STEEM PLANTS CONTEST | Stage #19 | A Beautiful But Dangerous Ornamental Plant (Dieffenbachia Seguine) by @hidayat96

Good afternoon friends of the Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) community. Introducing my name @hidayat96, I'm from Indonesia. On this occasion I would like to take the opportunity to take part in a contest in the Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) community organized by a beautiful woman from Russia, namely @knopka145 . I also want to thank him because I am very happy to know the community, the reason is because in that community I can post about plants, nature, gardens, and others.

Alright friends, below I will make my post about a beautiful, but dangerous ornamental plant (Dieffenbachia Seguine).

This photo belongs to @hidayat96


This photo belongs to @hidayat96


This photo belongs to @hidayat96


Dieffenbachia Seguine is a type of house plant that is large and has colorful leaves. In Indonesia, it is better known as the "Happy Leaf". One of the species is commonly referred to as "Sri Fortune", or Dieffenbachia Seguine".

In Indonesia, the Dieffenbachia Seguine plant is widely used as an ornamental plant because of its beautiful and varied leaf colors ranging from green, white and yellow. In addition, this plant is also easy to grow and not difficult in terms of maintenance. The leaves are thick and wide but not easily damaged. But behind the beauty of this plant, it turns out that there are dangers too and are often ignored by the public.

Active substances that cause poisoning in plants Dieffenbachia sp.

This photo belongs to @hidayat96

Dieffenbachia Seguine belongs to the Araceae family with the main characteristic being the content of needle-shaped calcium oxalate crystals known as Raphide. Raphides are calcium oxalate crystals with sharp needle shapes that can be found in the tissues of the leaves of Dieffenbachia Seguine and are usually stored in special cells called idioblasts. The danger is in the form of toxins found in all parts of the Dieffenbachia Seguine plant. The stem contains a toxin from a proteolytic enzyme, known as Dumbcain. In contact with the skin, these needle crystals of calcium oxalate can cause initial injury.

If from this wound proteolytic enzymes enter the skin tissue, it can cause sensitive tissue irritation, itching, pain, and swelling. Moreover, if accidentally any part of the plant is swallowed, it does not take time for swelling of the lips, tongue and mouth to occur. And bubbles appear in which there is air or liquid, then the ability to speak will decrease or even disappear. Worse, this condition can last up to several days.

But friends, you don't have to worry. Below I explain about first aid for victims who have been poisoned by the Dieffenbachia Seguine plant. Please, friends, listen carefully.

  • If exposed to skin, then immediately rinse using running water for 15 minutes. Then clean with soap, then rinse again using running water.

  • If it hits the eyes, the method is almost the same as the treatment on the skin, namely, rinse the eyes with running water for 15-20 minutes while occasionally blinking. My advice, keep doing it until the pain is gone. However, if the eye still hurts, then immediately go to the hospital or to an ophthalmologist for medical treatment.

  • If swallowed, generally the victim will choke. The trick is to immediately remove the plant pieces from the victim's mouth. Then clean the mouth with running water slowly. Then check for difficulty swallowing, irritation, swelling or discoloration of the victim's mouth. If the victim can swallow immediately give half a glass of milk or water, preferably taken to the nearest hospital for medical treatment.

For Poisoning Prevention, my best advice would be:

  1. Do not place the Dieffenbachia Seguine plant in a location that is frequented by children and also pets.

  2. Avoid the sap of the Dieffenbachia Seguine plant.

  3. Use your gloves when you want to care for or plant Dieffenbachia Seguine plants.

That's how I made this post. Hopefully useful for those who read it. If any of your friends experience the things I have described above, then treat them immediately and seek advice from the hospital doctor. That is all and thank you...

Camera usedSmartphone Redmi Note 10 Pro
CategorySteem Plants Contest
Photo editor-

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About me



Hello!) we also actively use diffenbachia to decorate space. but you need to be careful with pets, these plants are not safe)

 3 years ago 

О, этоинтересный цветок!

Of course @strecoza. The flowers in our country are indeed attractive. I'll post more flowers in the next segment okay.

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