in Business Activity3 years ago

Hello everyone. Yesterday in my first post I officially presented my brand to this amazing community and soon afterwards I launched my first product as well. If you havent seen my last posts, let me tell you that I am selling honey in this platform. You can check it out from the link here as well

I got good motivating comments on my posts and I am rrally glad for them. One thing I noticed that was asked frequently was what is the process if getting this pure honey? So in this post I will be discussing in detail about the process because I think It is very important for my customers to know What are they buying


How is Honey obtained?

Before we head in to the topic of how pure honey is obtained let me tell you some medical facts about honey. Has contains natural sugars that is, Fructose(38%) and Sucrose (31%) so this means even if you're diabetic you can still have honey but in controlled amount because obviously eating anything too much is dangerous for your health.

Now coming towards how the honey is obtained. First of all know this that there are NO additives in pure honey. Then one might ask how are there so many different Types of honey available in my brand.

If you all do not know, honeybees suck nectar from the flowers of the different trees of their habitat. In my brand, Soghaat e Hunza we have different farms in the Upper areas of Pakistan (Hunza, Swat etc) with the specific trees planted of which we want the honey from.

The bees are left on the specific trees. For example if we want the Fig Honey the bees are allowed to form a colony on the fig trees which have been planted by our distributors in the area. The bees suck the floral nectar and then produce honey from it.




Soghaat e Hunza distributors' farms in Upper Hunza

Similarly all the different types of honeys that we provide come from different habitats and different trees. It's true that simple honey has all the benefits such as it helps in good blood regulation, is cholesterol free, it is an excellent Anti-Oxidant etc. But the different habitats of the bees and the different types of Honey further increases the benefits of the honey. All the different types of honey will be discussed in details with their extra benefits so that the customers can know everything about the product they are going to buy

The beehives are in a shape of wooden framework in which the bees store their honey by making combs. There are approximately 20-30k bees in a single bee colony so you can imagine the amount of honey produced.

After the honey has been produced the the bee hive is taken down and isolated by pacifying it with smoke. Doing this makes the honeys less harmful.

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After the bees have been soothed it gets easier to take out the honey from the hives.

*Now the most important thing in collection of honey. Extraction


There are two types of Honey Extraction

  • HOT EXTRACTION: in hot extraction the hives are heated to extremely high temperatures such as 70°c which makes it less thick and easy to be extracted. BUT it destroys the enzymes in the honey as well which decreases the efficiency of honey.
  • COLD EXTRACTION: Cold extraction is done on room temperature and it is a better method as it does not destroy the enzymes

An Advice from me as I have been in this industry and know the rights and wrongs.

If you are ever buying honey from anyone, anywhere. Always check whether the honey is hot extracted or cold extracted. Do not buy hot extracted honey, as the enzymes in the honey have been destroyed by the heating process. If anyone of you has studied biology you will know that the enzymes get denatured at temperature above 60°c. So hot extracted honey will not have those benefits which the cold extracted honey will have.


How to check the Consistency/Purity of honey.

There are different methods of checking the purity of the honey

  • Formation of a honeycomb: fill a bowl with water and add honey in it and shake it smoothly fir 10-15 seconds. Any impure honey will get dissolved in it and will not leave anything behind. Whereas the pure honey will leave a perfect honeycomb structure on the bowl. This test was done on my honey and you can see the results for yourself.


Honeycomb test on honey from Soghaat e Hunza

  • Consistency Test: This is one of the easiest tests to do. Just take a spoon of honey and pour it down. If the honey falls in a straight unbreakable line, it is pure and if it doesn't pour in a straight unbreakable line it is Impure.

This test was also carried out on my product.



Water Test: take a glass of water and sdd your honey in it. If the honey dissolves it is Impure because the natural honey is thick snd it does not dissolve inside the water so quickly.

This test was also performed on the Soghaat e Hunza Honey


Water Test on honey from Soghaat e Hunza

There are several other tests which can be performed on honey as well and I'll provide you a link so that you can have a better insight

Honey purity Tests


It is very important for the customer to be fully satisfied with the product that he/she is going to purchase. This is what we wish to achieve as a team. Soghaat e hunza has always tried its level best to be a top notch brand in which customers do not have any complains. We provide you the most pure honey in Pakistan and we aim to do that in the future as well. No matter whatever your niche of business is the most important thing is sustenance. In my upcoming posts I'll be talking about it detail as to how I turned a small startup in to a big Business. All the advices and tips will be covered.



Discord Id

  • huzaifa naveed#3023


Owner's Name@huzaifanaveed1
Business AddressKarachi, Pakistan
About UsSoghaat e Hunza Introduction

Cc: @oscarcc89



 3 years ago 

Hello @huzaifanaveed1 , thank you for delving into this wonderful new knowledge of honey, and how it is part of your process.

Knowing, properties and benefits, is undoubtedly something of value, that any distributor to enchant its customers provides this information, which will be appreciated, taking the honey and the information to know how it is obtained and benefits attached to health.

The extraction, then, has a lot to do with a good honey to choose from.

The video shown on his facebook account, to appreciate the water test with honey, is great, I loved it.

The results shown in entrepreneurial work is of appreciation and value for everything.

Thank you for all the information that you provide in this content.

We hope that the steemians can soon acquire the honeys, which you distribute.


 3 years ago 

Hey @cindycam first of all thanks a bunch for your kind words. I feel it as my duty to provide every possible detail of any product that I am selling to my customers, because I feel it is their right to know. I'll continue posting in this Wonderful community with lots of other things coming up

Ps: I'm working on international delivery of my honey as well. As soon as it gets sorted I'll definitely send you one jar as well.


 3 years ago 

Thank you, we look forward to more of your valuable content.

 3 years ago 

we are very impressed with honey and how to process honey you explain in detail and we get new knowledge that is so valuable you also explain in detail about the price thank you for your dedication good luck to you

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for the appreciation

hello @huzaifanaveed1 how good to see this excellent material without a doubt that the niel sweetens our palate and sees how pleasant your business has to describe it is extraordinary, we are sure that your business is increasing.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for the kind words

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