How to gain favor with the witnesses...

in FreeSpeech Community4 years ago

I've just been listening to the meeting up of Justin (tron), and some witnesses, online'.

I'm not sure what to say, really.

Actually, that's incorrect.


I'm very sure of what to say, but trying to think of how to say it, without upsetting anyone (you know me, I hate any friction).

If anybody read any of my posts, and my opinions after we had the soft fork thrust upon us (there was no consultation in regards to the steem users), you will know how naive and idiotic I though the action was, especially in regards to how it would appear to individuals coming from an east Asian culture.

...And then I listened to meet up.

To say I felt 'cringe and embarrassment' is an understatement. A massive understatement.

I'm not going to mention individuals, as they might soft fork me out or something (lets not forget, there is now a precedent, after last week)
I'm being facetious, obviously.

I think I'd better point that out, seeing as it in now glaringly apparent that the witnesses on the show seem to have zero clue about anything except 'computer stuff,' of which I'm sure they excel in.

I mean zero skills in negotiating anything, and even worse, zero understanding of the East Asian culture ( I cannot emphasize enough just how much, I really can't).

What a train wreck of communications with someone with a massive stake in Steem.
This matters in Asian cultures, and how you then act accordingly, with someone.

Most people will not realize just quite how much this matters.

I've lived in different parts of Asian for two decades - and I still miss the nuances.
This was a train wreck, but I don't expect anyone to understand.

You cannot understand, not unless you've spent time in these places and interacted - over time- with these different cultures.

(it cracks me up when people who've spent a month backpacking, think that they 'get the culture , man'. It doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. Fucking clueless).

And 'clueless' is the only adjective that I can use, after listening to this abortion of a 'meeting'.


Which brings me to a far more worrying aspect, thinking about the long term of steem, and it's governance.

You need stewards not witnesses, to run this steem ship. Leave the techies to do their thing, and get stewards to care and guide the whole thing.

Stewards with a business, marketing and negotiating skills and background.

People with experience.

I saw fuck all of these qualities in this meeting, sorry guys.
It's nothing personal, I do not know any of you - I'm just going off the meeting.
(I' m sure some will take it very personally , which will just go to highlight what I've just said really, about being clueless and naive) but man.....this ship, if it's not relying 100% on tech, is going down.

You need a leader (a steward) who does have a clue, for fucks sake.

....Talk about being clueless beyond belief.
Everything in post is meant to help, and not hinder, Steem.
And believe me, in some departments other than tech - Steem needs a lot of fucking help.

I guess that's any big 'witness upvotes' gone out of the window for me.
It's a fucker when you care.

Steem on.
(now I am being a little facetious).


I had to get this out, as my new video, 'Steem wars part 2 - The witnesses strike back' , wouldn't gel, not with this crap going around in my noggin'.

I'm going off to make some bread to relax. I actually feel stressed about this.

Once I've calmed down, I'll be back.



One of my main concerns is if Tron Overlord Justin Sun was in fact making or trying to make Steem as a blockchain, via injecting centralized witnesses, more and more centralized, allegedly speaking.

Rothschild Sun

I can't really say specifically what has been happening as I don't really know but I can say that it appears as if Justin did the same thing Rothschild did. If that is the case, then that can be forever archived in history books for the world to see in the same way we can see what Rockefeller did.

Sun is one of the primary names of the Demiurge...RA/PTAH...etc.
Folks go on and on about how crypto is different from fiat...blah, blah, blah...But these kinds of misadventures should show any thinking person that it's all part of the same rotten apple!

Do you know what cryptography is?

Nope! And I won't even google it until you have a chance to share your knowledge on it:)

In other words, you have no idea what you are talking about.

In other words, you
Have no idea what you
Are talking about.

                 - joeyarnoldvn

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

That's certainly possible. You have your views on crypto and I have mine.
My comment was in regard to your Rothschild Sun comment. There are many ways to interpret that and one them is via Gnostic spirituality--that's the context of my comment.

