What do you do with... Beets?

in CCC4 years ago

Beets it's food for the pigs.

That is what people told me. I have no idea what they ate but to us, it was a normal vegetable and we ate them.

I cannot remember we ever cut them in slices ourselves or perhaps once.
One granny did and she wore gloves.
The beets were cooked with onion. The onion was cut in small slices or cut is small parts.
They taste totally different from what you buy in a pot. Those beets taste like pickles, sour. I like that taste and it is good to eat straight out of the pot or make a salad out of it with raw onion and herring.

I bought these once abroad. They taste different from the Dutch ones.

The pot is not over the expiry date so I won't open it. If I eat them all and that will guarantee me of gaining more weight. My children are not fond of it. I guess mainly because it is sour.

As I was pregnant my aunt fed me beet-herring salad once a week plus yogurt and buttermilk
She wanted to proof pregnant women will not have a lack of iron if they eat this (healthy). After all these high amounts of salad, I didn't eat beet for at least 20 years or longer. The beets made me sick.
Was my aunt right?
No. I never ate beets during my next pregnancies or pickles or apple syrup and never had an iron deficiency ever. You can not prove something works if the problem doesn't exist.

Beets became rare.
I seldom see them fresh in the shop. The food habits have changed and beets are no fast food. It takes time to prepare them and most will not know how to do it - only once I gave it a try -. Walking around with red hands for days isn't attractive either.


But... If you eat them you have great paint!
The best thing about beets is its great color. You can paint your Eastern eggs with it and cloth as well.
In the old days, it was common to eat beets before Eastern just like Spinach and other colorful food.

This is my entry to the CCC- contest What do you do with...
Theme: beets
Deadline: Feb. 13, 2020
Hosted by @gertu


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Well, upvoted and resteemed to thousand followers.. Thank you to choose @puncakbukit as witness and curator.

Thank you very much.

 4 years ago 

Saludos. Gracias por venir al concurso. Es bueno saber que en los países bajos se consume remolacha agria. Nunca la comí así. no, nunca comí la remolacha como pepinillos. Me gusta la remolacha dulce, en ensaladas. O en jugo, es deliciosa. Gracias por tu voto.

Greetings. Thanks for coming to the contest. It is good to know that in the Netherlands sour beet is consumed. I never ate her like that. No, I never ate beets like pickles. I like sweet beets, in salads. Or in juice, it is delicious. Thank you for your vote.

What you buy in pot is sour. A way to conserve it. It does taste but different from cooked with onion like my granny did. No one eats it this way I guess. You see hardly fresh ones in the shops. 💕

 4 years ago 

Thank you for joining this contest.
Will you eat beets again?
Good luck! We gave you an upvote.

I guess I will eat them if I feel to it but not now. Thank you for the upvote.

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