Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W4 - Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep by @amryksr | #burnsteem25

in India Speaks2 years ago
At this time and opportunity I will participate in the Challenge held by @steemindiaa or can be seen here Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W4 - Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep? Give Reasons.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S3W4 - Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep.png


Changing either behavior or actions is not easy. Sometimes to change you need to ask other people's opinions. But it would be better for change to come from yourself. Change is a challenge for us so that we will be able to later live a better life than the present we are living.

Three things I would change
1. Wasting Time For Unnecessary Things

Everyone has 24 hours in a day, but in fact the 24 hours that I get are wasted. This is because I was wrong in using the time I had. Sometimes I waste my time thinking about the past. It's okay to think about the past so that it becomes an experience, but don't get stuck thinking about the past.

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I realized that, I failed in managing the time I had. This means that when I do a job I don't think about the time I have. I do not target when working, whether the work I do is ready in 1 hour or takes 2 hours. In doing our work, we should set the time.

2. The feeling of fear

Honestly, I am a person with fear. That is, when I am about to do something, I am immediately afraid, whether what I will do is wrong or right. Sometimes the fear that I experience disturbs my mind, from that fear I can't sleep or have no appetite.

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Many times I feel the fear of doing something I have never done, because I will be afraid of failure. And when it fails it will be another topic of conversation. So often when doing new things I rarely want to do it.

3. Easy to trust other people

Another thing I would like to change is that it is too easy to trust other people. I often empathize with people I just met, even though I'm not familiar with them. I will pass when other people talk sweet things. What's more, when other people talk about sad things or about their finances, I don't hesitate to help them right away.

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I will realize when the person I am helping does not fulfill his promise. For example, he will pay off his debt within 1 month, and when the 1 month period arrives he does not keep his promise. It was only then that I realized, I was too easy with people I just met. However, with my experience, I still make the same mistakes, even though it has become a lesson.

Three things I will defend
1. Appreciate the difference

In life, of course, there are differences, both differences of opinion or differences of belief. By respecting differences, there will be peace over disputes. Until now, I still hold fast to respecting differences, be it differences of opinion or differences of belief.

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In social life, we often encounter differences in choosing candidates for leaders. When someone has views about differences in the election of leaders I don't mind. Because to judge whether the candidate deserves to be chosen or not depends on the person who judges it. I myself appreciate each of these differences and do not mind it.

2. Positive thinking

Positive thinking is a very good behavior. In positive thinking, it will give birth to thoughts that are eager to start life. With positive thinking we will be able to increase our motivation to live and believe and believe that what we are going to do is achieved. When you think positively, happiness will come automatically.

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When a problem is overwritten, don't ever think negatively, because if you are carried away by negative thoughts, the problems we are currently facing will be resolved, they will only increase. With positive thinking, then we can finish. With positive thinking, we can see the good side of the problems we are facing.

3. Try and start something new

At first when I try new things it scares me, but over time I like new things. When I do something new I mean I enrich or add to the experience. When we do new things, it is possible for us to be known by others and when we do new things, we will gain knowledge that we have never had before.

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By doing new things we can know ourselves, appreciate, understand and love ourselves. So never be afraid to do new things, because new things can increase experience and increase friendships and improve relationships.


For me self-change or necessity and must be lived. Because every human being is required to be better, it is impossible for us to be the same from day to day. We often hear that today is better than yesterday and that tomorrow may be better than today. Change must be based on our own, because to change is not possible for others.

Here I invite friends to participate in this Challenge. Please join @ayijufridar, @zainalbakri, @liasteem, @husaini, @afrizalbinalka, @f2i5, @abialfatih, @yanis01, @amre, @jufrimj and others.


About me @amryksr



Hi, friend
Certainly, as you mention many times when thinking about how things could happen, we imagine so many versions and everything negative and we suffer more than even how they really happen.
and it happens to many of us that we lose time, we must establish time for everything as you mention it and your qualities to preserve indicates that you are a very special and noble Being, who must be more attentive in that we only see faces and not hearts.
Nice to read you, Greetings!

 2 years ago 

When we can't manage time, we still haven't made changes for us. Because by being able to manage time, everything we will do can be easily resolved.

