SEC S16W1 - “It is Women’s Day!”

in Steem For Ladies4 months ago

Greetings Everyone. I am Asad Fazal from Pakistan. I hope everyone here in Steem For Ladies community are healthy and happy by the grace of Allah Almighty. Today I'm here to participate in Season16 Week1 challenge. The topic of the contest is "It is Women’s Day!". So let's start the topic!

SEC S16W1 - “It is Women’s Day!”.jpg

Image edited on Canva


International Women's Day is celebrated on 8th of March every year. This year in 2024 it will be celebrated on Friday in my country. It is a day when people from around the world honor the achievements and contributions of women in various fields including social, economical, cultural, financial, and political spheres. In my view, this day is not only for celebrating women's achievements but also to advocate gender equality plus women's rights.

Image taken from Freepik

Celebrating womens day in our lives is very important because it shows appreciation for their sacrifice, contributions, hardwork, and achievements. It is also a day when we have to teach our children how important women are for this world and we must respect them with all of our heart. Lets now have a look on ways to celebrate Women's Day:

Ways To Celebrate Women's Day

1. Appreciate Their Achievements

Take time to recognize and praise the achievements of the women in your life. Whether its a promotion at work, completing their project, or achieving a personal goal. Acknowledging their efforts can boost their confidence and motivation and it is the best way to celebrate this day.

2. Plan Special Activity Day

Second way is to organize a special outing or activity that your women loves to enjoy. It could be like going on a dinner, a spa day, movie night, hiking or anything that she loves and what makes her relax.

3. Give Gifts

Another beautiful and most loved way for appreciating a women is by giving her gifts not only on women's day but throughout the year from time to time. A gift could be as simple as flowers or handwritten note or something like jewelry or a book she wants to read.

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Image taken from Freepik

4. Cook For Them

Take time to cook a delicious meal for the women in your life or treat them on their favorite restaurant. Sharing a meal together is a great way to bond and to show your love and appreciation.

5. Support Their Goals

Encourage the women in your life to pursue their passions and dreams. Offer your support to them and assistance whenever they need it. It maybe by helping with childcare, providing resources or simply just being a good listener to them.

Investing In Women's Life

1. Support Women-Owned Businesses

When making purchasing decisions, it is recommended to choose to support women-owned businsses. This helps to empower female entrepreneurs and contributes to economic growth.

2. Mentorship and Networking

Offer mentorship and networking opportunities to women who are starting their careeres or looking to advance. Sharing your knowledge and connections can help them navigate challenges and achieving their goals. It will not only benefit them but also you in longer run of life.

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Image taken from Freepik

3. Education and Skills Training

Support programs and initiatives that provide education and skills training to women, specially in fields where women are under-represented. This will help empower women economically and increase the overall opportunities for success for all women in the world.

4. Access to Healthcare

The most important is the access to quality healthycare for women including reproductive healthcare services and maternal care. Ensuring that women have access to healthcare helps to improve their overall health and well-being. If a women is healthy it will give birth to a healthy baby and thus will make this society stronger. So caring for women benefits the whole society and it must be ordered compulsory in all countries.

In last, by celebrating the women day for women in our lives and actively investing in their life, well-being, and empowerment, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society for everyone.

Thank You For Reading

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This is all from me for the "SEC S16W1 - “It is Women’s Day!”". I invite @khursheedanwar, @danish578, @abdullahw2, @selina1, and @steemdoctor1 to participate in this contest.

