The Diary Game #26: Share your day with us - Freya's Day

in Steem For Ladies6 months ago (edited)

It's Friday and the week went by quickly.
Friday means free day, which it is today (this word is old Germanic and stands for the 6th day of the week. A free day off, Memorial Day, a day named after the Goddess Freya (love and marriage). So it existed long before Cupid or St Valentine. If you think about it, it's interesting how men suddenly stand for love and marriage, while the woman are erased. It is the same with most Goddesses. Because I like counterbalance in a male society, I keep the old Goddesses alive.

Friday, so today, started early.

Early in the sense of waking up. It was quite cold so I decided to stay in bed and figure out how 'Secures' works. This is a site that allows people to email inmates. I had never heard of it before, but an unknown inmate to me, who recently wrote, drew my attention to it.
I don't think Secures technologies is easy (I prefer Jpay or even better Corrlinks). After I had filled in all my details and answered some questions, I could get started. So far about privacy, freedom, this app takes over your phone. I couldn't make the site work.
No way I could find the 'send email' option and an hour of trying quickly passed. So far my plan about answer a few questions by e-mail. One of these questions was whether I was interested in a relationship. No, this isn't a joke, but a dead serious question from a man who was told to settle down.
What is the idea behind this question? It's not Valentine's Day yet, I might be asked now so he doesn't have to celebrate this day alone.

Not even what @gertu joked sounds attractive to me (I'll meet the right one once I'm in a nursery home).

20240209_195322.jpg See or if you like to write an inmate. Do not expect to much.

Am I open to a relationship?

I don't say yes or no, but the truth is that I don't like drama and I care about my freedom and peace. I don't like taking care of anyone, because I've done this enough including worrying and sacrificing. I just want to relax, do nothing and be free from caring. I think I deserve a day off at least once a week just like the Goddess Freya wanted.
I wrote back what I don't like (no, I'm not the free maid, cook or laundry lady) and said that I need my freedom.

If it comes to Freedom

Like everyone else, I know that true freedom does not exist. At most, we can choose whether or not to do something and that is the end of it. We can choose from a few given options.
When I hear the word freedom, I hear William Wallace (Braveheart) his last word: Freedom!

If you never heard of 'Braveheart' you can watch this scene. It's a great film based on the real William Wallace, so it's not just a tale.

A relationship, always sharing everything, the fight over the duvet, the extra laundry, the dirty toilet and whining about food or lack of money makes me feel anxious just thinking about it.

I finished that letter and closed it with my story "Not a duck" which seemed like a happier ending than my article on trust or the story "The Thrill" I wrote yesterday.

After more than 5 hours I was done, wrote the letter, bought stamps online and sent it, or so I thought. I tried again because there was nothing in the outbox and the internet connection was gone, and let me down.

Gone was the biggest part of my day.
As I bent down to lift the vacuum cleaner I felt a terrible pain. So the lesson learned is: Do nothing on your day off!
Something went wrong in my hip again, I could barely get up and as I finally could, I thought it would be wiser not to sit down for the time being. Some stretching, suffering, some pain and being happy that I didn't fall apart like those Robots in the Robots animation. Can you imagine seeing my broken parts scattered across the kitchen floor?

Robots (2005) I have this film on DVD, it's a good one.

I got through the day like a pathetic person. Of course, I still had to feed animals so I did. It's crazy how often a person has to bend and lift. Why do we constantly do that?

I washed the dishes and thought I could sit on the bar stool, sort of, because at least it's high. In the kitchen, I read a bit on my phone and started the weekly fight for getting paid again. Really, never lend money to someone and certainly not to family.
My father once said: With family, you should walk, not do business (met familie moet je wandelen, niet handelen), and he was right about that, and with this, I am back at the topic of broken trust.

Maybe it's time to give up freedom

so I don't have to go through life alone like a crippled single? I think it would be useful to have a free housekeeper, errand boy, cook and gardener but a robot can do the job too (of in the corner if I don't need it).

As the day went by, the house became colder and colder, I still couldn't bend down to make a fire. The sun didn't shine all day and the zipper of my jacket turned out to be broken. I'll save it as a dog's bed (I'm definitely not going to give my dog silicone shoes like @blessedlife mentioned in her diary or a coat. The dog is an animal, not a miniature human being).

Finally, my son arrived home and he tried to make the fire. It wouldn't burn, it was a struggle. Even the stove wanted a day off.


After a cup of tea and catching up, the question arose: what are we going to eat? No free if it comes to preparing a meal even though it was very intensive. The rice cooker took care of the rice and frozen beans while I roasted the minced meat. All work that I could do while standing, although my legs started to hurt.


For the time being, I will stay awake because little has come of that day off and I haven't written anything yet which makes me grumpy.

A day without writing, is a day not lived.

And tomorrow? I think I'll celebrate my Friday and stay in bed as much as possible.


Goodnight, now you can see there's no clear photography in the dark, but up in the sky is a big twinkling star.

The photos are mine 
The videos can be found on. YouTube
I am a mobile phone user only

I invite @jollymonoara, @yaladeeds, @nabilanusrat and @leigth to share a day with the Ladies of Steem.

