SEC-S13/W3 | "Bare Feet 🐾"

in Healthy Steem9 months ago
Hello Healthy Steem Community




How are you doing #healthysteem community members? I hope all of you are well and healthy 🙏 ! This is new contest with amazing concept. It has been organised by @hive-168205 in this community so I am very thankful for this.

In this contest,I need to write about Barefoot. So let's write on this unique topic.



Contest Link

Do you like walking barefoot? Explain your reasons.



I like walking barefoot on green grass and at temples. My parents always adviced me to walk barefoot on green grass for a few minutes in morning because it connects me to many health benefits. When we walk barefoot on green grass so it improves eyes sight power and it is medical proven point so I never skip this because it is very necessary because we are working on Steemit and eye sights should be sharp and clear.

When we walk barefoot so it makes relax our mind. So morning atmosphere always works and barefoot walk always help to feel peace and relax.

I am not sugar patient but in my family, few members are sugar patient so I always feel scared so I walk barefoot because I read it somewhere that it helps to control sugar.



So basically I like barefoot walk for many health benefits and I also walk on temples because you feel that you are very near to God.

How important is taking care of your feet?



Our feet is very important part of our body because when we walk, so all weight of body goes to feet. If we will not take care of our feet so it will be trouble to our whole body. Many people use to suffer knees ache problem, even back problems, fungle infection on feet, especially heel spur pain etc.



Simple we should care our feet to get rid of many diseases of feet and we can get many health benefits which are proven alreday. Walking is best exercises among all exercises.

What do you think of the saying “Don't walk barefoot, parasites can get in”?

Absolutely yes, that's why I said above that I like to walk barefoot on green grass for few minutes. If we walk barefoot at home or any other places so definitely it may cause infection problem in feet.



When we walk barefoot so bacterias and viruses can contact to our skin easily and they can enter via our skin and gives many skin problems.


Diabetic patients can walk barefoot on green grass for few minutes otherwise they should avoid barefoot walk otherwise it will be danger for them because if they get skin infection on their feet so it is not easy to heal up.


So this is correct Don't walk barefoot, parasites can get in.

What do you think of a world without shoes?



I can not think world without shoes. Because now it is not consider as fashion only, it is necessary. I know, thousands year back, people did not wear shoes and they walked barefoot but now time has been changed. Many diseases exists in this world.

If people will not wear shoes, they get infection easily via feet. Many health problems will grow so shoes are important but costly shoes are not important. Many people use to spend huge amount on shoes which is un necessary expenses. According to me 100 steem is more than enough.

I would like to invite my few friends for this contest : @edgargonzalez, @enamul17, @wilmer1988

25% to null

I support to #burnsteem25

Thank You

 9 months ago 

I appreciate your sharing about walking barefoot. It's great to learn how it becomes part of your morning routine and the health benefits it provides. You emphasize the importance of taking care of your feet and how it can impact overall health. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

 9 months ago 

Yes sir, I always try to be close to nature because in this fast time , we have to get some time for ourselves to do something to be fit otherwise many diseases are standing for us to attack

 9 months ago 

Your entire explanation is very good, friend, the feet are really very important since our entire body rests on them!
Furthermore, walking freely is not good, but it is true that it generates good contact with the floor that generates relaxation!
I don't like to walk unceremoniously, I'm used to wearing shoes all day, just to tell you that I don't wear cholas but shoes and a half!!
Your participation is very good! Greetings!

 9 months ago 

It's okay, everybody has their own routine life and I know you are working on farming land for whole day so it is not good to walk barefoot. I understand. I am glad that you replied me and again congratulations to you for being curator again in November month. A big heart to you sir.

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Congratulations! A 100% upvote from @steemkidss, the official account of steem kids and parents community have been given to this active post as a winner of my week one picture contest. Keep participating and keep winning

 9 months ago 

Walking bare-footed isn't encouraging at all because we might step on harmful things found on the ground.

One of the best place to walk bare-footed outside is the Beach because it gives a natural and healthy sensation to the body.

I wish you good luck in this contest brother, have a nice day.

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