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Visit my Profile at @chasad75-min.jpg

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 4 months ago 

Saludos amigo excelente reflexión, yo como mujer considero que no hay un día especial para la mujer ya que todos los.dias deben ser especial para la mujer es solo hecho de estar rodeada de una familia que te quiere y te apoya ya es algo especial y fabuloso, ellos te apoyan y te valoran y eso es lo que necesitamos las mujeres que te valoren y te apoyen siempre
Ahora bien el 8 de marzo próximo más que una celebración por el día de la mujer es un gran logro porque gracias a ese día se logró la exclusion de géneros y se le dió gran importancia y valor a la mujer como persona ya hoy día vemos a grandes mujeres ocupando puestos de trabajo muy importantes que anteriormente no se veía
Le deseo mucha suerte en su participación

 4 months ago 

Hello friend, hope this meets you well. Going through your post, I must say you’ve beautiful outlined the importance of women and how they can be celebrated. I specifically loved how you put it out when you said

Celebrating womens day in our lives is very important because it shows appreciation for their sacrifice, contributions, hardwork, and achievements. It is also a day when we have to teach our children how important women are for this world and we must respect them with all of our heart.

I must say that you were correct. Women are important part of the society and should be treated as nothing less. They should be lived and above all celebrated. Thank you for making a good post. Best regards and I wish you success in the engagement.

 4 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 in the Steem For Ladies Community.

The women have done so much in the family and the society at large, and as such they should be celebrated. I love this point "Plan special activity day," this is very important for a woman and when they are appreciated, it gives more strength to do even better. I enjoyed reading your entry. Sicceas to you

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Wa Alaikum Assalam @asadfazal!

Your comprehensive post eloquently highlights the significance of International Womens Day. I appreciate your emphasis on celebrating women's achievements and advocating for gender equality. The practical ways you suggest to honor and appreciate women in our lives from recognizing their achievements to supporting their goals are heartwarming. Your call to invest in women's lives particularly through supporting women owned businesses and providing mentorship adds depth to the discussion. Best wishes

 4 months ago 

Greetings to you.
How are you, hope you are fine and I'm fine too Alhamdulilah by the grace of Allah almighty who is the most merciful and beneficent. The woman plays important role in our society we must appreciate her achievement. The support is Encouragement and it should be for women so that she can achieve her goals in life. Best of luck for contest wishing you success 🤞.
Best regards @jannat12

Celebrating Women's Day is so important because it's a chance to show appreciation for all the amazing things women do. We should recognize their sacrifices, hard work, and achievements. It's also a great opportunity to teach our children about the importance of respecting women. Now, let's talk about some fun ways to celebrate this special day! One idea is to acknowledge and praise the women in your life for their accomplishments. Another way is to plan a special outing or activity that they'll love. And don't forget the power of gifts, whether it's something simple like flowers or a more personal present. Cooking a delicious meal or treating them to their favorite restaurant is also a great way to show love and appreciation. Lastly, let's encourage the women in our lives to pursue their passions and dreams by offering our support and assistance whenever they need it. Let's make Women's Day a memorable and meaningful celebration.

Thank you brother for reading my post in detail and leaving comment. Yes Women's Day is very important to celebrate. It is the best way to show that we men care about women.

Yes there are many men who are against this day but good and bad people exists everywhere. So we should appreciate women and love them. We should support them in businesses and their job careers as well.

Thank you again for your comment :)

Halo temanku
Senang sekali rasa nya membaca sebuah artikel yang anda bagikan di postingan ini, dengan adanya sebuah hari untuk perempuan, itu adalah sebuah penghargaan untuk mereka, uraian yang anda tuliskan sangat berkualitas, saya sangat menghormati pernyataan anda, perempuan adalah sesosok makhluk yang sangat berperan di dalam rumah tangga nya maupun lingkungan sekitar, kita patut menghargai mereka, semoga sukses dalam kontes ini kawan

Salam kenal sobatku

Terima kasih telah membaca postingan saya dan membagikan pandangan Anda. Ya Wanita adalah bagian penting dari dunia ini dan kita harus menghormati dan merawat mereka. Adalah tanggung jawab kita untuk merawat mereka, mendukung mereka dan membantu mereka dalam karir mereka. Dengan pemberdayaan perempuan, masyarakat kita akan tumbuh dan segalanya menjadi lebih baik :)

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