Business activity : Advertising the key to business sucess

in Business Activity2 years ago


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Hello everyone and fellow members of this community trust we are all doing well and having a good day both mentally and financially.

Today's topic on my blog is about advertising and how it realtes to business sucess

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Advertising is the process of creating awareness about the existence of a particular good or service.

The concept of advertising is as old as time and can be traced as far back as the ancient Greek where art works were inscribed with the artist name in order to promote his products.

Advertising only became prominent as a necessary criteria for the success of any business around the mid 19th century during the industrialisation together with capitalism.

Types of Advertising

The process of creating awareness for ones good can be done in Soo many ways, each method as important as the previous method but all ways advancing.

Word for word advertising



This form of advertising has been around for as long as man has existened.

It entails an individual directly communicating to another individuals about a certain product which he hopes to sell .

We can see face to face method of advertising in situations such as in an elevators where individuals are in close contact with each other or a situation where an individual goes door by door informing whomever wishes to hear about the existence of the said products.

To be able to excel in this form of advertising one must have a really good interpersonal skills and must be able deal with negative replies.


  1. Using this form of advertising gives feedback instantly
  2. This form of advertising is natural and can be tailored to individuals personally.


  1. The reach of this adveristment medium is very limited to the scope of individuals he can talk to a day.
  2. It is very stressful going from door to door saying the same pitch, it often becomes monotonous and in Inspiring even to the seller


Print medium



With the evolution of capitalism in the mid 19th century business men needed a means to increase the reach of thier business well beyond the reach of personal interaction between two people.

They needed to make the process of advertising very fast and wide, reaching multiple audience at once rather than one after another.

Print medium of advertising is a form of advertising which involves writing of words in an attractive or catchy manner in order to draw consumers attention towards your business.

Print media advertising took the world by storm in the 19th century as business struggled to advertise on what ever form of material they could print on.

Print media exist in the following forms newspaper, magazines ,milk cartoons, posters and so on.


  1. Capable of reaching many audience at once
  2. Easy to mass produce
  3. Allows sellers to convey more information in thier sales pitch.


  1. Around the time print media was used, not many people could read or speak hence they had a limited reach

  2. The use of print media is costly to the environment this is because print media lives off the felling of tress to produce paper

  3. It was easily destroy with means such as fire, water , oil and so many other.


Digital medium



Welcome to the 20th century in this modern day era, business men have fully understood the errors of print media and decided to do something about it.

Around the 20th century, some fascinating construct such as the internet, telephones, social media and many other digital technology where invented.

It was only smart of business men to business men to find a way to inculprate thier methods of advertising into the prevalent technology.

Digital medium of advertising is the use of non print media to pass information to the public through social Media channels and others.

Digital medium of advertising include bill boards, tele-marketing, social media , television commercials and so on.


  1. It capures all sector both those that can't read and those that can

  2. It uses very attractive methods such as music and the trends


  1. It is leads to invasion of privacy, social media companies are constantly selling user datas to online advertising companies
  2. It is expensive to run bill boards and television commercials.

How advertising has shaped the business environment



Before the mass adoption of advertising in the 20th century we can see that though businesses where thriving they weren't exactly doing too well and they were heavily local businesses rather than internationally recognised this is so because of the inability of information to be widely publicized about the businesses.

It wasn't until the 20th century and globalisation which aimed at uniting the world through fast and efficient communication that we then began seeing international business, such as a business from America branching out to countries far and wide. Which might need thuer product. We take an example with coca cola. Through efficient advertising there isn't a person in the modern day who claims to not have heard the word coke.

Currently we are seeing the number of billionaires increaseing astronomically this is because businesses are increasing thier customers rapidly.

Through advertising businesses have been able to achive the following.

  1. Large customer base
  2. More loyal patronizing customers
  3. Businesses are now going global now more than ever
  4. Increase in sales

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From here in words we now know that advertising has come to stay and it would be a deciding factor in the development of any business which we hope to establish.

Without advertising many businesses would go obsolete
As they would eventually be forgotten.

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 2 years ago 

Hello, a very good topic, with which many understand the information in the advertising changes and the way of carrying the information. The world changes, evolves and we do business along with it, because we cannot be left behind, in addition to finding solutions with each new strategy.

Advertising must be accurate and precise, ads that have that something in particular, the key to attracting and the way in which it is done.

Thanks for your theme.


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 2 years ago 

Thank you for the feedback I will be dropping a powerup post soon

Excellent 👍🏻. Congratulations

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