Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2 (Week 4)| The Worst day and the best day of your life - A true life story! By @ishayachris

in SteemAlive2 years ago


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Greetings to all the wonderful members of this amazing community @steemalive, and their friends all over the world. Its a privilege to be among you today, and I don't take relating with you for granted. Today I welcome you all to the last week of season2 engagement challenge, and to my blog where I will be sharing with you the worst and the best day of my life. Relax and read me through as I narrate my story.

Life is more like the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencys. Today the price could be high, and the next day it goes down. So it is with human life, today we can be celebrating and jubilating due to some achievements and experiences, and the next day, we could be mourning and crying due to bad experience or incidents. That's how life is with every living creature because, the race of life is not always smooth. It can be sorrowful today, and tomorrow, it can be full of happiness.

Personally, I have experienced the fall and rise of life. There were days i felt like giving up, and there were days I feeled fulfilled in life. Nevertheless, here i'm strong, gallant, and healthy today because, God never forsake me.

In the course of life, I have had bad days such as dead of family members, exam failure, accidents, abuse, lost of properties, and false accusations. I also had a lot of good and memorable days such as, exam success, graduation, and business success. For the sake of this contest, I will be talking about my beloved kid brother, and I will be starting with my best day.

What contributed to my best day



I experienced my best day in life on April 19, 2013. That day happened to be my happiest day because my kid brother was born on that particular day. Like I always say, I'm from a family of five (5), and I happen to be the only male child of the family. Before my kid brother was born, my parents and I have been praying hard for another male child, but for years, they was no answer to our prayers. Personally I was disturbed because I needed a brother. I needed someone I could play with, someone I could call a brother, someone to grow with, and some I can share my properties with. Before his arrival, I use to feel lonely and bored seeing myself in midst of my sister who will one day get married and leave the family to stick to their husbands. The loneliness was much, nevertheless we never stopped praying.

Finally, on April 19, 2013, the good God answered our prayers by sending Geoffrey. He was handsome and fair in complexion, and anyone that sees him, sees my father because they so much look alike. The whole family celebrated his coming with an open arms. He have been my prayer point, and I was finally happy that I now have brother, a companion, and a friend. That feelings of loneliness suddenly disappeared, and I was overwhelmed with happiness. As a matter of fact, that was my happiest day.

Lessons learned

The birth of my kid brother really taught me a lot of life lessons that are still keeping me moving till today. Some of the lessons are:
  • Never give up on God. Continue praying and believe that one day, he will grant you your heart desire. We prayed for another male child, and he gave us
  • I have also learned that, provided they is life, they is hope to get whatsoever you want. It might be delayed, but it will surely come to past.
  • thirdly, I have learned that with prayers, every door can be opened. It might seems hard but prayers conquers it all

What contributed to my worst day



Its very unfortunate that what gave me happiness on April 19, 2013 also gave me the worst day of my life. After the blessing of God open the life of my family, we were happy and everyone was filled with the overflow of joy. Unfortunately, things turned around from happiness to bitterness when Geoffrey fell sick. It all started like a joke, and the sickness was strange because, during the day, he normally use to be healthy and strong, but once it's night, no body use to be at peace because Geoffrey's body temperature use to rise, and he would cry throughout the night. He was taken to almost all the hospitals in the state, but no single doctor could explain what was really wrong with him. All test were carried out on him, but all doctors report use to claim that he is healthy. Personally I was worried and disturbed. I was having the feeling of loosing my only brother. My parents spent a lot of resources to save my brother, but all efforts failed. I can still remember vividly that on 23rd June, 2014, Geoffrey was rushed to hospital at midnight when the condition got critical. At dawn, my parents called me and gave me the saddest news of my life. My brother gave up. The gift we prayed for came and after a year, he went back to his creator. He made us happy for only a year before leaving us in bitterness. I remember how I use to play around with him, how I do buy toys for him. I loved him so much but, where is he today? He is gone, and I'm all alone gain. Nevertheless, I have the confidence that I'm still in the plans of God. To cut the story short, 23rd June,2014 was my worst day, because that was the day my beloved kid brother left me.

Lessons learned

In the course of my worst experience, I have learned lessons. Below are few.
  • not all things that makes us happy will stay forever in our life. Some happiness are short and temporary. The coming of my brother made us happy, but the happiness lasted only for a year.
  • when he passed away, I carried all night but, my tears couldn't bring him back. From that I have learned that tears can't bring back a dead person
  • I have also learned that despite the sadness I passed through, God still have plans for me, and even though i have no brother, I'm not alone
  • I also have learned that life can be up and down, but be strong and courageous when bad days knock at your door.