#steemexclusive #sfldiary #club5050 #holland #friday #kittywu #diary

 6 months ago 

I already read that you've been through a bad day of repetitive chores and aches and pains.

I don't think I feel like being with someone either here or at the nursing home, I really don't feel like sharing my time with someone who may need me more than I need him.

Tomorrow will be an intense day for me, I don't think I will be able to write these days although I will try.

 6 months ago 

Do not write if you have other things to do. It's not worth the stress.

I hope the pain will be less and tomorrow will be a better day with the children home to help me out.

I think we both better wait for a house robot, one who helps and can we switched off if not needed. 😂

 6 months ago 

Bendiciones, saludos y gracias por la invitación.

 6 months ago 


 6 months ago 

I read a little about Freyja, at this side of the planet roman and greek gods are more popular than Nordic, I think. If sellers find something in there to make money, I'm sure they will bring her to our culture.

I think exactly like you, your friend wants to have a romantic mate before 14th. I think it's better not to seek love, it will show up at due time, preferably among nearby people. My mate was my workmate long before we started a relationship. We are not always together, we have our own space, and shared ones.

Bending and lifting are very important movements for our body, we need to keep an active body, probably you didn't do it the right way, be careful.
For now, have a rest to heal and write a lot.

 6 months ago 

It's nearly noon and the youngest served some tea, the tomcat checked out on me and my son will do the dishes... For now I'm good, it's still pinful, I start thinking it's my joint (hip). Like said I am getting old, second time within 2 weeks. Perhaps I need a new one?

I think it is good to have your own space and those best friends frequently live very close to us.

Enjoy the weekend, how was your daughter's carnival at school?

How do you feel?


 6 months ago 

Hi! Thanks for asking. I did what I never do very seriously: took a rest, went to bed early and woke up later. Still have a little headache.

My daughter was great, she participated in a traditional dance called El Sebucán.

Please, don't think in getting a new hip by surgery, let that be the last option. Consider an analysis of your calcium to start.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 6 months ago 

Good to hear you went to bed, you sound a lot like me.

Great to hear your daughter had a great pergormance 👍

I will never go for a new hip they will most likely only mess me up. I will see if checking calcium is possible but I don't think that's the issue. I want to rest and next focus on certain exercises to make other muscles stronger.

The hot water bottle does help a bit.

All the best, take it easy.

 6 months ago 

She cracked me up,@wakeupkitty you are so funny and I like that, I love how you stand for what you want and not what society forced us to want. You might walk with very few people agreeing to your philosophy but they ain't you and you cant make them unique as you.

Not even what @gertu joked sounds attractive to me (I'll meet the right one once I'm in a nursery home).

It got me, I will send you some Italian wine by then so grandma can dance free,with Mr right one. It will be a great Steemit update🤗

 6 months ago 

My dear give it a try.
Thanks for the wine and if Mr. Right stops by
you can count on update

There are not many I stumble around with but they are the best company a girl can get, that is if she wants to enjoy and not forget about her wishes, the person she is.


 6 months ago 

True dear. Do have a beautiful weekend and keep entertaining us with updates. I love it

 6 months ago 

Good to know I can make you laugh. It means a lot to happy reader is enough.

 6 months ago 

I have to be away from home all day tomorrow, so I won't be able to write. When I have another chance I will be back.

 6 months ago 

All the best to you. Can always tag me.

 6 months ago 

Thanks for inviting me and best of luck to you..

 6 months ago 

Thank you

 6 months ago 

Welcome 🤗..

 6 months ago 

And now it is Sunday, the best rest day of the week. So I am told.
The only rest I know on a Sunday is that "Sondagmiddag slapie." They are absolutely the best.

I hope that by now you are feeling better.

Talking about dog shoes... I had a guest the other day who had shoes made for their dog for walking on the beach. It looked so cute, but I think I would rather give my dogs the "freedom" of the world at their feet.

Lastly, something that might interest you.

Geniet jou dag!

 5 months ago 

Hola querida es un gusto saludarte, me pareció muy interesante tu diario La Libertad es muy importante al igual que nuestra tranquilidad y armonía, son tesoros invaluables de los cuales no podemos prescindir.

Me encanta la película de William wallace cada vez que la veo me apasiona y lloro, es demasiado dramática y como un hombre hasta el último instante de su vida luchó por la libertad para luego ser la fuente de inspiración de muchas otras personas.

Realmente el consejo de tu padre es muy sabio. Espero logres sentirte mucho mejor del dolor de tus piernas.

Saludos y bendiciones.

 5 months ago 

Es una historia conmovedora y se necesita coraje para luchar hasta el final. Sin duda una de las mejores películas de todos los tiempos y aun así Escocia no es gratis. Quién sabe algún día como Irlanda del Norte.

Mi pierna se siente mejor. Intento mantenerla caliente con una bolsa de agua caliente. Parece funcionar. Todavía puedo sentirlo pero es factible.

Bendito seas y gracias por tu apoyo.


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