My Diary Game Season 3: How I Spent My Day on Friday 3/12/21: My School's Games Day And Preparing for church service. set at 10% payout to @steemalive By @linheart.

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Special greetings to my lovely friends in @steemalive Community. I am excited to share with you how I spent my day on Friday 3rd December 2021. In this part of the world, as the yearvis phasing out, it comes with a change in weather. Here, the harmattan season has set it and it's always very cold in the morning. Usually I wake up very early morning at 5:30am to begin preparation for the days activities.

Morning Hours

As it is customary, I always observed my morning devotion to commune with my Creator and appreciate Him watching over me althrough the night. After this devotion I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Then I got ready forwork.

Fridays are known as games day in the school where I teach so all pupils always appear in their games wear. There are four houses or groups that the whole school is divided into both the pupils and the staff. We have the Red House, Yellow House, Blue House and Green House. Each house has their games to reflect the colour of the house and I happen to be in the yellow house.

During the games period , pupils and staff participate in different games, such as football, handball, egg race, sack race and lot more. Because I was attending to my baby I couldn't participate in any of the games.

The games lasted for about 1hour 30minutes .
After which the school dismissed and as the staff on duty this week I stayed behind to ensure that every pupil has vacated and those waiting for the school bus has been conveyed home.

Afternoon Hours

Reaching home at about 2:30pm I was already tired so I managed to bathe and feed my kids and then had my own shower and had some siesta. When I woke up it was already evening

Evening Hours

Fridays are called PREPARATION DAY/ HALF WORKING DAY in the sense that i use the day to prepare for my church service the next day . It is the day I prepare varieties of delicious meals and in larger quantity than I do on ordinary days in anticipation that we might have visitors on the next day being the Sabbath day. I also prepared our dinner and spent some times outside gisting with my neighbours and then when I came in we had our even devotion and retired to bed.


My day was hectic especially as the staff on duty this week. I return from work late and Carter for my kids. Couple with other house chores that must be done. However I am happy the day was spent successfully.

Special mention: @ngoenyi
Warmest Regards

 3 years ago 

It was really a busy day for you but thank God it ended well

Thank you for sharing with us how your day went

Thanks so much . It's my pleasure having you reading and commenting on my post .

 3 years ago 

You look cute in your sports kits oo
Nice post

Thanks @patience90 for the comment

 3 years ago 

Hi @linheart,

Thank you for writing in Steemalive Community.You had a fruitful friday.Sports is very vital for the body and for the brain too.I am glad your school saw the wisdom in allowing the pupils to participate in sports.

i use the day to prepare for my church service the next day .

You must be an Adventist.Are you ???

Continue to produce original contents on Steemit.I noticed you aren't verified in Steemalive community.Pls join the Curation Trail with 100% weight and show me evidence so that I can verify you.👇

O yes I am a full fledged Adventist, what about you sir. Thanks for being observant to notice that. I will do as you said as soon as possible

It's good to exercise. That is one of the nuggets of longevity. For one to keep fit you need to exercise always. You are looking like under 18 damsel.

Thanks dear for you pretty comment

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