in India Speaks2 years ago

Hello Steem India, it's a pleasure joining this community and taking part of this contest. I am most grateful to my friend @deepak94 for inviting me to join this contest.

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Even though I am still a student, I will talk about my favorite subject as a student. It's not actually what I study now but when I look back to my secondary school days, I remember that I really loved the subject Biology. I can remember almost everything I studied from that time. Biology made me think of becoming a doctor but the love of one subject can't determine the future right 😅.

My fifth year in secondary school was one of my best times studying biology because we studied it intensely. At that time, we have to write a nation wide public exam so that makes studies very intense.

a picture of me and my friends taken from when I was in secondary school

I can remember during that time before the exam I read my biology book three times completely and when the exams came, I aced it with an A grade. I was so so happy.
But it wasn't all fun and understanding though, I couldn't understand or didn't like some topics like motor neurons and sensors. It had such long explanations and they were complicated.

My Favorite Biology Topic was the Menstrual Cycle

I will be giving you guys a short lesson on the menstrual cycle and what menstruation is all about from what I can remember.

The menstrual cycle is the reoccurring phenomenon of menstruation. Menstruation is when a female passes out blood through her vagina due to the shattering of her unfertilized ovaries. This phenomenon happens to girls after puberty, that is from 10 years and above.

So now the menstrual cycle is the period from when your ovaries break then you bleed till when you start ovulating (producing new eggs) to the point where the eggs break again. All of this action happens within a time from of 28 to 32 days. So the repeated phenomenon after these range of days is what makes it a cycle.

So the range of days I stated above can be shorter and even longer. For people with short periods of less than 28 days, they tend to ovulate and menstruate at the same time while those with long periods have longer menstruation days and even longer ovulating periods. The blood flow during menstruation varies from woman to woman.

Many ladies get confused about the first day of their cycle. They think the first day of their cycle is when menstruation ends but that's wrong. The first day of menstruation is when the period begins and the last day of the cycle is the day before menstruation starts in the next cycle.

While menstruating, some women experience cramps on the lower abdomen. The cramps can actually be severe or mild depending on the woman. This is as a result of contraction of the womb as it sheds it's wall the were made whole preparing to welcome a child. Due to unfertilization, there is no fetus in the womb so as the ovaries breaks, the womb also sheds that inner walls.

During menstruation, we ladies have to wear paddings which soak the blood for a couple of hours. We have things like sanitary pads, tampons etc. When we wear these paddings, they have to last on us just for a couple of hours. For the pads it's said that they shouldn't be worn for more than 8 hours, but on my side I'll say they shouldn't be worn for more than 6 hours.

A picture of what the uterus can look like 😅, a pad and a tampon

The last thing I will like to share with you guys about menstruation is that we should always keep extra hygiene during that period because we a dealing with something from inside. Showers should be more regular, pads should be changed at short intervals, we should eat healthy and have clean underwear as well.

Why I Love Biology

Biology is the study of living things. It involves both plants and animals. So it's really interesting.

With biology we get to know what goes on in our bodies and also the reasons for some things like toothaches, menstruation and fever.

Through the study of biology, we get to learn so much about flora and funa. So many different kinds of plants and animals out there that we can't keep tract of but with the help of biology we can know quite a few.

I love biology because generally it's an interesting subject to study. It has so many diagrams and my favorite diagram to draw was the heart.

Above are a few reasons why I love biology, a lesson on biology and a small background of mine. I wish y'all learned something from my post. I'll love to read from you too so I'll go ahead and invite @chaitanno000 @victoh and @anuekpineung78 to join this content.

About Me

Thanks for reading!!


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@deepak94 (Moderator)
Steem India Community

 2 years ago 

Thank you for reviewing

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much sister for taking part in this contest. Going through your post I can say that you have a great presentation. Keep posting in steemindia and all the best for your results!

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much 🥰

I most confess that i have learned a lot from your article, and i really appreciate your effort. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us

 2 years ago 

You are welcome

I'm happy I could help

Yea, you have made an impact

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