I have had my bad and good days all around one event which is the death of my brother, but I always say to myself that "its well with my soul because God have a greater plans for my life". I know he will be my friend and companion, and through me the family will get many male children. Remember, one with God is majority. So I'm not alone.

Before I drop my writing material, I do love to say thank you so much for reading through, and I also want to say I love you all @steemians.

Finally I invite @yakspeace, @simonnigwe, @patjewell to participate.

10% payout to @steemalive


Like Argee always says " we come we will go", I am sorry for the lost bro. I am also the only boy in my house so I understand your pain and lonely feelings but we have to let things we can't handle slide away.

May his soul rest in perfect peace 🕊️, in Jesus mighty name Amen.

I was also shock to see someone reason like me, indeed I have always said life be like Cryptocurrencies price to crypto market
So therefore if is not balanced oo, In our thoughts but it might be the Opposite to God Sha.

Thank you so much bro. I know its well with us

 2 years ago 

Just allow the word of God to comfort you because it has happened nothing can be done about it.

I experienced my best day in life on April 19, 2013.

Woow this is great and I'm also happy that God finally answered your prayers and that of your parents by sending a handsome boy by name Geoffrey into your family. It is not always easy to be the only boy amongst your sisters because If I was you, I could have felt the same way like you because they will one day get Married and form a different family

I can still remember vividly that on 23rd June, 2014, Geoffrey was rushed to hospital at midnight when the condition got critical

Oooh🤦‍♂️ Lord this is so painful 😖. I feel very sad after hearing this. This is so hard to believe that the gift you people prayed for was given to you guys but unfortunately God took him back. I'm so so sorry about this brother. God alone knows why that happened. May the soul of your kid brother continue resting in peace

Thank you so much for both celebrating and sympathizing with me bro. I really appreciate you visit. Remain blessed

You are welcome brother. May you also stay blessed

 2 years ago (edited)

To cut the story short, 23rd June,2014 was my worst day, because that was the day my beloved kid brother left me.

😭😭😭😭 Devil is a liar. Your story has reminded me of my Auntie's daughter who gave us joy for 2 years before she died. Very beautiful and love if all. So sorry dear.

You are never alone, God is with you and, will bless you with male child

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Thannk you so much for your prayers towards me ma'am. I really appreciate

I'm such a cry baby. How I ever going to get through this week I don't know as I know that your post and those I have read yesterday was only the beginning.

I cannot stop crying! Your post rocked me!
I am a devoted Christian but it is the one thing I am constantly fighting with God. How can he take children away? Why can't He let children be born perfect, no defaults and no illnesses.
I know we shouldn't ask questions but I do.

My wish for you is that you will have ample boys as a father to grow the legacy of your family.

Thank you for the invite!

 2 years ago 

I am very sorry that Geoffrey left after bringing happiness to your household

I know it is an unforgettable experience but be strong dear, life offers just more than we can bear♥️

Exactly dear. Thanks for checking on me

 2 years ago 

You are welcome

Oh no i am so sorry about the death of your brother, i pray that God console your family ans bring to you another brother just like Geoffrey. Greetings!

Thank you so much sir

Wow... Congratulations on having a second male child in your family. Indeed there is nothing prayer can't solve. I'm glad you learned so many lessons from the incidence.

Sometimes, our challenges come so as to trust in God the more. Some challenges are allowed so as to put our trust in God. I'm glad you learned a lot from the lessons.

Thank you for sharing with us

Thank you so much for the visit sir. I really appreciate

you have extensively writing so well about you bad and good day of your life, reading through your article I most say that you really had a good day which later result to bad day of your life.I'm so sorry about your brother Godfrey.

My dear friend. You have said it all with prayers everything is possible, and his plans for us will never be denied. I wish you all the best.

Thank you so much dear. I really appreciate

have also learned that, provided they are life, they are hoping to get whatever you want. It might be delayed, but it will surely come to pass

There is quote that God gives you something when you beat need it. Am sure the time to have a brother was not up yet so that was why you none yet.

Am sure at the end it was worth the wait.

I understand when you say this because I have a sister who is the only girl . She complains all the time and ask why my parents didn’t give her a younger sister to be able to play with

Yes as you rightly said , not all things that give us happiness will stay forever. We plan and God too plans. He is the master planner and he knows why he took him at that time.

Hmm it must be sad looking back and thinking about all the good memories you had with him.

Take heart God is in control.

You have said it right sir. I know God still have a good plan ahead

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