The diary game||season 3||18th march 2021||my recruitment day, recruiting friends into steemit

in SteemAlive3 years ago

It has actually been a discussion day  for me as I kept introducing people to steemit ,it was kinda not easy to convince them but I am happy I was able to get two persons convinced and in no distant time they will sign up to steemit and make their introduction post;

I woke up at 6am in the morning,felt weak but still had to forcefully say my prayers,rushed to the kitchen to do my usual chore before others could wake up though it was few minutes left for them to wake but I had rather prefer been in the kitchen already before they comes out, so it won't be so discouraging that nothing was put on fire for the kids preparation to school at that late time, I hurriedly lighted the stove and put water on fire before lighting the second stove to make their lunch, that morning was a little disorganised and I guess I had to wake up that late because I slept very  late and still had to woke up inbetween time at midnight  before the morning,

By the time they could wake up the water had became warm but the kids had to wash their mouth first before bathing so as to allow the water become hotter,as they brush their mouth I was busy rushing to gey their lunch ready while I still watch the water get very hot,the lunch I made wasn't a hard one it was still spaghetti and it doesn't take much time to be ready, in few minutes time as they were about rounding off bathing I was almost through with the food and before they could finish their breakfast I was though with cooking and had to package it for them and in few minutes we were done and left for school,

I got to their school, dropped them and left to the house immediately because I would be going out with my sister to her training centre where I already have targets of convincing the owner of the centre who is also a physicist and also convince one of his students,I got home and had my breakfast, washed my mouth and arranged the house after which I dressed up together with my sister and we left,i had to go to a saloon to ask them of a crotchet which i will use in making my hair but i could not see the brand of crotchet suitable for me so i left expecting to visit a big market soon;

20210327_203243.jpgselfie at the saloon shop


20210327_203228.jpgview of the saloon

20210327_203055.jpgthe physicist lecturing my sister
20210327_203158.jpgselfie in the physicist shop
20210327_203009.jpgthe school canteen where we sat to rest

I had targeted recruiting 10persons  to steemit in these month of March and I have succeeded getting 4persons signed in and 3persons has done their achievement1 post and the other is still making his own post,when i got to the physicist's office I started by telling him how steemit can improve his knowledge about cryptos and improve his writting ability as a yet to be content creator and also his chances of earning too, before i could finish talking to him he  picked interest and  promised to sign up soon provided I send him samples of post  so he can know the nature of what to write and was where I brought up the niche or communities in steemit to explain to him that they are different niche in steemit where one can make post depending on what the community accepts and with the explanation he got more interested and wished I show him my blogging page which i did and he promised to sign up the next day;

After I was done lecturing him together with his student who got interested too as we talk about steemit, I was happy I really left them eager to register and after that I sat quite to compose a note or writting on my previous diary and By the time I could finish it was almost time for us to leave for the kids school because it was already their dismissal time, we left and got their school picked them from their classes and came out to sit in the school canteen where we rested before going home ,

While going home we bought snacks and drinks to hold on until evening so we can eat the remaining spaghetti left in the morning so we won't have to cook again , we got home washed our hands and ate the snacks before bathing because we were tired and hungry after eating the kids did their homework and evening approached, we had to round off with the home work and had dinner after which I logged in to an online class that lasted for 1hour, when I was done with the class I slept off though was already feeling dizzy before the end of the class;

Best regards to:

@steemcurator01 ,@steemcurator02 and the @Steemexclusive for making my steemit marketing easy by providing the necessary tools I needed in convincing my recruits.



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About me


You have been curated by @yohan2on, a country representative (Uganda) and a member of the SteemPOD team. We are curating using the steemcurator04 curator account to support steemians in Africa.

Always follow @steemitblog for updates on Steemit.

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