Steemalive presents: "1 Week to Live" contest. How would you spend your last 7 days alive?| learn about my plans by @ngoenyi|100% power upsteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)


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Hello dear friends, welcome to yet another edition of @steemalive weekly contest. I am so glad to participate in this contest about planning for the inevitable come next 7days. Truly speaking, most people will not like to talk about the inevitable end for man called death. But it is a reality. Just like the holy scriptures say at Ecclissiastics 9:12 that For man does not know his time. Just as fish are caught in an evil net and birds are caught in a trap, so the sons of men are ensnared in a time of disaster, when it suddenly overtakes them.

Death is the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living, physical organism. Death may refer to the end of life as either an event or condition. wikiquote

Moments like these are all too common. End-of-life decisions are a universal human experience, but few of us want to bring it up in conversation, much less talk about their consequences. We’re afraid to sound rude, or morbid, or — when dealing with a terminally ill person — like we’re in a hurry for someone to die. As a result, too many of us are left to make life-or-death decisions for loved ones without their guidance. information source

It therefore follows that the time is uncertain but the event is certain to happen. However, advancement in sciences has made it possible for doctors to be able to examine certain health conditions of individuals and can be able to come up with dates as to when and how long such a person has left to live. In such situations, they can tell the person the bitter truth of his life that he or she has just 7 days to live for instance. Should this happens to me, I will like to use such short period of time left in my life to accomplish much. Please read along and see what I can do within such short period of time.



Smoothen my relationship with my God

The Creator of heaven and earth is the creator of life. He really wants us to live forever but now that we are dying as a result of the sin of one man, who is the very first person on earth, he has made plans for the dead to come back to life again. And only those who are in his memory will be resurrected. To be in his memory then, I need to build my relationship with him. Come to think of it, who do you invite first if you throw a party? Will it not be those you have in mind that are dear to you? In the same way, I want to be in God's mind and as such I will want to have or make a good name with him by using the little time left to do his will as outlined in the Holy Scriptures. I will apply what is recorded in 2 Peter 3:11 and 14 in my life.

Make peace with people

I will also want to be at peace with people more than ever. A dead person does not bury himself, but those alive does. If he tries it then one of his hands will be left on the earth. With that in mind, making peace with people around me becomes very important. Additionally, it will also help me to achieve my first target mentioned above. That way, my mind will rejoice even as I am dying.

Impact knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge and wisdom are rare gems. Once impacted can never be taken away. That means that the one that has been able to impact such knowledge will forever be remembered. Therefore, I will like to use the little time I have left to transfer the little things I know to those around me and beyond as much or as little as I can be able to.

visit places

There are those who pass away while still strong to catch fun. If I am in that category, and I have the means, I will travel far and near around the world to catch fun and forget the fact that I have just a little time remaining instead of thinking and worrying about the news which might even kill me before the said date. After all in most cases, the dreaded does not happen as announced.

Distribute by fortunes

Within the period I have left, I will like to distribute all I have been able to acquire in life to those I want to while still alive. There are places where the belongings of a deceased person cause untold quarrels among the supposed beneficiaries. At extreme situations, it leads to death. In some places, if the man of the house or the father of the house dies, the custom demand that the brothers and sisters to the reader share the belongings, non will be left for the wife and children. Those uncles and aunts will now be the ones to give little to the family of the diseased as they desire if at all they do give. So this has caused untold suffering to a lot of families and I wouldn't want such to happen with my people. I will equitably distribute by belongings to those I desire to give it to.

Dear friends, the list of what to do with the 7 days left goes on and on. But let me stop here for now. With the above points, I want to believe that you will be happy with me if I should carry out all that I have listed above with the little time left.


Thank you all for reading my contest entry. @steemalive, here is my entry to the latest @contest you just announced yesterday. My dear friends, here is the link to this contest. You too should tell me what you will use the 7 days to do if the inevitable is to happen in the newest 7 days. Am expecting your entry. Thanks. Much love from me😘😘😘


This is my introductorypost here

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Spiritually enlightening, that's how a truly religious person would want to spend the last few days of life. Thanks @ngoenyi for this awesome post😀

 4 years ago 

I appreciate your comment. I am happy that I made the point. Thank you for acknowledging that. @onos-steve
#twopercent #nigeria #affable

I love your plans most especially that aspect of smoothing your relative with God because that is one of the most important thing to do.

#twopercent #nigeria #affable

Within the period I have left, I will like to distribute all I have been able to acquire in life to those I want to while still alive.

This is my most interesting part. Many people have actually forgotten that the heart bit of God is beyond us just straightening up our walk with Him but so much more that our lives should be a reflection of what He is and would do if He was here on Earth with us.

Awesome plans I love it.

 4 years ago 

Thank you dear @eldecor for loving that point. We should really put it in action
#twopercent #nigeria #affable

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