CONTEST:SEC-S16W6: "The Science of Aging"

in Healthy Steem4 months ago
Aslam -O -Alikum

Greetings from me to all the members of this community.I am fine by the grace of Allah Almighty and I hope are members are fine and fit doing well at work.Today I'm here Healthy Steem Community with the post of SEC-S16 / W6 | "The Science of Aging👩" which I will share the process behind aging and there nutritional items.

I am thankful to @hive-168205 which has been organised this contest.I had the opportunity to participate in this contest.

👩 What is the medical process behind aging and from which age it actually starts?



Aging is a natural process,If man is alive, he has to go to old age.But what is worth considering is when and how aging occurs.Our aging depends on our health, diet, mental and physical fitness.

If we consume good food on time and take care of our fitness, the signs of aging will occur by the age of 40 to 45.If we do not take care of our health and do not consume a balanced diet, we will definitely start moving towards old age after 25 years.



  • Another major cause of aging is anxiety, along with an unbalanced diet,When we live with worries, these worries make us age prematurely.In a state of anxiety, our ability to think and understand decreases,So then we become old before our age.If we look at medicine, it is also a big reason for our aging because we get used to it at a young age, there are so many toxic chemicals etc.

when we use it, our skin gets damaged. And wrinkles start to appear on the face due to which we feel our age.The use of medicine at a young age is very dangerous. Overuse of medicine causes the tissues of our body to die quickly and the skin that we have hangs loosely, making us look older than our age.

Are you afraid of becoming older and if yes then what are the challanges of aging that are making you afraid from getting older?
  • Yes, there is a lot of fear of old age. In old age, we are left helpless and forced.We get needy in old age.In which we cannot do anything by ourselves, but we start depending on other people.

In old age, we also fall victim to various diseases due to which the rest of the people start hating us, even those from different families.In old age, we cannot do anything of our own accord, we cannot go anywhere, we cannot eat anything, we are left helpless.Due to old age, we start burdening our family.



In old age, a person becomes lonely and lonely, thoughts become part of his life.
That is why I am afraid of old age and I pray to Allah Almighty to give me life till I am able to work hard on my own, otherwise death from old age is better. If I don't get to see it, my family members will get tired of me.Family hatred is a process that kills a person while he is still alive, regardless of age.

  • Due to old age, we face many problems like weakening of our bones, we become unable to walk, weakening of our eyesight, which makes us unable to see the splendor of the world.Before such a day comes, it is my prayer that I may meet my real creator instead of remaining in this world in need of someone.
Write any three nutritional items that can preventing aging?
  • No one can stop aging and we have no choice but by consuming a balanced diet we do not look older than our age and our face regains that youthful glow.Well, there are many foods that can be consumed on a daily basis to keep us healthy and young.But here I will comment on three, by using which we look younger than our age.

Use of milk 🥛
Consuming fresh vegetables 🫛🫑🥕 and fruits 🍓🍒🍎
Eat more fish 🐠

Use of milk 🥛

We should consume more milk because the more milk we consume, the more beneficial it is for our health and physical fitness.

Vitamins and calcium etc are found in milk which remove the deficiency of calcium and vitamins in our body which keeps our bones strong and we don't get any bone disease.Because milk is considered as a complete food.

  • High consumption of milk does not allow wrinkles to form on our face, keeps our skin clean and fresh, due to which our face does not show the impression of old age.
Consuming fresh vegetables 🫛🫑🥕 and fruits 🍓🍒🍎**

Fresh fruits and vegetables are also very beneficial for our health.Fresh vegetables and fruits also contain vitamins that are very helpful in sharpening our vision.Fresh vegetables also protect us from many diseases like hepatitis etc.The more fresh vegetables and fruits we consume, the more beneficial it is for our health and the more youthful we look.

Eat more fish 🐠**



  • Fish is also part of a healthy diet and is rich in nutrients.It is considered healthier than other foods because it contains vitamin D and vitamins and minerals.Fish is rich in fatty acids that play an important role in binding our body cells together.

Consumption of fish improves eyesight, protects the lungs and is an important means of preventing many dangerous diseases such as cancer.When we consume more fish, we will be protected from eye problems, lung problems and other diseases that will help us stay young and healthy and we will not suffer from old age.

Write any three exercises that can makes you looking young even in older age?

If we want to keep ourselves fit, healthy and young, we need to exercise daily, one to two miles we need to run.



Weight lifting exercises should be done so that our muscles stay strong and we look active.

By using the bicycle as much as possible it keeps our legs exercising which keeps our legs strong

If we follow all these exercises and do them on a daily basis, I hope we can see the effects of reducing our age,And we will not age prematurely.

I would like to invite you to participate in this contest:
@mybest @ruthjoe @sahmie
@kidi40 @victorlives

Thanks Everyone I hope read this post
 4 months ago 

Thanks for sharing your genuine ideas on aging and also solitude. It's easy to understand to have problems regarding the obstacles that feature aging consisting of physical restrictions plus the worry of dependence. Your petition for stamina as well as freedom mirrors a deep need for self-respect coupled with freedom in later years. Solitude can undoubtedly be an extensive battle, affecting someone's psychological together with psychological wellness despite age. Might your confidence give convenience as well as durability as you browse life's trip.

 4 months ago 

Thanks dear


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 4 months ago 

Thanks a lot @kouba01 for your support.

 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

Dear Mona your words are so impressive. You explanation is outstanding special these line: If we consume good food on time and take care of our fitness, the signs of aging will occur by the age of 40 to 45
Best of luck

 4 months ago 

Thanks dear for nice comments

 4 months ago 

My pleasure dear steemit fellow

 4 months ago 

Your information about the science of aging. Your post sheds light on the importance of maintaining our health and well-being as we age. Your reflections on the challenges of aging are heartfelt and resonate with many. Keep up the great work...

 4 months ago 

Thanks dear for nice comments

 4 months ago 

Hello Dear @mona01

As the sands of time trickle through our fingers, let's embrace the essence of aging gracefully. Nourishing our bodies with milk's fortitude, the vibrant hues of fresh fruits and vegetables, and the vitality of fish, we sculpt a canvas of youthfulness. With each stride of running, each lift of weights, and each pedal of the bicycle, we defy the hands of time, etching a portrait of vigor and vitality.

You can read my post and comment if you want.

 4 months ago 

Yes you are right bro

Aging is a natural and inescapable phenomenon that happens to people who are advanced in age. This period is when your body tissues begin to decline slowly due to age issues. The fact is that you completely nailed every points in your contents. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids is a recommended choice for people who wish to reduce the rate of aging. Good luck on your post.

 4 months ago 

Thanks bro

 4 months ago 

iSaludos amiga!

Somos conscientes que envejecer es una etapa segura que vamos a experimentar pero, curiosamente, algunas personas sienten temor a ese momento y se niegan al desarrollo de dicha metamorfosis... Desde mi punto de vista siento que, hacemos más dedicando nuestro tiempo en hacer deportes y alimentarnos saludablemente que, desgastandonos pensando en el envejecimiento.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

 4 months ago 

Thanks a lot

 4 months ago 

Hello dear @mona01 hope you are having a good day.Aging happens naturally and is influenced by how we take care of ourselves. Anxiety and medicine overuse can speed up the process.

People worry about getting older because it can bring dependence, health problems, and loneliness. Staying healthy and active is important.

Eating well, with foods like milk, fresh veggies and fruits, and fish, helps prevent aging. They keep us strong, improve eyesight, and protect against diseases, keeping us young.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

 4 months ago 

Thanks dear

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