My Weekly Report as Country Representative for the Philippines from October 11-17, 2022 by @loloy2020

in Steem POD Team2 years ago

Greetings and A Blessed Day Everyone!

It has been a very busy weeks for me as I celebrated my Birthday last 16th of October and I thank God for the another great year He has given to me even this opportunity as Country Representative is a gift and a blessing that I will always treasure the rest of my life.

The position of being a Country Representative is not that easy that everyone might longed for to be for their are many considerations to consider and even duties and responsibilities to do but I thank and praise God for He never fails to strengthen me throughout my journey since the start of being a Country Representative until now, though I have lots of downs and wrongs in this position but I will make sure I do my best not just for me but to all who trusted me and the community.


I will be sharing today my weekly report as County Representative for the Philippines from October 11-17, 2022 and to sum up what I've done in the community it can be divided into the following categories.

  • Community Insights
  • Community Contest
  • Community Update
  • My Personal and Community Account Activity
  • Moderators Weekly Report Summary
  • Future Plans
Community Insights

My insight for our community, the Steemit Philippines Community is somewhat my experience as I handled the community together with my co-admin and moderators whos striving hard just to make the community progressive and to what it became now. Building a community and maintaining to what it is now and even make it better is not that easy as their are trials and circumstances we leaders may encounter and to solve it all is not in an instant but we thank God for He guided us and give us ideas to resolved it all.

The members activeness is not on our control as our part is to encourage them to be active and participate to whatever we initaite in the community and we thank God for we have members who never stops supporting the community until now, and we just hope many more members will also be active soon, and hoping for more support from the Steemit Team throught Steem Curators and other curators available in the Steemit Ecosystem.

Community Contest

Finally the Christmas season is here and to start the thrill we feel, we have started our new contest that is related to Christmas and the first contest is "Christmas Carol".

For more details about this contest, please check it on the link provided below.

Steemit Philippines Christmas Series Contest: The theme for this week is “Christmas Carol” 30 Steem total worth of prizes!

Community Update

As we all know that we have finally started our referral program initiated by one of our Country Representative and my co-Admin @juichi in which this is one of our future plan that we finally implemented and hopefully many of our members will participate too.

To know more about our referral program, check it on the link provided below.

Steemit Philippines Referral Program: Mag Imbita ng Kaibigan at Manalo! (Invite a Friend and Get Rewarded!)

My Personal and Community Account Activity

Both my personal account and the community account must serve as examples to all community members for whom I am the leader and country representative. We were given duties to complete for the community account, along with my co-admin who has full access to the keys.

My Personal Account Activity: @loloy2020

Now, I will start with my personal account activity.

Voting CSI
Voting CSI will determine how active we are in upvoting other Steemians posts or much better if it is in the community.


Here are the details of my personal account.

Owned Steem Power6,907.77 SP
Club StatusClub75
Voting CSI20.8
No. of Post of the Week3 Posts

For this week, I have created four posts as follows:

CommunityPost LinkPost Type
Steemit Travel Blogs
Steemit Philippines Game
Steem POD Team Weekly Report

To be a good example for our members, I will make sure that I am also active in the community by posting my Diary Game Entries and some other contents every week. Sometimes I have also posted my Travel Blog on Steemit Travel Community in which I am also a Moderator as a Team-Support Philippines, and lastly I have also included my Weekly Report as Country Representative for the Philippines.

Community Account's Activity: @steemitphcurator

Now, let's begin with the Account's Curation Activity.

Voting CSI
With regards with the community account's Voting CSI, it depends on the activeness of our members but we see to it that all the community members are evaluated and curated by the admins.


Since I was assigned to handle the community account's updates and other announcements within the community, I have created three posts as follows.

Here are the details of my personal account.

Owned Steem Power25,997.43 SP
Voting CSI5.9
No. of Post of the Week2 Posts

For this week, I have created two posts as follows:

No.Post LinkPost Type
1. Post
2. Post

Moderators Weekly Report Summary

To give credits to the efforts of our moderators who continuously supporting and give their best for the growth of our Community, here is a lists and summary of their weekly reports.

Moderator UsernameWeekly Report Link
Future Plans

Here are the lists of the future plans in which we have already implemented one of it and have plans to start others too.

  1. To choose Best 3 Post every Week - Our Moderators are tasks to share their own weekly report in the community and part of it were top 3 posts to receive Booming Upvote. Now, from Monday to Sunday the Te will going to choose Best 3 Post of the week who will win Steem Prizes.

This would be all for my newest weekly report as Country Representative for the Philippines and thank you to Steemit Team for the unending support not only to me but most especially to our community.

To God be all the Glory! 😇

Mabuhay ang Steemit Philippines Community

@LOLOY2020 - CR Philippines🇵🇭
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