SEC-S13 / W5 | How can alcohol cause damage to your health! 🍺

in Healthy Steem8 months ago (edited)


"Alcohol is a drug for me, when i take it i become strong and healthy"? This are some of the excuses an alcoholic says just to give him go ahead to continue taking them. I have seen people drink close to 1 crate of alcohols and under this influence they keep ordering for more, when they can't even feel their legs on the ground anymore, and this results to disgrace and embarrassment, under the influence of alcohol a person might have no or less idea of what he says or does at the moment, it is a very terrible act that one should stop. This also depends on the circle of friends someone finds himself in, you might have been a person that takes just one bottle, but with their pressure, you will be challenged to take the second, and that's how it goes. It is an addiction, and when one gets into it, it is very hard to get out, so the earlier the better, one shouldn't wait for next month to come, you will still keep postponing.

This is a very interactive session with @hive-168205, as they have given us a chance to give our ideas on how alcohols damages our health, it is a very impressive moment that people will learn from your posts and you too from their posts.

When someone is an Alcoholic

Firstly i will highlight what Alcohol and Alcoholic means,

  • From the english dictionary,

"Alcohol means an intoxicating beverage made by the fermentation of sugar or sugar containing materials.

  • An alcoholic : This is simply a person that is under the influence of alcohol or someone that takes excess of alcohol.
    So when we say that someone is an alcoholic it means that the person has abused this alcohol, the person has taken excess of it and he is under the influence of alcohol, he might speak and have no idea of what he is saying.
Is Alcohol a drug?

Firstly i would love to make clarity on what drugs are. We were taught in school that a drug is any illegal substance that has effects when taken, like cocaine, indian hemp and so on. It also came to our knowledge that drugs are substances taken to give relief to patients and also cure them of their sickness. Either, drugs when taken excessively cause damages to the health of a person

I take alcohol as a drug, which is often categorised as a "Depressant", it has its effects on emotions, and also a person's cognitive understanding of something. Anything drugs that is taken excessively is known as an abuse an has its effect.

Can alcoholism be considered a disease? How to control it!

From my previous explanations you can agree with me that Alcohol is a disease, the abusive usage of alcohol is considered as a disease which affects a person's mental health and makes this person not being able to stop the usage of alcohol. The effect of alcohol on a person is very dangerous. We have known a man in our locality then, he was an alcoholic and there's no event or ceremony that he won't attend, he was old though, maybe in his late 70's, it wont be a surprise if you go to an event seeing him there, he takes close to a crate/dozen of alcoholic drinks and he has his group, where they drink and bring up all kind of incognitive talks and arguments, they do fight due to the influence of this alcohol. He had a certain disease and he was moved by his family to a nearest clinic for tests, he was actually forced there and he made all kind of talks under this influence while going there, when the doctor attained to him, they decided to carry on a blood test, the doctor went on with it and he told the family without any knowledge of who the man is, that the amount of alcoholic content in is body has dried up a certain amount of blood, he was told to reduce to intake of alcohol but he made it clear that over his life he won't stop it. This was still him under the influence, and after some months he died, alcohol us a terrible disease that has a wide effect on the health of a person and should be avoided.

Is every drinker considered an alcoholic?

There's no clear difference between an alcoholic and a drinker, they are all under the influence of alcohol and it has caused many health damages to them,so a person who drinks is also an alcoholic.

Would love to use this opportunity to invite my friends to partake. @patjewell, @davidmarkgeorge and @johnmitchel.

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Some alcoholic takes alcohol to be a vital drug for them. But, the truth is that depressant like alcohol has more negative effects to offer than the positive one. Good luck on your entry

 8 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 8 months ago 

Hello @imohmitch, your entry was amazing. Alcohol is indeed a drug which becomes problematic when abused. And I like that you stated that it is indeed a disease, which I agree with you my friend. It truly messes with the mind and the streets even become more unsafe. It destroys it's victim's social life, not to get into the health part 😂. I'm glad I do not knowingly take alcohol at all, unless prescribed.

Thanks so much for this amazing entry, good luck.

Anything drugs that is taken excessively is known as an abuse an has its effect.

You are right consuming excessive alcohol as drug or medicine is also lead to spoil our health

 8 months ago 

Hi my dear friend @imohmitch - You are from Nigeria. And the contest start from 12 : 00 UTC time. So, you should publish post according to UTC time .

I hope you will understand . If you have any query let me know , please.

I published it 1:00 Nigerian time which was equivalent to 00.00 UTC time. I read the rules already.

Thank you so much❤️

 8 months ago 

Cc , @sahmie

greetings friend, I agree with everything you said in this post. Excessive intake of alcohol can affect our physical, emotional and mental health. In our society today people are addicted and enchained with it and it as become one major problem in our society today.

Thank you so much for sharing this post.

 8 months ago 

Alcohol is harmful to health. I think addicts are terribly harmful to themselves and society.

I agree with you! Alcohol is evil!

Very evil I say.

Thanks for your comment ❤️

 8 months ago 

Yes, my friend, I agree with you that alcohol is considered a disease, even advanced studies classify it as "chronic" because of the serious effects it can cause in the human body, both mentally and physically, and not to mention that it is the cause of several cancers present today. That is why it is necessary to have total control when consuming it and not to do it excessively and always.

I liked your explanation in the 3rd question very much, and what a pity that this local man did not want to follow the recommendations of health professionals, and that was for his own good. What a pity that alcohol took his life.

Best of luck in your participation my friend.

 8 months ago 

Anda benar, seorang pecandu Alkohol adalah orang yang meminum Alkohol secara berlebihan dan itu sangat berbayar karena dapat merusak tubuh, maka dari itu narilah kita sama-sama menjaga diri darinya agar tubuh kita tetap sehat

Yes, nice advice from you to the people , they really need to stay away or minimize the intake of alcohol.

Thanks for your comment.

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