Steemalive presents:FullOfWords! - 6 day Writing Challenge: The General Hospital In My Local Government Area: by @ijebest.

in SteemAlive2 years ago

general hospital Ohafia, Abia State.


Good afternoon steemians, how are you guys doing this weekend, hope all is going well.
Hospital is a place for treatment of all sorts, it's also a place for mothers to deliver their new born babies after a long period of gestation. In the hospitals we have medical practitionals working on shifts bases to save lives. There are emergency section where critical cases are handled to save human lives.

Surprisingly, in this environment, it's not so.
I was asking questions, why is it that a big well built hospital for this rural communities is lying fallow without proper Care?? I couldn't believe my eyes as I was moving around looking at the level of abandonment in there.

Hospital Properties Unkept

this is an emergency van for accident and urgency, but not properly taken care of.
this is a jeep, government properties not well kept too.

doctor and nurses desk, but nobody there.
empty & abandoned sick beds in hospital ward.

These are sick beds in the hospital wards but no occupants because there are no nurses to take care of them. All of them have been taken to other hospitals, majorly private hospitals in the area. While government hospital is empty.
The nurse I saw there refused vehemently to show up herself or for us to take pictures, she refused.
emergency van ready for work but no actions.

This is an emergency van government donated for serving lives but look at how it has been abandoned in the bushy premises. Nobody wants to talk openly for the fear of being sacked.
More than five wards were just empty like that. I know one can say it's good's mercies that nobody want to be sick, but this emptiness is only because the government is not doing the workers well. Every where turned to bushes, empty and abandoned.
weight measurement instrument but no actions.

This is weight measuring machine in the hospital not doing it's job, none to use it or needs it's services. It's very painful to witness this kind of waste and lost, when so many are in need of their services. Who taught Nigeria this
Wasteful pattern of life.??

laboratory under lock and key, it supposed to be open and working but look at it locked down.
look at the sign post of the hospital.

What Is The Reason For This

I was told by the only one nurse I saw there that refused to take pictures with me. She told me that the hospital was built by the former president Good luck Ebele Jonathan during his tenure but they have refused to equip or pay those working in that hospital. So they abandoned it like this.

Let Government Come & Revive This

The rural people whom this hospital was built for need help they need the attention of the government so that casualties will be reduced to the barerest minimum, this is mostly the reason for my presenting this post.


I just feel pity for the sick people in this area, let government come and show them mercy, I plead on their behalf.

Thank you all for coming to read my content, follow me to plead with the government to come and help my people in my local government area.

I set 10% to steemalive.



This is a serious waste. Imagine if this facility was up-to-date and working? It will even contribute to the development of the area too. Anyways I feel pity for this people and I hope that one day someone who come to their aid. I must say you did a good job entering and taking pictures. I would have been scared to do so myself.

 2 years ago 

My sister, I was terribly shocked as I got there and saw the condition of the place. It motivated me to snap and to write.

For many years I have not been there, so I was going there with a different expectations only to meet this ugly one, I was not happy about it at all,

Sincerely, it's not something to be happy about at all. I totally understand how you feel

 2 years ago 

Thanks my sis, that's the government of the day for you.

 2 years ago 

Hi @ijebest,

I really read the post till the end.Imagine a hospital been left in such condition.This is exactly how public facilities in Nigeria are abandoned because it belongs to no one and the government is not concerned.

I may not blame the nurses and other staff because nobody would like to be working without been paid.They were right to abscond the facility.

 2 years ago 

Sammy thanks, if you see this place with your eyes you we feel very sad

 2 years ago 

I wonder why the hospital is like this, does it mean that people are not sick again in your city or Government was taking care of the staffs, well they know the best.

 2 years ago (edited)

The truth here and the reason I brought it out here to the lime light is that, the present government is not taking care of what the previous government had put in place for the benefit of the community, the people are suffering in that area, sick ones go to private hospitals for treatment, which is very costly. I was shocked beyond words when I got there. They don't pay staff they have gone leaving the place very bushy.

 2 years ago 

Can you imagine the waste of things. We need change in this contry.

 2 years ago 

Na so and it's painful 😖😖😖 , thanks

This is one of the problem facing most of the government infrastructures. What a massive waste of resources. This hospital could have help to create more jobs and also save life's. Well like you said only God knows why this hospital has been isolated like this

 2 years ago 

My sister, it's very embarrassing and surprising. Thanks 👍😊.

It is so bad for such a facility which is meant to help the citizens is abandoned. Most times I wonder what our government is really doing.
I really pity the people living around there.
Thanks for sharing this.

 2 years ago 

Yes my sister, it's painful 😖😖

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 2 years ago 

Thanks very much my people, my people. I appreciate you.

Like being very critically serious what could have been , the problems of this country at large . Most of government settings in terms of some of those project , which ought to be of benefits . In relation to social services , are not properly manage . Lesson from what happened over there , on government hospital it's just too bad .

 2 years ago 

Can you just imagine, it was president Good luck Ebele Jonathan that built this hospital during his tenure, as the nurse told me,but this present government has totally refused to pay workers and abandoned it, what a waste ? In this country?

You are a brave woman for going to such a place as this, and the nurse it could be she is not proud of the place looking at how it is and maybe the government of day is owning her salary, you never can tell. I just hope God will give us leader that will learn to look inward and maintain the already established facility for the common man. Amen

 2 years ago 

Thanks very much my sis, yes the nurses and doctors had not been paid for so many months. So many of them left the hospital to do farm work, she alone managed to come to work that was why only her was in the building and she never allowed any picture, she explained everything to me and looking at her you will not argue all she said, it pained me.

I see, God will have to help our country Nigeria, now it's time for elections you hear them telling people lie and foolish theirself. May our eyes be open to elect good people to office

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

I appreciate you @booming02 for voting on my post, God bless you.

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