If Sun used Steem he did not own to vote for witnesses, then how is that not theft?

You're asking me to comment on incredible complex transactions where I'm not privy to all the details.
IF, Sun used Steem he didn't own to vote in his own witnesses then, yes, that does look dodgy as fuck...But I think the whole sale could have been handled better and that a lot of these issues should have been resolved in private by the major players prior to going public.
It's clearly a gong show now.

I saw fuck all of these qualities

No NO NO. There was far less than fuck all : )
Even the one that I quite like and thought would do a good job was.....not vert good

update available on the latest meeting! lol

I listened, both sides knew this was coming, the meeting. I don't know how Asians work a meeting, this was not a meeting by any stretch of the imagination at all. The meeting was scheduled, the first five to 8 minutes of listening was, "were waiting on everyone to show up", was bull. Start time is there if you are late get a colleague to catch you up. Free form meetings no agenda pre set, and everyone working off of a different script. If someone was to pull out all the silence there may have been 19 minutes of actual talk.

No one did any prep work for the meeting, on either side. When you have a diverse group, (the witnesses), they all need to be on the same page and not lone wolfing it. You don't ask a question get an answer you don't like then walk away from the meeting. I am not sure I heard more than 5 questions from out of the witnesses, and I am pretty sure a lot of the questions were left hanging by the other party.

I think the only voice that stood out as a speaking voice on either side was markymark, but I am unsure if was him since it has been over a day now that I listened to it.

So next meeting will be interesting. I hope the witnesses take a crash course in how to run and participate in a meeting.

I agree leave the tech heads to do their thing and get some stewardship going.

Posted using Partiko Android

Total f'n-trainwreck.

And that is bad when you are a STEEM train, really bad.

Neither side has done anything well when it comes to negotiation.
Mr. Tron just jumped in and said, "i own da place"

And the witnesses were like, "oh yeah?"

And Dan is all like, "bwahahahahaaa, see ya suckers"

From that moment, you needed an expert in negotiation to come out with an ok ending. And i do not see anyone with even a modicum of negotiating skills.

And i do not see anyone with even a modicum of negotiating skills.

An understatement if ever there was one!

I couldn't agree more. The whole farce was thoughtless and careless and belies the fact that the only thing most everyone cared about in any of these exchanges was themselves. Sickening:P

 4 years ago (edited)

You are certainly entitled to your opinion @lucylin and made some good points in your assessment. The 'Tech' people were an important aspect to have in attendance and participation, though it might have been wise to have included persons with skills of another nature.

Perhaps a legal advisor on hand along with the other skilled individuals you mentioned. This, though, was not a setting in which the best results could be accomplished, in my opinion (by cyber connection alone) but due to circumstances, the only way those involved could connect at the time because of differences in geographical location.

Oh man…!!! This comment is getting a bit long. Maybe I should just write a blog post about it instead?

Anywayz……. Your (once again) experienced reminder that knowing and understanding 'cultural' differences between parties, might prove valuable in achieving some form of a mutually agreeable/beneficial outcome (even if it is temporary) along with it being good for the community as well.

Ciao...(See ya on the front lines - Rest that head for now) :>)

FreeSpeech Community:

Events are moving too fast for me to make my Steem wars sequel! lol

Make one about anxiously NOT knowing the next move of the enemy...You can even use a WAR clip from Benny Hill or Laurel and Hardy???

I don't know I didn't watch any of that. I did though shortly after Ned announced he wanted to talk to the community go check it out....from what was scrolling across the screen for a whole five minutes or so I was watching I was embarrassed to even be on this platform. People on there asking him if he was taking it up the butt from Justin and among other off remarks. So much so I didn't see that going anywhere into an intelligible conversation. I don't know what direction if any it finally went and I haven't seen anyone yet whose tried to decipher it all in a blog, what a mess, whatever made him want to even attempt it is beyond me.

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