SEC19 W1: "This is my style"


Is a very small world and things happen unexpectedly, sometimes we see ourself growing faster and we quickly rewind to the past l,. remembering how we never thought we were get to where are are today. This week theme is incredible and outstanding, our styles makes us very unique and presentable, ofcourse no one wants to be left behind or remain old fashioned. Our styles, adds spice to our lives.

Highly Self-motivated

Life has taken me to where I really believed I will go to but nevertheless, am still moving. I have faced alot in life as circumstances around me forced me to sit up, I don't joke when is time to be serious, I set goals that makes me better and when I fail I learn from my mistakes. Life is a journey, a journey am till involved in as much as am still breathing. There are bitter days and sweeter days. Time to laugh, Time to cry.

My style is very simple but unpredictable, I act like a snake in a green grass most especially when am with my peers because teenagers have a particular behavior that's hard to end. I don't need any man to motivate me before I work hard?


My past and most especially, present life is ok to motivate me. I try and fail, I try again and fail but I believe I will succeed. My unique style is that youngsters like me are 85% rare in this planet. I know myself, I know my ways. I act weak but am strong, when you meet me in reality, you will know am totally different from who you thought I am. The world makes us wiser.

When human beings present themselves

The kind of people I like are people who are sensitive, people who are matured, am sick and tired of staying around insensitive people who think they are the best and not ever resdy to take correction. Sometimes I look at myself I wonder how am so matured and understanding, am the first child of my parents and I face alot, I always have higher taste for money that's why I do all it takes to be wealthy in the nearest future and what are those things?


Those things are many, there are many ways to make money, the first way to be successful in life is to have a good heart, don't be wicked and miracles can happen as long as you have something you are doing. High school memories of mine really made me to sit up in life and I was exposed to numerous unnecessary youngsters who taught me alot of lessons through their unwise behaviours. I always love people who are hardworking that's why I see my dad as one of the best human beings in the world.

Locomotivity is absent without finance

We all have places we love visiting and most times we get there but is as if am bound in the dark, soliloquizing with my thoughts and feelings, seems I was emotionally blackmailed when I was learning a skill last year. I have so many places I like to visit but currently I don't really go there, I just try my best to make use of my time well properly in other to completely satisfy my needs and keep my pending wants aside for a while.


Yh is very good and refreshing to explore places and feel the warmth and beauty of the earth but those are things i crave for, my dream is to stand at the front of a big sea, thinking of about alot of things, imagining amazing things, I just want to be completely happy but is a long process, water is very powerful and I just want to be close to the sea, hear they noise if the crying sea animals and also reflect on the purpose of the existence of human beings and other materials we use to survive.

I want to move, because am temporarily stranded but if my parents or me has the money, I will go to different places and take amazing pictures, is a small world and am running out of time, now is the time to refresh ourselves as we build ourselves and grow everyday. My style is simple and is a fact that I always survive wherever I find myself, life is step by step

Almost drown but learnt how to swim, myself

Don't mind my headings in the post, they are just here to make you understand the current mindset of the author which is me. Yes there are alot of things I love doing and these things are very unique because that's My style, I can trick you with my style and you will fall for it. Ok when i hear workout I get excited all of a sudden, I developed love for working out more than 4 years ago and when I entered high school I met friends of the same interest, we will work out in the classroom during break period and challenge ourselves to healthy competitions. Is really good to stay fit and have a nice body structure.


Basketball is a very tough sport for beginners especially when you aren't very tall, I love this sport because of it's numerous facts and pattern.

  • Basketball doesn't care about your age.

  • it doesn't care about your fears.

  • It doesn't care about your mindset.

  • it doesn't care about what you've been through.

All that matters is for you to train hard and get into basketball court and perform wonders, whether you are too small or not, once you are very good in this sport you will go to different place. Time and unavailability of finance has made me not to buy my basketball up till now.
Am swimming and I would have drowned if I didn't motivate myself, is a scary world sometimes, death is real and people come and go. There are alot of things in this world for us to love, team happiness and co-operation made me develope interest in sports. I also love writing, is the only way I can pour out my sorrows outside my mind and keep them safe in an exercise book, creating unreal characters, settings and plot. Oh my God, story writing is incredible.
I invite @ruthjoe, @kidi40, @tocho2 and @heriadi to participate in this contest.

All Images legally belong to me ✅



মানুষের কিছু চাইলে থাকলে যেমন দৃশ্য দেখা, যেমনটি আপনি আকাশের একটি ছবি আপনি আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করেছেন৷ ওয়ার্কআউট যা আপনি ছোটবেলা থেকেই পছন্দ করে আছেন এবং এটা করে আসছেন। এটা এক ধরনের আপনার স্টাইল এটা আপনি অভ্যাসে পরিণত করেছেন। খুবই ভালো লাগলো পোস্টটি করে আপনার স্টাইল সম্পর্কে জানতে পারলাম এবং আপনি আমাদের সামনে উপস্থাপনা করেছেন। ভালো থাকবেন আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল 😍🥰

 3 days ago 

Yes! We received your entry for SEC19: Speak your style!

Your style of being a green snake in a green grass got me thinking why? It's interesting to know how you love being around good people and people with a positive mind. Basketball is an interesting game that gives people a special style of living and I am sure it has for you. Living your best style.

Good luck!

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Yh being a snake in a green grass is just my nature. Basketball is a cool game I enjoy alot.

Please is the rating over 5 or 10?


This post has been upvoted - Steem's Angels with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @ruthjoe

You know what, when I read about simple style, I feel happy. Simple is the best because it needs no money yet shines better than the shiniest. I give importance to money but a well-built healthy person is better looking than a money one. Cheers.

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