Strengthening Our engagement level in Steemalive community - Utilize our Post Promotion Channel on Whatsapp!

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



Dear members, we really appreciate all that you do in our community to support our projects. We are especially thankful to our ProWriters who make sure to participate in our contests and produce quality content in our community. Thank you everyone for your efforts.

We wish to remind you about the importance of engagement in the community and what you can do to help us improve vastly in this area. But first of all, lets briefly explain what engagement is all about.


What is engagement and why is it important

Imagine you spent hours and money preparing many nice meals for a get-together. You invited your friends and family. You made all sorts of assorted dishes and got everything set. On the day of get-together, no one came. How will you feel? Terrible, isnt it? That is how you should feel if after spending hours writing a post and no one commented or engaged in it.

The basic idea of engagement is making meaningful comments on a post. Not just a small sentence or phrase, but sharing a meaningful thought that indicated you read and understood the article.

One great way is to quote a particular part of the story and reply that area. You can agree with the write up, share an experience, politely give a different thought, make a suggestion or even ask a question.

Engagement should not end in making a great comment. You should reply comments to your post. Basically, engagement involves Conversation. So try to reply all the comments on your post. Please avoid the temptation to give a short reply like thanks, you are welcome, you did well, exactly, etc. These kind of short reply kills conversation. Instead, try to give a meaningful reply to the comment. Agree or disagree with the comment, ask a question, invite the person to tell you more, share an experience, and other things.


A call to action - Drop your links on our Whatsapp Group chat and engage

Because of how much we value engagement in SteemAlive community, we created a post promotion whatsapp group and we are really want to say a big thank you to all those that are supporting the group. We have 82 active members there. Please take note of the group rules so that you will not get kicked out:


Click here to Join the group


What we want you to do and how we will support you

1. Join the group and make sure to drop at least one link daily after you have commented meaningfully on two posts and indicated the links you commented on
2. Please support the 4 nominees we select everyday by commenting on their posts. Reply under the top 4 post, telling us the nominees you supported.

How we will reward you

1. We will take note of those that drop their links in our Post promotion group and make sure they have maximum booming support
2. The first 5 persons to comment on our top 4 post will receive big vote from @steemalive and @focusnow. Dont forget to tell us the post you commented on, otherwise, we wont vote your comment. We already started with the first 3 comments yesterday as shown below:


3. We will resume our #5times7 project, so as to reward those that engage with all the top 4 posts for the week more. Details on this will come up shortly


If you made a post and after 12 hours, it does not have at least 3 to 5 comments, you should be worried. Here is what you can do

Yes even the community curators now check if your post has some engagement before they vote. Check this comment below from one of the community curators below:

Comment link

So if your post lacks comments after many hours, you can:

  • Drop the link again in our Whatsapp post promotion group after commenting on two as usual
  • Send the link to some of your friends in the community and encourage them to engage. (It would be great to engage in that persons most recent post first, before asking for the favor)



Engagement is important. We even accept links from the @steemitblog engagement challenge provided you are active in our community. Try to engage more in our community to get more support. Engagement is a way to learn and also make new friends.

Will you answer our call to engage more with us? We are waiting to support you more too.

 2 years ago (edited)

What a powerful reminder!!. @focusnow, thanks for your kind reminder. Seeing how important engagement is, I will speed up my engagement speed. Thanks.
Checking the rules


Checking Post Quality

Compliance with Topic2.3/2.5
Use of Markdown2.2/2.5
Spelling and Grammar2.1/2.5
Content Depth2.2/2.5
 2 years ago 


The WhatsApp group of which I am a member is very helpful when it comes to engagement
We're all members belonging to one another we draw strength from helping others out
Dear @focusnow you are very sensitive, you dropped this post just at the right time

 2 years ago 

Thanks for always dropping your links in the post promotion group. Engagement is very important and we take it serious. I appreciate your hard-work in that regard and in making quality posts. Keep it up @precious123

 2 years ago (edited)

Thanks are a great model

Yes this group is really helpful Sir @focusnow is full attached with group for our guidance and support everyone so hard working there

 2 years ago (edited)

The truth is that upbuilding comments builds ones spirit to write more, more to that steemit is a social media platform and from the little I know social media means chat me I chat you, reply my message on the group I reply yours so conclusively conversation and commitment is an important quality of an active steemian.
Even the steemit team encourages us to build our voting CIS by voting and commenting on other people's page.

Like the example if I make a post and there is no comment honestly I always feel like maybe my English are not well arranged and it makes me sad, so let's read and make quality comment.

 2 years ago 

You have said it all. Engagement is actually a way to reward the author for their hardwork. If someone cooks and there is nobody to eat the food, it does not make sense at all. Thanks for always engaging. Lets do more!!! @beautybb

 2 years ago 

Sure we will do more, and make ourselves feel more fulfilled.

I'm already member of WhatsApp group and this post is also proved helpful for me

 2 years ago 

Thanks. Always drop your links so we can engage with it. Thank you so much for working hard in our community @afshaan

Its a great pleasure for me sir thank to you for your appreciation and support

 2 years ago 

It will be nice bu the problem is that I am not on WhatsApp but I will try and open it.

 2 years ago 

@ogwo. The number you gave me is not on Whatsapp. Please Open Whatsapp so that we can communicate, its very important

 2 years ago 

Okay,I will do that right away.

 2 years ago 

Sir,I have opened the WhatsApp you asked for.

 2 years ago 

We will resume our #5times7 project, so as to reward those that engage with all the top 4 posts for the week more. Details on this will come up shortly

Bringing back #5times7 project will go a long way in Bringing back engagement in the community. I support the idea @steemalive

 2 years ago 

It will be back from Sunday. It will now be #4Times7. Thanks so much for supporting it back then. We count on your support once again @chichieze

 2 years ago 

I will always support the project @focusnow. Hope is coming back today? I can't wait to join the challenge.

What I have to say to my colleagues here let’s try our possible best to leave a comment or like a post by our fellow members and think once this is done it will help us and so let try our best to be supporting each other and so that we all we will grow and i want to used this opportunity to thank @focusnow for always giving us up dates.

 2 years ago 

@osiola. Thanks so much for always being active in our community. Engagement is very important. When we publish and no one reads or comments, its not encouraging at all.

Most of us won’t even take their time to go through most the work, they will comment on something which doesn’t even tall with the work.

 2 years ago 

This is really really encouraging. I must say i am willing to support our community post with comment as much as i can.

We can do more.

 2 years ago 

This has given me more insight on what engagement is all about . I will try to do more. I received the vote thanks. @steemalive.

This is really good it's a way encouraging us to put in more effort in our work especially me because am getting lazy this days.

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