Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2 Week 4 | The Worst day and the best day of your life || by @rubilu123

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



Hi guys,



We are into the 4th week of the steemit engagement challenge. As usual the steem alive community has brought forward a wonderful contest which I think a lot of users will really find interactive. I will like to encourage users to try their best and visit the post of others as the sole aim of the engagement contest is for us to interact with each other.

There have been days were we have all felt like we are on top of the world and nothing can bring us down. There are other days were we start our morning on a bad note and by night time we are seen smiling.

There have been days too in which we would have wished that the earth will divide into two and swallow us😢. Well there are times too we start the day on a good note and then by night time we are hit with a very sad news and our whole day is spoilt. Other times the news is so bad that it affects us for a whole week.

Well am here to remind you that no matter what you are passing through it will pass. Whether you are happy 😃 and feel like everything is going on well for you; know that it will pass. Whether you are sad and feel like you have been over burdened ,you should know that it shall also pass. Everything ends when we finally die.


The Worst day of your life


I have been hit by so many things. Like everyone, I have bad days too. There have been times that I have exaggerated things even though they don’t look that bad. There are times that things are so bad but you choose to have a calm heart.

To recap some of my worst days; I have broken my arm twice, Had my phone stolen, was involved in an accident, one of my old class mates dying at a very young age and others.

Looking at this I think the worst day will have to be hearing about the death of my classmate Caleb.

We were class mates from JHS 2 to JHS 3 up until we wrote Wassce. Caleb was a chubby looking guy. He was fair and not too tall. Caleb joined us from a school in Ho located in the Volta region of Ghana. When he joined us he was shy to talk to us cause he didn’t know us. You know that mostly when a student joins you at the late stage it is mostly not good for him because it will be hard for him to catch up.

Caleb was not that type. Even though he struggled to get into some of the things at first , he was okay at the end. Our friendship began when we started taking extra classes together. We used to attend extra classes in the evenings when our BECE was approaching. After classes we would walk home together with the other guys. Now because Caleb was fat we knew that running will be difficult for him so we always set the boys out to run.

He knew he was fat and couldn’t run but he always wanted to compete. We could run a whole 100 meters and still wouldn’t get tired, but Caleb on the other hand will run for like 5 minutes and start panting 😂. That was what we wanted to always see and that was why we run always. The site of him breathing heavily and trying to catch his breath was always amusing.

After JHS I have been in touch with all my classmate. We have a WhatsApp group where we chat from time to time. Caleb was a close friend so we chatted sometimes. It was lasts chatting with him and teasing him.

One faithful morning I was sleeping when a friend called me. He was a cousin to Caleb. I was so sleepy so I didn’t answer the call. When I didn’t answer he called my brother and told him about the sudden demise of our friend.

When my brother told me we thought he was playing tricks on us cause that’s what people normally do. We got to confirm this when a close friend to him who happens to attend the same university with him confirmed it in our WhatsApp group .



That was when i realised it was true and as I sat in my room all I could do was drop my phone and shout hmmm.

The doctors said the cost of his death was appendicitis. A problem which was not detected early and it ended up taking his life.

A very promising boy was taken away by death. Dreams all gone to waist. All his years of schooling thinking that he will one day get a good job and take care of his family all went to waste.


His death has taught me that it can come for you at anytime. It doesn’t come for the rich, poor, old or young. It can come for anyone.

His death has taught me that we should always have peace with everything cause we might not know when they are leaving this earth.
His death has also taught me that no matter what life still goes on. It’s been less that a year since my friend died but it’s almost like we have forgotten about him. The same thing will happen when we also die. We will be forgiven even if it is after 100 years.


My best day


After talking about sad 😞 and unfortunate incidents. Let’s come to the happy moments .

I am someone who always seem to downplay the importance of an invent. Sometimes something really good happens and I just see it normal and move on with my normal
Routine . Thus I will try my best to get a good day.

I think my best day will be the day I joined steemit. I’ve always depended on my parents and up till now I still depend on them. I al currently staying in their house, they feed me and they pay my school fees, infact I still take chop money.

But the day I joined steemit the dependency on my parents reduced a lot. There are a lot of bills I had never wanted to disturb my father or mom to pay for it but since there was no income I was left with no choice but to tell them.

So my first encounter with steemit was when I was in level 200 in the university for development studies, navrongo. Fortunately for us we have one of the country reps in the same school with us and he was in the same hostel with us as well. After the covid break we resumed classes but most of them were online , we were required to be in school so we all reported. He told us about this online platform called steemit and me at that time had very little knowledge about cryptocurrencies. We paid no attention to him but he was serious about signing us up.

