Achievement 1: My Introduction Post | A New Journey Begins Here

in Newcomers' Community3 months ago (edited)

"Never be afraid to travel on a new path." This is one of the quotes by Lailah Gifty Akita that reminds me that life isn't just about standing still; there are so many places to explore, countless people to meet, and numerous new things to try.


First of all, I want to apologize if the photo I'm sharing isn't the best. Yeah, I don't have the best confidence when it comes to being in front of the camera, but I'm trying my best to capture this moment. After reading through some guides provided by this community and a few supporting blogs, I finally mustered the courage to introduce myself here today on this platform. Phew, I'm really excited!

Hey everyone! I'm @bayuismail, and you can call me Bayu. I hope you're all doing well. Currently, I'm 24 years old, and yeah, that's not exactly young anymore. I'm from Indonesia, specifically from Riau Province. I'm the eldest of two siblings, and I have a younger sister who currently lives with our parents in a different city. So, I'm trying to navigate life independently in a new city.

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What Am I Up To Right Now?

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After completing my studies in Computer Science at one of the universities last August, there hasn't been anything particularly special. Right now, I'm focusing on improving my self-love to enhance my mental health. I struggle with anxiety in certain situations, but I won't delve into that here.

Graduation Moment with my friends


Since graduating, I've been honing my writing and design skills. Although I haven't taken any specific courses, I'm trying to make the most out of the internet to find what I need. One of those things is starting another chapter here on this platform.

Some recent designs I've created.


cat ufo.jpg

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New But Familiar

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Actually, I'm not entirely unfamiliar with the blockchain; I've been there about three years ago on the Hive platform. On Hive, I shared things I love, ranging from my pets (cat), nature, food, to art. However, lately, I've been focusing more on art and design content.

At Steemit, I'm just the new guy, a newcomer, and yeah, I still need a lot of help, support, and advice from friends who have been here longer. And I hope this will be an exciting journey for me.

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Do I Really Have Hobbies?

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Of course, I do. I enjoy listening to music that I find good; here's one song I've been playing repeatedly recently, Black Friday by Tom Odell. But even though my daily life revolves around endless music, deep down, I'm very interested in gardening and baking. When I'm back in my hometown, my job is to bake (even if it's just experimenting). I feel alive when I'm in nature and kneading flour. I hope someday I can live off that, baking and gardening. Sounds fun, doesn't it?

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What Am I Looking For And What Do I Want To Be Here?

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At this initial step, I'm not really looking for specific posts or things on this platform. The main thing I want to do is explore and experience new things! Especially, I need to explore the various communities here, become a part of them, and if there's an opportunity, participate in them. I hope 2024 will be a good year for me to grow within the communities I join. On this platform, I'll try to enjoy every experience and every new thing I encounter. I'll try to share the art I create and some of my personal journeys that might be interesting to share.

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As I mentioned earlier, I'm not entirely new to the blockchain. I live there, grow there, and spend my spare time there. It's like it's become a part of me. I can express myself through the content I share.

I only heard about this platform about two years ago, if I'm not mistaken. I didn't know anyone here, so I looked up all the guides provided on this platform myself. I'm just an ordinary person with not many activities, but when I'm on the blockchain, I have my own busyness. Some time ago, after @evagavilan (One of the content creators at Hive that I know) and I followed each other on Instagram, I saw her post about collage with the #steemit tag. Steemit? A familiar word to me. After that I immediately directed my cursor to this platform. And yeah, this platform looks interesting! So, here I am now! Introducing myself to you.

I hope I can share interesting things with you soon. Can't wait to make some friends and communicate with people here. I think that's all for my introduction this time; I hope you have a good time reading this.

Care more about me? I'd love to hear from you in the comments section.

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Find me on Instagram | YouTube | Meta | Hive | Discord

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 3 months ago 

Selamat bergabung, postingan yang bagus untuk newcomer, aoa masih aktif di hive mas

 3 months ago 

Halo, terima kasih atas sambutan hangatnya. Senang sekali bisa bergabung di platform ini.

Ya mas, saya aktif membuat konten di Hive setiap hari .

Hi @bayuismail

It is important that on the paper where you write the data for your presentation, you also put the current date.

Please do not make a new publication, just edit this one and add a presentation photo placing the data, and also the current date.

 3 months ago 

I will fix it right away, thanks for the heads up.

 3 months ago 

Will be updated soon. Thanks for the heads up.

 3 months ago 

Hello @inspiracion, I made some edits to my post a few days ago as you requested, but unfortunately I can't see any updates to my post.

Hi @bayuismail

Welcome to Steemit.

Your achievement 1 is verified.

You can now continue with Achievement 2, when you write your post you must include images about the process of making token transfers and the process of power Up (see questions 4 and 5).
Remember to visit other publications, start following other blogs, vote and comment on your colleagues, each visit is a new friend and each vote brings its reward.

Remember to use the #Achievement2 and #(your country) tags and post from Newcomers' Community.

Achievements must be published only once.

I invite you to follow @steemitblog so that you are aware of the latest updates.

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