Business Motivation - My Business Activity Today, Monday 31 January 2021 #club5050

in Business Activity2 years ago (edited)


10% Hasil dari postingan ini untuk @businessactivity

Hello business friends wherever you are, how are you all today? Hopefully whatever we are doing becomes a business that brings results and success for all of us. The most important thing is never to give up hope and keep trying to fix any shortcomings and mistakes so that in the future we will become better and stronger.

On this occasion I want to share a post about the development of the business that I run in Sabang City by using a car, a few days ago I didn't sell because there was something I had to do in North Aceh with my family, I didn't get any income in those few days and today January 31, 2022 I'm back to selling as usual.

I am very grateful this morning that many of my merchandise sold, especially children's toys and snacks, and some also bought cigarettes and drinks.

I've photographed some of the shoppers who came to buy something to my car stall.
20220122_105049.jpgA child came to buy something with the money he brought with him Rp. 5,000 in 0,1 SBD or 1,13STEEM
He asked me for toys because he didn't have enough money to buy toys I advised him to just buy food and he ended up buying food.

I sell various types of food from IDR 3,000 0,06 SBD or 0,7STEEM to IDR 12,000 0,21 SBD or 2,72STEEM and drinks from IDR 5,000 0,1 SBD or 2,73STEEM to IDR 15,000 _in 0,26SBD or 3,4STEEM







Those are some photos when buyers come to buy something to where I sell, sometimes it's crowded and sometimes it's not too crowded, therefore we must be good at being grateful for whatever we receive in large or small sizes so that we will never complain and get discouraged.

20220131_104700.jpgThe money I got from selling in the port area this morning was IDR 650,000 if in the form of SBD as much as 11,12 SBD and in STEEM as much as 147,5 STEEM.

I can save from 100% of my sales every day as much as 10%, so if I can earn as much as IDR 1,000,000 I can take profit as much as IDR 100,000 and sometimes even more, because here I sell my every item at a slightly higher price. Every day I can make a profit of Rp. 100,000 1,7 SBD or 22,7 STEEM to Rp. 300,000 5,1 SBD or 68,1 STEEM according to how few and how many items are sold.

Remember to always be grateful, never be arrogant when you are successful, and never give up when you fail with what you are doing, keep trying to be better.

We wish you all success with the business we do. Aamiin

My Business Information


Business name:Mobil Jajanan Pelabuhan
Owner's name:@walad (Khairul Walad)
Business address:Sabang City, Aceh, Indonesia.
About us:Link to presentation

My Best Regards @walad

About Myself

 2 years ago 


Assalamualaikum wr. wb !


Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, melalui komentar ini saya mengundang Saudara/i untuk menghadiri acara Business Meetup yang akan berlangsung pada :

Hari / tanggal : Senin/07 Februari 2022
Pukul : 15.00 - 16.30 WIB
Tempat : Salah satu cafe di Buket Rata/Alue Awe, Lhokseumawe.

Demikian undangan ini kami sampaikan.

Besar harapan agar saudara/i dapat berhadir pada acara tersebut.

Mohon konfirmasi kehadiran dengan membalas komentar ini.

Alamat lengkap akan kami bagikan setelah mengonfirmasikan kehadiran.

Atas perhatian dan dukungan kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Wasaalamualaikum wr.wb

Note : acara gratis

 2 years ago 

InsyaAllah, semoga hari senin ada pesawat yang melayani penerbangan dari Kota Sabang ke Kota Lhoksmawe...😄👌🙏

Hello @walad a cordial greeting.
What a pleasure to see your commercial activities, in this way it allows us to observe your business a little more thoroughly, customers should always be well attended in this way we get them to return.


  • Share the Post on your social networks in this way it contributes to the growth of the community.

  • You can leave us the price of your products reflected in Steem as a reference, in this way we understand a little more about your expenses, purchases and profit.

A pleasant greeting!

 2 years ago 

ok i will edit it ..

 2 years ago 

Sangat senang melihat usaha anda yang laris setiap harinya pak, sukses dan berkah selalu untuk usahanya💪

 2 years ago 

Aamiin, semoga kita semua bisa sukses dengan usaha kita masing masing🤗

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing the commercial activity and how on good terms you advise your clients.

Food comes before anything else.

We are excited about the financial issue and the explanation of profits.

Thank you for keeping up to date on how this profit can be obtained in a day's work.

We expect many users to head over to your mobile cart.


 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @cindycam 😊🤗

 2 years ago 

Hi friend. Happy to see that your business continues to generate income. Thank you for showing us the statistics of your sales.

 2 years ago 

Thank you again, I'm sure we will all be successful both in the real world and in steemit

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