Contest Alert ! My Health ------- My Wealth Season 2 with Healthy Steem

in Healthy Steem10 months ago

Greetings my dear love once of the steemit community, is always an opportunity to take part in this contest, I @vickyson welcome you all to my blog posts it an honor to have you all.

What is health? Share in your own words.


Health, don't depend on drugs or out of hospital is a fundamental freedom or totality of mental stable physical health sustainable life without challenge, to be healthy, means you are mentally, physically, and morally sound you can stand on your own and defend your strength and capability, to be healthy means you are free from diseases that can weigh you down at any moment, some people Brainn has been interrupted through accidents or mental illness,

Some people are born without health while some were born healthy and sickness overthrown them as life goes on while some unhealthy catch up with them when they become old so to be healthy means totality or freedom from sickness of any such

What makes up good health?


The things that make up good health, one of them is the stability of your mindset and the peace that your mind possesses within the surroundings of your wealth happiness, and sustainable lifestyle, also the people surrounding you can build up your good health the exercise you do regularly, the foods that you eat contribute a lot to the good health you obtain in life,

the rest that you give to yourself after a workday contributes a lot to good health because your body is not an iron or robot that works all day long, I think even a robot needs to be charged for it to be active as human you need rest to come that your brain your body system the cells it's built them up to become strong again when you give them rest

What's your understanding of the phrase "Health is Wealth"?


Your health is your wealth is a big phrase that represents the life cycle of human beings, some people are healthy but they don't have wealth, while others have wealth, but they are not healthy enough to eat from the wealthy life they have, that is why it is advised that if you are healthy and you have wealth you should maintain your status in a health line you should live a balanced life of Regular check-up eating good diet taking good precaution of anything that may harm your life and lead it to trouble that will stop you from enjoying the wealth that you are having,

Finally Where Your Wealth is there is your heart and your health.

Am inviting my dear friends @bela90 @yakspeace @ruthjoe to participate in the contest. Thank you #steemhealth for organizing this sweet contest.

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