SEC-S13 / W6 | "🗣️ Me and My Senses 🧿

in Healthy Steem8 months ago


image sourcefreepik

How time flies, we are already in the final phase of this season. I can't wait to see the unfolding of another beautiful season. It feels good to begin this week's contest in this noble Community. I could not but jump at this topic. I feel i have something interesting to share in line with the topic which borders around senses. Lets get into it right away.


The human sense organ is an important part of the human make up. It make us complete as human. Human sense organ is basically for perception. So that we can relate with the things around us and enjoy every bit of the world we live in.



I can't really imagine what it would look like if there was nothing like sight or smell, or of hearing or feeling let alone tasting. Everything would have been boring. God in His design made everything perfect in the build up of human and animal, even in all creation.

What are your senses? Which of them is your favorite and why?

Based on elementary knowledge and observation, I would say I have 5 sense organs. I do not know if there are more though...smiles.
My sense organs are my eyes, nose, tongue, ear and skin.
My eyes for sight, my nose for smell, my tongues for taste, my ears to hear and my skin to feel.

All these sense organs make me complete as human. I can't really imagine what it would look like if I don't have these as human. Now to the other question embedded in the statement.. which of the organ I prefer. Well I don't have preference because all of these sense organs are important to me.



I would definitely be incomplete without any. I've heard people talk about the eyes as the chief of all the organ, well it true but then, we can't downplay the role of other sense organs. So it quite difficult for me to choose my most preferred organ.

Do you think certain senses are more important than others? Why or why not?

We won't really appreciate the role each of these organ play until it's lacking. It's just like the common saying...." People do it appreciate what they have until they lose it". All the sense organ in the human body is unique and serve distinct purposes.

If I were to choose the eyes as the most important, would it help me hear when I need to, or would it help me smell when I want to? The answer is NO... it's obvious then that all the sense organ are unique and distinct.

If you could have an extra sense, what would it be and how do you think it would improve your life?

Can this wish ever be granted? Well I doubt, I think God our maker gave us the sense we have now because He knows it's more than sufficient for us as human. So in my humble opinion, I do not think theres a need for an extra.

But since I have been asked to choose. I would love to really have an extra sense that allows me know the thoughts of people... Not psychologically now or supernaturally but naturally just like how one can pick smell with nose and feel with skin.



The reason is not far fetched, am this kind of person that is very careful in dealing with people. I love to know what they have on their mind to see how I can relate well with them and help them in most cases. I've come to realize that people are going through a lot of personal stuffs but won't voice out.

If I then have this extra sense organ, I would be able to tell what is wrong with them even their fake smiles and be of help in my little way. This sense organ would also help me to know when people have evil thought against me, it will help in spotting frenemies and save me from their traps.

I think it's the exclusivity of God to know man to their very core of being and that why senses like this are restricted by God to man. We can only know as much as he wants us to via supernatural knowledge.

How do you think our senses influence our perception of the world around us?

Our senses play a major role when it comes to perception of things around us. How would we have appreciated nature without the sense of sight, smell, touch and others. It would have been pretty much impossible to do that.

A blind man who is obviously robbed of the sense of sight would not be able to appreciate nature well because he can't even tell how beautiful it is... He that can't hear, who is obviously robbed of the sense of hearing would not be able to appreciate the mighty roaring of thunder and the soothing waves of the sea, neither will such person be able to muse at the the sonorous chirping of the birds of the air.

Should I go on the talk about the sense of smell? time will definitely not permit me...lols.
The truth is, our senses plays a major role in helping us properly perceive the world around us.


This contest has really made me appreciate these sense that God has given me free of charge. May we not lose any of these senses, if you have the chance to interview those who seem to lack one or two of these senses, you would understand how much you need to be grateful to God for this free gift.

I would love to draw the curtain here and just before I go, I would love to invite my good friends @josepah @ruthjoe @waqarahmadshah ...I hope they make out time to publish their entry into this contest. Gracias!

My Achievement 1


 8 months ago 

Our sense organs work together to create a holistic perception of our surroundings. For example, we may see an object, hear its sound, and touch its texture simultaneously to form a complete understanding of it.

Best of Luck 💪

 8 months ago 

I strongly agree, we cannot choose one among the senses that we have. As they all have great functions and benefits in our lives, all complement each other.
Success to you.

 8 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

This is a manual curation from the @tipu Curation Project.
Also your post was promoted on 🧵"X"🧵 by the account josluds

@tipu curate

 8 months ago 

None of our five senses can complement the other. Each has different characteristics and if we lack one of them to live fully we must identify ourselves as disabled. Best wishes to you.

 8 months ago 

You're right dear friend,I get your point. Thanks for your contribution.

 8 months ago 

Your post made me stop and think about all these everyday things we take for granted. I guess it's easy to forget how awesome our senses are until someone points it out.

 8 months ago 

Smiles...of course my friend, we have so much to thank God for. Thanks for engaging dear friend.

 8 months ago 

Hi!!@lhorgic You beautifully emphasize the importance of our senses in understanding the world. Vivid examples illustrate how each sense contributes to the perception of nature. A reminder to be grateful for the precious gift of our senses. Thank you and best wish for you.

 8 months ago 

Efectivamente amigo solo los que tienen uno de los sentidos comprometidos saben cuán importante son todos los demás

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