NEW CCC Contest: 300 characters to describe today

in CCC3 years ago

This contest is about 'today'

Use 300 characters exactly. Read the rules before you submit.



  • upvote this contest
  • English language (or add translation)
  • Post in the community CCC
  • Use 300 characters (not words) exactly
    Tip use:
  • use the tag #today
  • leave the link to your entry in the comment section.
  • Three valid entries are needed to choose a winner.
  • Deadline: November 23, 2021 - 8 pm London time





CCC = #hive-166850
This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Guaranteed 👍 Daily Income 💵 and Payout 💸 for Newbies (2.0) 🐟 🐜 🐛 in #ccc 👣 and Follow 👣 the Honor Code 🏅 - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside) AND the latest update <<< please click to read.

@gertu @marblely @sarix @heartbeat1515 @yeesja @wakeupkitty @felixgarciap @xiao-aine @roselys @wealthmary @rosirys52


Hello community. It took me some time. Here's my entry.

Do you see the difference between the link you left and the one above?

Your entry isn't valid. You are free to edit.

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