He told us for a while and we didn’t mind, one faithful day he helped one of his friends withdraw an amount of money and asked him to go round the whole hostel and show it to all of us. Upon seeing this amount of money we all rushed to his room to enquire more about steemit.

He took this as an opportunity and signed us up. He didn’t use us for any promotional work. He just signed us up . He took us through a few things and we were set to go.

After I wrote my achievement 1 post I informed him about this and he checked it out and helped me make some corrections. The day of curating the post came and I was curated by curator03 with an amount of 10 dollars.

Oh boy, I think that was the happiest I have ever been. That was my first income. At that point in time the price of steem was around 0.8 dollars. It felt good earning money on my own. This motivates me to work on steemit a lot and the rest is history😃.


Steemit has taught me that hard work pays off

Steemit has taught me how to save .

Steemit has taught me how to invest. By investing I mean to invest in steem power.

Steemit has made me meet new people all over the world.

Steemit has made me have something I call a job for now since am still attending school.



Worst days are meant to happen to everyone, it depends on who is facing what. Some people break down at the slightest pain. Others have pain but they know how to conceal it and deal with it. What ever the problem is remember that it doesn’t last forever.

Happy day come and happy days go. Happy days are a reminder that at the end we will get what we worked so hard for.

Thanks for reading.


You can also share wonderful content with @amazing-ghana


Hola amigo fue un gusto leerte 🤗

Sii definitivamente la muerte es algo que nos deja sin aliento amigo 💔 aunque desde que estamos en el mundo sabemos que vamos a morir igual ella llega y nos sorprende... Ami se murió mi sobrino de apenas 26 años hace 1 año, se me murió mi papá hace 6 años de una enfermedad que padeció durante 7 años, se me murió mi abuela materna hace casi 1 año de covid... Y todo ha sido fuerte pero Dios Siempre está allí dándonos su apoyo y amor 🙏

Mil gracias por compartir tus experiencias 🤗

Bendiciones 🙏

Yes, God is always there. I like your strong personality.

Thanks for passing by ☺️🙏

 2 years ago 

To recap some of my worst days; I have broken my arm twice, Had my phone stolen, was involved in an accident, one of my old class mates dying at a very young age and others.

Sorry about those bad moments of broken your arms, your phone got stolen and being involved in a motto accident. The one that pains me most is the death of your friend Caleb who died at the age of 20 😭😭, oh! What a painful death and a great lost to the family. Take heart please.

Yea 😞 I really don’t know his mother will be taking it up until now because he was her first child.

But no matter what we all come and go so life goes on

 2 years ago 

We will not experience bad time all the time that is why the wise man said, no condition is permanent.

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Wow! You have written and discussed vividly the worst and the best day of your life. I sincerely sympathize with you on the demise of your friend. That is life for you my friend. May the Lord comfort the family in Jesus ' name.

I am happy that steemit platform is helping you a lot in the area of your finances.

Yes my friend, as I sit in my room I wonder what might be going through his moms mind. What a great loss.

Joining steemit has been something good you know, it has really taught me a lot of things.

Interesting you have shared your story with us about your worst days and good day, the death if your friends will be a shock to you and to everyone, I am familiar with this feeling, the demise of a close person always take a negative effect more the if you weren't that close.

You have made a good publications and truly come to think of it, joining the Steemit platform should equally be a good day to for me

Greetings and blessing
A comment will be appreciated

m familiar with this feeling, the demise of a close person always take a negative effect more the if you weren't that close.

Am sure everyone has had this feeling once or many times in his lifetime and it comes to a point that you ask yourself what is the essence of life. What are we even struggling for.

joining the Steemit platform should equally be a good day to for me

Sure it is buddy.

Thanks for passing by☺️🙏

You are welcome

Oh no so sorry for your loss my friend, such is life. Those are thw things we can't change in life.

And i am happy that you are getting up on your feet with the help of this platform.

Yes it’s a good thing.
Thanks for passing by☺️🙏

You are welcome

every effort will never betray the result.

Yes , you have said it in a beautiful way.

Thanks for passing by☺️🤞

Please accept my condolences over the death of your friend Caleb. Indeed it's very sad to lost our loved ones I know how it feel it wasn't easy for me the day I lost my mom.

Indeed I am happy that you finally fine happiness through Steemit. Best of luck to you sir.

Yes I did find happiness in steemit and up until today it still gives me an edge and happiness when I am on steemit.

Thanks for passing by ☺️🤞

Steemit has really touched lives amd reduced dependency.

Sorry about the loss of your friend Caleb.

Yes it has touched a lot of lives. For my friend Caleb I hope he is at a better place now.

Thanks for passing by☺️🤞

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