Contest! //Headache

in Healthy Steem28 days ago (edited)

Good morning my beloved steemians across the globe, it's good to be here again and also take part in this amazing contest organized by @khursheedanwar on the topic: Headache.


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Headache is one of the common sickness that if not mistaken, 90% of the humans has experienced it due to one situation or the other. Headache is a pain you feel in your head, either both sides of your head or one side of your head and it's always so painful.

We have so many types of headaches, ranging from Migraine, Tension headache, cluster headache, etc. But I will only focus on the contest question.

Let's dive into the hint questions.

What cause you headache primarily in your life?


Headache can be caused by so many factors and I will do well to list out few causes of headache below.

• Depression and emotional stress can cause you headache, changing in sleep pattern, skipping meals and taking too much medication.

• Noise pollution from your environment can cause you headache, harsh smell from your household and even weather changes can also caused you headache.

• Sickness can also caused headache, like fever, cold and even when you have malaria parasite.

• Another causes of headache is dehydration, your throat being dry, your inability of taking/drinking enough water into your system.

• Overthinking can caused headache, thinking over a situation that you can't change or you are allergic to something.

• Drinking too much of alcohol and smoking can caused you severe headache.

What you do personally to get relief from headache?


• Take some rest and calm your nerves in a quiet and comfortable environment, these will help you alleviate your tension and reduce the excessive stress you're passing through.

• Placing a cold towel on your forehead like my first picture above, you placed the cold towel for about 10 -15minutes, this will ease the severe pains you have.

• Taking coffee or hot tea, add ginger to it, and it will ease your headache instantly.

• Over the counter drugs can help relieved your headache, something like ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

• Try and get some massage either from a professional hand or you can do it yourself. Your focus point should be your neck and the forehead, these will ease the tension of the headache.

• Intake of water can ease your headache, being hydrated can prevent the severity of the headache.

• Try doing some exercises, these will keep the body healthy and help in good circulation, and also reduce your chances of having headache.

• Avoid things or places that will make you think , so it won't trigger the headache and lastly minimize your intake of alcoholic substance.


Headache can be a sign of many other health conditions, and if you are experiencing constant headache try and consult a health professional, because headaches are of different types so that it can be identify and remedy be giving too.

Before I drop my pen, I will specially invite my friends to take part in it.



One Love 💕


Thank you so much for inviting me I will definitely participate on the contest.

Headec is generally and commonly to everyone, and is caused by various things as you mentioned and it can be prevented you made mention of drugs like ibuprofen and the other one as some of the drugs which can be used when having the problem yes is all good, but to anytime I experience things like that I'll go for Panadol extra it works for me very fast.
I wish you a good luck on your post

 28 days ago (edited)

You're right, panadol extra does a good work too in easing the pains of headache.
Tha m you for stopping by with a nice comment.

You are welcome

 27 days ago 


 28 days ago (edited)

Thank you for the invitation. It's true headache can be caused by a lot of factors which you have taken time to highlight a good number of them. It's good to take a break, rest when we experience headache, pour cold water on the head then take over the counter pain relief medicine to subside headache and many other points you've mentioned above.

Nice content, here's sending you best wishes!

 28 days ago 

Pouring of cold water on the head is the purest form of calming the headache and that's the one my mother normally recommended for us whenever we are feeling that headache.
The cold water will just stabilized your brain and it will reset automatically on its own🤣.

 27 days ago 

Yes o, that's the best way.

 27 days ago 


 27 days ago 

Good post friend. Your headache relief list is superp!

 27 days ago 

Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it.

Greetings dear ! I appreciate your knowledge about headache. Your post is very good. Best wishes.

 27 days ago 

Thanks very much for stopping by, I appreciate.

 26 days ago 

Hola querida @missyleo

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 26 days ago 

Thank you ma'am for the review.

 24 days ago 

Hola missy ciertamente todos en alguna ocasión hemos experimentado o padecido dolor de cabeza, por diversas razones y motivos, lo importante es no dejarlo avanzar, en mi caso siempre tengo analgésicos y recientemente he aprendido que con un trocito de hielo te lo colocas en la nuca y en cuestión de segundos desaparece el dolor. Me gustó tu articulo, éxitos

 24 days ago 

Thank you for stopping by with this valuable comments.
That your solution is very good, maybe I will try that if headache try to get at me again

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