SteemAlive Engagement League Week 3 -(Monday 22 - Sunday 28 Nov,2021)

in SteemAlive3 years ago



We welcome you friends to our third week of SEL project. We have 100% value for engagement and so we have brought out this project as a way to reward our members that take engagement serious. We kicked off a fortnight ago and it has been an amazing journey so far. Our participants for last week generated a total of quality comments/engagements last week. Hopefully the reward given to out to week 2 participants will spur more people to join and increase engagement too.


A kind reminder for SEL Participants

We have the following observations from the first week. So please everyone that is involved in the SEL project need to take note:

1. Comment Quality: We have a very high percentage of high quality comments from the participants last week. However,there pockest of low quality comments which were not of the highest standards. So friends make sure your comment has high quality. Reply to something you read from the post and do not make few words or one-sentence comments.

2. fetching your comment link: Another observation is that a few participants struggled to fetch the comment links. They instead fetched the post link under which they made a comment. As a reminder, here is how to fetch the direct link of your comment.


3. One post for the week: We discovered that a few participants were busy making posts about this everyday.Thats wrong.Make just one post and continue to edit and update the post throughout the period. You will update this post after the day's engagement. Make sure you drop the link of that post as a comment on this post.

Where to find posts to Comment

A user may ask where to find the posts to comment on.Your answer is ready.You can find it in the following channels:

  1. New posts in SteemAlive community page:
  2. Community account posts:
  3. Steemalive Post Promotion on Telegram.
  4. SPCV group on Whatsapp
  5. Personal pages of known community members

Note: Only comment on *verified member posts. You can see the label on each person's username.


Confirm your rewards

If you participated in SEl last week, it means we have sent your rewards. If you have not confirmed yet, we will not send your next rewards. Please confirm in the rewards post below:



Important we keep the light shining.We have to increase on the number of comments we make for each week. Remember that you have to outdo others in order to win the top prizes. Try to increase your daily engagement count each week. Try to make quality engagements. We are sure you are at least in club5050. We thank you friends for supporting SEl and we wish you all the best as you engage with others this week.


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 3 years ago 
 3 years ago (edited)
 3 years ago 
 3 years ago 

The SEL contest gives us the opportunity to make new friends and also takes people to our blog

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