in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Hello y'all!!


I'm Bong Kluvert you can also call me Lava boy presently I'm 21 years old and will be 22 in May 2022.

Originally I'm from Mutengene and I grew up there and am now schooling in Buea(Molyko) in the University of Buea.
I know what you're thinking, that I look really young right, well it's cause I don't age normally, cool right?


About my studies;
I attended The GOVERNMENT BILINGUAL HIGH SCHOOL MUTENGENE from form one to High school, got my O-Level and A- level certificates.

Came to Buea to pursue a Bachelors degree in Plant Sciences at the University of Buea.

I dream of being a Pharmacologist to produce new drugs that impact the health department and also bring change in the science world.

Apart from being a student at the University I'm also a Teenage mentor and I bake cakes and donuts and do pastry from time to time.

Doing coordinator work

Working as a Peer mentor

I am also a Project Coordinator in an NGO known as RECAJ+ (Réseau Camerounaise de Jeune Positif) where we literally integrate HIV positives to Hospitals for treatment and also fight against stigmatisation by being their social advocates.

It's my passion to see that Adolescents and young people living with HIV stand tall in society.
I participate in sensitization activities against Gender based violence and stigma.


I like almost everything edible, that's if it's well cooked definitely, what mostly catches my attention is the taste of home made corn fufu and betel leaf soup, it's very tasty especially when my mum makes it, she makes the best meals ever.

I also have this passion for being a Teenage mentor, being an advocate and seeing the lives of someone change from being shy and colourless to being outspoken and joyful.

I also love baking and I'm not that bad at it.I like teaching because it brings out the best of me.

I love listening to Music when I feel bored, happy and sometimes when I feel down, I can also sing very well when I feel connected to a song.

I like watching American action movies, cartoons on Disney channel, Nickelodeon etc.


On steemit, I'd like to share all my experience about football, my comments about the matches and the players. I like how the professionals make their moves on the big TV, it makes me feel like all is possible.

Also I'll be making diary posts, creative writing and participating in most contests, I'll benaking posts on scientific research, methods and also updates on technology.

So you can follow my blogs @bongk to know how I feel about the matches, life, technology and many more.


Due to my struggle to make money, I joined a lot of online businesses both real and fake and I've been scammed a lot of times. It's been really disappointing but I thank God I got through it all.

I know much about crypto currencies and I'm very open and love to learn it and know more.
I'm open to online platforms and I believe I'll enjoy my stay here on steemit.


I found STEEMIT on WhatsApp through a WhatsApp group, where I learned about steemit and all its amazing benefits and so I decided to make myself a part of it.

That's how I got here
I'm thankful to @wase1234, @⁨b-naj⁩ ,@majerius and and @shance-light for their collective work and bringing the opportunity to others.


 3 years ago 

Welcome to Steemit @bongk

 3 years ago 

Welcome to steemit @bongk
You won’t regret joining us
Persistence and consistency is the key

 3 years ago 

Welcome to steemit @bongk. Actually I have seen you several times while I used to come around UB all of 2 months ago or You look like a guy who was usually around the lab. I studied microbiology but I'm done now so I guess we're all in life science then. I love how passionate you sound. I could tell you write this piece with all confidence. I will be looking forward to reading your posts and all the interesting stuff you've mentioned. Another thing we have in common is that my grandma lives in Mutengene and I'm usually there every now and then.. welcome once again..

 3 years ago 

Thanks @metuge I'm looking forward to reading your posts and maybe meeting you one day.

 3 years ago 

Welcome dr, its our duty to introduce others to steem and i hope u join the team pretty soon, i wish u the best stay in steem as you make money

 3 years ago 

Hi, @bongk,

Your post has been supported by @rypo01 from the Steem Greeter Team.

 2 years ago 

Welcome to Steemit @bongk
The first step to becoming a successful steemian is to READ. As such, I encourage you to take your time and read this:
Next, I want you to follow me (@thegreens), @steemitblog, @steemitnursery and @steem-cameroon for very interesting updates and opportunities.
I put together a few tips on how you can become a successful steemian which you can read here:

  1. How to become a successful steemian Part 1
  2. How to become a successful steemian Part 2

I will be following very closely to review and curate all your blog posts while giving you the feedback you need to be better and successful steemian.

 2 years ago 

Thanks very much @thegreens I'm looking forward to learning from you so I can become a successful steemian

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