"Better Life with Steem" THE DIARY GAME "07 March 2024" Some moments of happiness with friends when tired of office work.

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello Everyone
I am @monirm
From #Bangladesh

Today is Thursday

07 March 2024



Hello friends Assalamu Alaikum how are you all I hope you all are well I am also very well with your prayers and the grace of Allah Anyway I have shared some moments of my day today I hope you all like it



Today, first of the day, I shared some moments of the morning with you, that is, I woke up in the morning, stood on the balcony, brushed my teeth for a while, then I went to the ashram, then I washed my face in front of the basin and freshened up. I came out from home and came to a small hotel in front of the office. I ate parota and dhal bhaji. After that I went to office. After coming to office, I punched my face like every day. Then I came to the office room. I print it and give it to the manager sir's table and I engage in my work then I go to my people and explain the work to them then if they have any problems I try to solve them then I work with them for some time and come and have a meeting with the manager sir for some time. I talked about it, listened to some directions, anyway, this is how I spent my morning moment beautifully



Today at noon before leaving office I got a call from home then told me to get small fish then I packed all the office work and prepared to leave office to have lunch then after leaving office I started looking for small fish then I went to fish. I went to the market and bought small fish. It was very good. Then I came home and took the fish. Then I came home and took a bath. I keep doing things again and my time is running out, then my work is not progressing. Prepared and spent beautifully



After finishing the day's work, he called me in the evening and said that a friend of mine got a promotion last month and he will come today to treat us and for that we three go on a motorcycle several kilometers away from our office. Then we went there and ate some food of our own choice. It was very nice to come to such a pleasant environment after a long time with friends. Spending some time in such a place to hang out will remove the mental tiredness anyway we come here to remove that tired face then we ate some food as we like then after eating we went to a cafe from there we had coffee we reached our destination. Prepared for then came home and came home and didn't have dinner today because we don't have to eat the amount we ate from outside then I got ready for sleep and spent today's time with friends very happily. So everything is good, the end of which is good, so I spent a lot of time happily, so everyone will be fine, God bless you.



Thank you very much for taking your valuable time to read and watch my daily activities.

Thank you

LocationBangladesh 🇧🇩📷
DeviceSamsung Mobaile

From #bangladesh


Allah Hafeez


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