SEC-S13 / W5 | "How can alcohol cause damage to your health! 🍺"

in Healthy Steem8 months ago (edited)

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Alcohol Can Damage Your Health

Alcohol when consumed in moderation has enormous benefits but when abused, can be very devastating. Like a two edged sword, wine can bring joy in a party among friends but if not controlled, an ancient proverb says it can be as poisonous as a snake bit and "whoever is led astray by [] is not wise.”—Proverbs 20:1

🍺 When can we say that a person is an alcoholic? Give reasons for your answer!

When the person's drinking problem had gone beyond the level of a bad habit and is now classified as an adiction.

A person who often gets drunk has an alcohol abuse problem, they are often labeled as drunkards. And that will be true if the alcohol abuse is simply a bad habit used as a coping mechanism for stress or he is just a glutton involved in binge drinking.
At this level, with determination, the person can muster up enough will power to stop himself and break free from the bad habit.
On the other hand, a drunkard who even after noticing the damaging effects of his behavior and even after summoning similar or greater will power can not break free from the drinking problem without professional assistance is known as an alcoholic.

🍺 Do you think alcohol is a drug? justify your answer!

Yes I believe alcohol is a drug.

Going by the definition of a drug, it is "any chemical or biologic substance that affects the body and its processes." by altering the way the body works.
Alcohol perfectly fits this description because alcohol affects the functioning of the brain and other organs in the body.
Additionally, alcohol consumption can result in addiction, a physical dependency, and also creates withdrawal symptoms when not used for a period which are characteristics of drugs.

🍺Can alcoholism be considered a disease? How to control it!

Yes because the effects of alcoholism is the same as the effect of most diseases.

Alcoholism can be chronic
Being difficult to cure, alcoholics can suffer this problem for a long time.
Alters the body
Alcoholics experience both physical and psychological changes in their body, changes that are similar to what a disease would do.
Drugs are needed to treat it
Alcoholics need both medications and behavioral therapy like every other disease would require.

To control alcoholism
The Alcoholic must first recognize that he has a problem with alcohol abuse. And will also have to accept that he needs help. This will now lead to talking to a doctor, a counselor, or a support group.
Set a goal to reduce the amount of alcohol intake while avoiding situations that may lead to drinking.
Not fighting alone is helpful when family and friends provide needed encouragement and support.
Address the root course of the problem which is often stress, but if it's not, then identify it and solve it without having to drink.

🍺Is every drinker considered an alcoholic?

No, not all drunkards are alcoholics.

James and Eric are known drunkards, they both drove into a bar and got wasted with drinks. On the way home Eric picked up his son and drove into a ditch which almost killed his son. James on the other hand on his way home drove into his house and injuring his little girl , wife and father with the family home badly damaged.

man-drinker-depressed-with-bottle-whiskey_1303-28170.jpg Getting soaked in whisky

Eric was ashamed of his action and promised never to drink again. He has been sober ever since.
James work hard to repair the damage and was very sorry for the pain he caused his family but have still been regular at the bar. He could not get himself to stop drinking till he passed some years latter. Eric and victor attended James' funeral.
Based on this, Eric was a drunkard while James was an alcoholic, what about Victor?

Now there is a twist here. Victor is never seen in the bar. But he has his fridge well stocked with drinks at all time. He drinks often but never really gets drunk. He is a functional alcoholic because He has a job and can maintain a relationship despite the fact that he has serious health related issues. His liver is failing due to his alcohol dependency. He knows the alcohol is killing him but he can't stop the habit. At the funeral he can tell that James was killed by his drinking problem and that he will be next but his adiction to alcohol is too strong, he can't break free on his own. He is unable to work or concentrate each time he try to stop drinking.


Anyone who allows himself to be controlled by alcohol will always suffer painful consequences. While it's easier for a drunkard to will himself out, an alcoholic will need help to get free.

I will love to call on @ndiana @bela90 @samuelnkenta to participate in this contest

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#healthysteem-s13w5 #alcohol #lifestyle
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 8 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


On the other hand, a drunkard who even after noticing the damaging effects of his behavior and even after summoning similar or greater will power can not break free from the drinking problem without professional assistance is known as an alcoholic.

Oh here I get it now. It all boils down to the inability to stop or not stop that makes the difference.

Good point and totally understood. Thanks for sharing that vivid point. We learn everyday. Success with the dynamic.

 8 months ago 

I really appreciate your beautiful comment on my entry, it's true that we learn everyday as we interact with others, but do you think alcoholism can be contagious if we associate with friends who are alcoholics?

Yes I actually think so. Most people are affected by their friendship circle and most people don not know how to break off this influence. So it start as a simple act encouraged by a friend who has it as a habit and before you say Jack it becomes a habit too and then they person is trying to stop and finds out he can’t. Addiction sets in.

It’s not far from show me your friend and I will show you who you are. Relationships goes a long way in affecting our choices and outcomes.

 8 months ago 

You have struck the nail on the head. I never loved beer, but associating with some friends, they have shown me how to titrate beer and Malt in the right proportional ratios, and the results of the brewing is having some effect on my attitude towards beer.
Is that what you mean by the show me your friend adage...
But this should be both ways. the none-drinking party has equal opportunity to also influence the friends to stop drinking but has often not been the case.

🤣🤣🤣…the titration is quiet funny and that’s the point.
It should work both ways but it doesn’t most times because bad company will always corrupt good morals and it seems easier to learn bad than good.

 8 months ago 

I agreed with your point that alcohol affect the brain, which is why most people who take alcohol usually misbehave themselves. Good post sir. Best of luck to you.

 8 months ago 

Thank you for gracing my entry with your comment. Do you think some cultures make people more likely to become alcoholics than others?

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