SEC-S13 / W5 | "How can alcohol cause damage to your health! 🍺"

in Healthy Steem10 months ago (edited)


Welcome to my blog! I am glad to participate in this week's engagement challenge contest about alcoholic and its damages.
Excess intake of alcohol can so people more harm than good. So anyone who want to drink alcohol should drink in moderation and avoid being addicted to alcohol.

🍺 When can we say that a person is an alcoholic? Give reasons for your answer!


Knowing when someone is alcoholic can be difficult since there is no specific thing that define an alcoholism. Though not having a specific threshold for alcoholism definition, there are some guidelines that can help us to know when a person is an alcoholic or not. Some of those things includes:

  1. If the person drinks more alcohol than him or her intended to drink.
  2. If the person drinks more often than him or her used to drink in the past.
  3. If the person finds it difficult to cut down his or her alcoholic intake but could not do so.
  4. If the person continues to drink alcohol even when facing negative consequences.
  5. If someone drinks in order to forget about his or her failure in life or in order to cope with difficult circumstances.

A diagnose can be carried out by a doctor in order be sure if a person is an alcoholic.

🍺 Do you think alcohol is a drug? justify your answer!


The short answerr to this question is yes. Alcohol is considered by many to be a drug. The reason for this answer is because of the psychoactive substances that has the ability to ulter the mind and thereby affecting the brain.
Just like any chemical drug, alcohol usually absorb into the blood and the blood then carries it to all part of the body including the brain.

And when the alcohol get into the brain it changes the way people thinks being the more reason why people who drinks excess alcohol becomes insane or behave abnormally. The way they thinks changes as a result of alcoholism.

🍺Can alcoholism be considered a disease? How to control it!

After much reasoning, I consider alcoholism as a disease. I am of the opinion that alcoholism is a disease because of it negative effect on human being, like becoming insane and other misbehaviours. Most rapists are those who gave in to heavy drinking of alcohol.
Alcohol has a lot of health related effects that if left untreated or cared for, it can result in serious complications and untimely death.

Alcoholic makes the drinker vulnerable to other diseases as a result of rhe chemicals weakening the person's immune system.

There are many things that can be done to control alcohol such as:

  1. Seting limits of the quantity of alcohol him or her will drinks and also how often they will drink alcohol will him in the control of alcohol.
  2. Finding other ways to cope with stress, bad feelings and emotions rather than turning to alcohol for solution to their bad emotions and feelings.
  3. Avoiding situations that can triggers their needs for alcohol.


So one can decides to stay back from a party because the person sense that there will be a lot of alcoholic beverages there.

🍺Is every drinker considered an alcoholic?


Not every drinker should be considered an alcoholic unless the person is addicted to alcohol.
I usually drinks alcohol but I do that in moderation and I don't think I am an alcoholic because I can stay for some days, weeks or even a few months without drinking alcohol.
Since I do not experience any negative consequences, I don't consider myself to be an alcoholic and so do anyone who drinks alcohol in moderation, they should not be considered as alcoholic.

So I am strongly of the opinon that not every drinkers of alcohol is an alcoholic.


Small amount of alcohol is not completely bad unless a person has health challenges that stops the person from taking alcohol not even a sip.

I am inviting @manuelhooks, @okere-blessing and @eliany to participate in this engagement challenge contest.

 10 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Hey there! 🌟 Your take on alcoholism is spot-on. Moderation is the key, and your insights on identifying potential alcoholism indicators are quite thoughtful. The comparison of alcohol to a drug due to its psychoactive effects adds an interesting layer. Also, considering alcoholism as a disease, highlighting its impact on mental health, is a profound perspective. Your suggestions for control, like setting limits and finding alternative coping mechanisms, are practical and wise. Keep sharing these insightful posts! Cheers to responsible choices! 🥂👏

 10 months ago 

The negative effects it causes or generates in the human body are so many, that is why it is classified as a chronic disease and should be treated before it becomes very serious. Many people do not give importance to it and prefer to continue "enjoying" these negative effects and malignant censorship.

Your explanation is very understandable and pleasant, I wish you success!


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @chant

Thank you dear @chant for the support

Finding other ways to cope with stress, bad feelings and emotions rather than turning to alcohol for solution to their bad emotions and feelings.

In our society today people depend on alcohol as a companion the run to for help whenever they are depressed with situations like family crisis, breakup in relationships, accumulated depth and many more. But I'd like to ask you a question, what are the other ways one can use to console himself instead of alcohol??

Your are right dear, they will drink it till they get drunk just to forget about their worries

People have a lot of antisocial behavior this days, and I bet most do not know the names of their nextdoor neighbors.

•Talk to a friend or that neighbor or visit a therapist, go play foot ball with real friends.
• Do something you really like, some will cook anc call a few friends and talk while cooking, I do that.
•Some people will get a book and write down the problem as detailed as possible, it has been helpful to some.
•Do something for others.

You may spots something helpful if you go through my entry on this topic.

I usually drinks alcohol but I do that in moderation and I don't think I am an alcoholic because I can stay for some days, weeks or even a few months without drinking alcohol.

That is a very healthy use of alcohol. And it is true that alcohol as a drug if consumed in a healthy dose can have health benefits. Thanks for the beautiful write up.
Did you know that even some drunkard are not alcoholic and ironically we have alcoholics that do not get drunk at all. I have tried to explain this in my entry on Alcoholism

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