The Diary Game (24) - My day with my four footed friend/friends 🙂"

in Healthy Steemlast month
March 12th - My Day with My Four-Footed Friend (The Pig)

[My Four-footed Friend]

This was a very special day for me as I dearly spent it with my lovely "four-footed friends", the pigs! They are indeed such an intelligent and adorable animals. Here are the glimpse into my day with them;

Morning Visit to the Pig Pen:

I gracefully woke up very early and indeed headed straight to the pig pen. The dear pigs were already awake waiting for me with noise, oinking and snuffling around the premises. I decide to watched them for a while, admiring their playful nature and health status.

Cleaning Time:
  • The very first task of the day that entice me was cleaning. I quickly grabbed a broom and shade and started sweeping away all their feces and dirt around the pen then packing it with the shade into a basin.
    It's indeed very much important to keep a proper and clean environment for the pigs to help stay healthy, clean and very happy.
    [Ensuring a Clean Environment]

The Feeding Time:

Next in line, I definitely prepared a pleasing and nutritious meal for my piggy pals using their feed which includes "Wheat, PKC, Malt particles and some unused home made food with cassava peels. I gently mixed their food, pretty making sure they get all the essential nutrients they really need to help stay strong.
The Pigs love to eat, and so seeing them really enjoy their meal is always a heartwarming sight to me.


[Their Feed]

Health Check-Up:

After which they've finished eating, it then was time for their health check-up which I did observe first when I walked in starring at them. Though Some of the very pigs here needed an injection of iron and the multivitamins to definitely keep them healthy and very much energetic.

  • For a few others also, I did administered a treatment called 'kepro" to genuinely help with rashes. It's indeed very crucial to take care of their health to ensure they lead a happy life for better growth at instances.

Hydration Station:

  • I also made sure to help provide them with plenty of fresh water. Hydration as we all know is a key for proper digestion and the overall well-being. The "pigs" indeed happily slurped up the water at rush, so quenching their very thirst after a hearty meal taken.
Playtime and Bonding:

After which all the very chores were done here, I decides to spent some quality time with my dear four-footed friends. The Pigs are indeed curious creatures made by God, and too they love to play and interact most especially when I touch them (romance their back). I do joined in their games, which is petting and bonding with each one of them for some time.

  • The very joy and dear connection we shared were truly special.
    This i think made it very friendly each time I step in, they easily understand and do to my task than what any other will want them to do.

[Anticipating Better Health]


12 March was a day filled with desire love, care, and joy together because I've been away from them, but was chance to visit the village and dynamically pay them this homage and treatment.

  • My dear four-footed friends, the "pigs", really brought so much happiness into my life both emotionally and financially. Their pretty playful antics and the sweet nature never fail to brighten my day each time. I am indeed grateful for the pleasing bond we share and the admiring lessons they teach me about compassion and empathy.

["So therefore, Here's to many more days of real fun and better friendship with these very amazing animals!"]

I'm inviting @emmy01, @nsijoro and @patjewell to educate us all on their own "four-footed friends".
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    " Thanks friends for Reading"



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