Postingan yang bagus brother, mempercayai orang berlebihan juga tidak baik, kita hanya bisa berfikir positif dan jangan lemah. Saya juga terkadang sangat percaya kepada mereka yang mengatakan nya dengan tulus namun sebenarnya hanya akal bulus...
Semoga sukses untuk kontesnya...

 2 years ago 

Memang akal bulus seseorang sudah menjadi tabiat mereka.
Mereka akan melakukan seribu cara agar apa yang mereka maksudkan tercapai.

Ia, anda benar sekali...
Semoga kita tidak seperti mereka..

 2 years ago 

Semoga kita dijauhkan dsri perbuatan demikian.

Hola amigo @amryksr saber administrar el tiempo es muy necesario al leerte creo que tambien es otra de mis fallas.!

De tus aspectos positivos me gusta mucho el ser positivo, esto marca un a gran diferencia en la vida.

Me gusto leerte, te deseo éxitos en el concurso


 2 years ago 

Hasta ahora no he podido administrar el tiempo lo mejor posible. Espero que en el futuro pueda administrar mi tiempo para que no se desperdicie. Gracias por tu comentario amigo.

¡Hola! me gusto mucho tu participación.

En lo personal también pierdo mucho tiempo en cosas innecesarias y estoy intentando gastarlo en cosas útiles.

El pensamiento positivo es algo muy bueno y mas cuando hay situaciones difíciles, a veces es difícil mantenerlo, pero se puede lograr.

 2 years ago 

Intento ser lo más organizado posible para no desperdiciar. Todo lo que haremos debe pensar en positivo, para que lo que hagamos tenga sentido.

Hola amigo buen punto creo que también tengo el defecto de ser confiada anexo ese punto #4 para mí jejejeje, porque a veces las personas solo sacan provecho y ya..

Otro punto que me encantó es que el tiempo es algo muy importante para todos, más si lo dedicamos a cosas que no son útiles ya sería tiempo desperdiciado.

Y de lo que no cambiarías de ti.. al probar cosas nuevas es normal sentir incertidumbre al principio, pero da mucha satisfacción personal saber que somos versátiles, está es una opción que tenemos en #steemit a veces con los concursos, redacciones, fotografías entre otras probamos sacar lo mejor de cada uno...
Éxitos.. Saludos..👍

 2 years ago 

Hacer cosas nuevas puede agregar al conocimiento que solíamos saber para saber. Al hacer cosas nuevas, inconscientemente agregamos relaciones.

 2 years ago 

Trying new things is very important in life this will make us under and learn more and we become better than we were yesterday. Great qualities you possess my friend. Have a nice day

 2 years ago 

Don't always dwell on old things, try to try new things to add to the experience.

¡Hola! muy buena participación.

Eres una persona que no sabía medir su tiempo e incluso lo malgastaba. Es importante aprender a mejorar este aspecto, y tal como tu explicas, sabes fijar el tiempo cuando llevamos a cabo algún trabajo. De esta forma aprenderemos a ser disciplinados y terminar a tiempo.

Eres una persona que respeta las opiniones y criterios de los demás y eso esta bien. Cada quien tiene sus creencias, culturas, tradiciones y forma de ver el mundo, y no debemos atarcarlas sin base para querer imponer las nuestras.

Saludos y éxitos.

 2 years ago 

Solía ​​ganar tiempo sin ser útil, podía pasar horas en mi celular.

Hi @amryksr , thank you for inviting me to your blog and I was nicely surprised to read such lovely post. When reading it feels that you are speaking from your heart and it is obviously that you are a kind person who is ready to help others but also who is very positive thinking. Sometimes this feature of character could be misused by others and this is something that may leave negative impact in your soul.

I think using time appropriately this is something that you should learn and try really to plan your time and your activities and do not think much about. Everything is simply in this life and if this does not work from first time then will work next time.

 2 years ago 

I have to change the use of time that so far I have not been able to fully manage time. Thank you for visiting my blog

It's great reading through your entry. Fear is one thing we shouldn't allow in our dealings, anything can hardly be achieved if fear was given the chance to operate.

It's quite awesome you give room to trying something new, that's a great attribute. Hold on to it and keep exploring more. Good luck, @amryksr.

 2 years ago 

Tuve que soltar lo que había en mí y consideré el miedo la enfermedad más grande.

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