmanship over another person's work. A case of Plagiarism can be established over a picture, video, an audio recording, an art work, an idea, a poem, or any other products of creative thinking.

Types of plagiarism

Global Plagiarism:
In global Plagiarism, the person commiting plagiarism has coped another person's entire work and has presented it as if it was his.

Paraphrasing Plagiarism:
In Paraphrasing Plagiarism, the crime is committed when a person picked another person's work and makes adjustments in the wordings of the text.

Self Plagiarism:
Here the person commiting this crime is presenting his own work more than once. The closest thing to this on steemit is posting one article in more than one community, or reposting one's old post after some time.

Mosaic Plagiarism:
This form of Plagiarism is an abuse of research. The plagiarist here compiles materials from different authors into a material he clams to be his without making any true contribution of his own.

How to avoid plagiarism

  • Write on topics you are familiar with.
  • Make good use of quotation marks
  • If you paraphrase a person's work, give the person some credit by pointing that out. An example is in my definition of Plagiarism as paraphrased from Merriam Webster's dictionary

Use a this style when the quotation involves a good number of lines of text.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

-Mark Twain

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao Tzu

My Declaration

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

Achievement 1 link
Achievement 2 link




Hi @chrisubuo, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

It's also very important for you to join #club5050. To join the club you need to power up at least 50% of your monthly earnings. You can also join #club75 where you will power up 75% of your earnings for 2 months or #club100 where you are to power up all your earnings for 3 months.

Also note that all achievement posts must be posted only once. Even if your post is not verified, you need to exercise patience and be sure to tag a greeter to verify you

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

Task rate:3

 2 years ago 

I posted my achievement 2 and it is still showing achievement 1 verified please help me out

 2 years ago 

Hi, @chrisubuo,

Your post has been supported by @ngoenyi from the Steem Greeter Team.

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