Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 5 - What Mountain Do You Want To Climb?

in Steemit Travellast year
What Mountain Do You Want To Climb?

Greetings Steemians!

I sincerely thank @hive-163291 in the Steemit Travel community for holding the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 5 contest entitled "What Mountain Do You Want To Climb". This contest provides an opportunity for all of us to share our dreams and desires in conquering the mountain which is an enchanting attraction and challenge.

Thank you for your dedication and hard work In building a community that Enriches my Travel knowledge and experiences. I hope that This contest will inspire many people To chase their dreams and have amazing Adventures on the tops of the mountains.


Have you ever climbed a mountain? describe your experience

I will try To tell and explain my experience in climbing Mount Bromo. Mount Bromo, located in East Java, Indonesia, Is one of the popular climbing destinations in my country.

Mount Bromo is one of the most famous and active volcanoes in Indonesia. Climbing Mount Bromo provides an amazing experience with beautiful natural scenery and a magical atmosphere. This mountain has a height of about 2,329 meters above sea level.

Climbing Mount Bromo starts from Cemoro Lawang Village ,which is a common starting point chosen by climbers. From this village, I continued my journey on foot to reach the Bromo crater.

My trip started in the early hours of the morning To witness a spectacular sunrise. I will climb to the top of Mount Penanjakan, a hill which is known as the best location to watch the sunrise at Mount Bromo. From there, I was treated to an extraordinary view ,including Mount Bromo towering in the middle of a sea of ​​sand, as well as other mountains in the vicinity.

After watching the sunrise ,my journey continues towards the Bromo crater. I walk to pass through the vast sea of ​​sand to the stairs that lead To the crater rim of Bromo. When I reached the crater rim, I saw an amazing sight with smoke and sulfur coming out of the active crater.

During the hike, I visited the Sand Sea ,a vast desert that surrounds Mount Bromo. Here ,i feel the sensation of walking In the middle of a vast and amazing desert.

Climbing Mount Bromo is an unforgettable experience. Its stunning natural scenery and the beauty of its active crater make this hike one of the favorite destinations for adventurers and nature lovers. With good preparation and carefulness during the trip ,I enjoyed the beauty of Mount Bromo and made unforgettable Memories.


Which mountain will you climb next? What sensations and passions do you want to find there?

I have a plan for my next climb I want to climb Mount Semeru. Mount Semeru, which is also known as Mahameru, is the highest mountain on the Island of Java, Indonesia, with an altitude of about 3,676 meters above sea level. Climbing Mount Semeru offers a challenging and thrilling experience ,as well as extraordinary thrill and passion for climbers.

Climbing Mount Semeru requires good physical preparation and strong mental readiness because this climbing route is included in the difficult category. One of the main attractions of Mount Semeru is its active crater, known as Jonggring Saloko or Cemoro Kandang. The crater often emits volcanic smoke and ash, creating a spectacular sight.

In addition, climbing Mount Semeru also provides an opportunity To feel togetherness with fellow climbers. Many local and international climbers are interested in the challenge of Mount Semeru, so I will meet people from various backgrounds and cultures who share the same spirit of adventure. When I support one another and share experiences ,it will be a moment that strengthens the bond between climbers and lifts my spirits in achieving a common goal.

However, it is important for me to remember that climbing Mount Semeru involves risks and dangers. Volcanic activity in the crater can be a threat, and bad weather conditions can affect the safety of the climb. Therefore, I must make sure To make thorough preparations, obtain the latest information about mountain conditions, and follow the instructions and warnings from the authorities or experienced mountain guides.


What challenges might you find to climb the mountain of your dreams? how will you find a solution for that?

Climbing Mount Semeru is a significant challenge and requires good preparation. The following are some of the challenges that I might face when climbing Mount Semeru along with their solutions :

  • Difficult terrain :
    The climbing route for Mount Semeru involves tough terrain, including steep climbs, rocks and sandy paths. The best solution is to do physical preparation before climbing ,by regularly doing fitness exercises, including hiking, jogging or strength training to strengthen my body's muscles. Using hiking shoes that are comfortable and have a good grip is also very important To maintain stability and comfort when walking on rough terrain.

  • High level of difficulty :
    Climbing Mount Semeru is included in the difficult category. The best solution is to study the hiking route well, understand the latest mountain and weather conditions, and get information from an experienced mountain guide. Joining a climbing group led by a trained guide is also a wise choice. Always follow the guide's instructions and keep safety as a top priority.

  • Altitude and air pressure :
    Mount Semeru has a fairly high altitude, which can cause breathing difficulties and other symptoms such as dizziness or nausea. The best solution is to acclimatize by stopping at designated rest posts during the climb to give the body time to adapt to changes in air pressure. Drinking enough water to keep the body hydrated is also very important.

  • Unpredictable weather :
    Mount Semeru is known for its changeable weather, including rain and fog which can affect visibility and make hiking trails slippery. The best solution is To monitor the weather forecast prior to your hike and bring the appropriate gear, such as a raincoat, warm clothing and waterproof footwear. Always use caution when crossing slippery areas and follow the instructions of the mountain guide.


What did you prepare to be able to climb the mountain of your dreams?
  • Physical condition and fitness :
    Climbing Mount Semeru requires good physical fitness. I have to do regular fitness exercises, such as hiking, jogging or other cardio exercises To prepare my body for tough terrain. Also, strength training and stretching can help strengthen my muscles.

  • Food and water :
    Bring enough food and water for the hike ,Prepare snacks, such as dry food or snacks ,which can provide quick energy. Also, carry enough water To avoid dehydration. Along the hiking route, there may be several water sources that I can use ,But I must make sure To clean or boil the water before consuming it.

  • Medicines and medical equipment :
    Bring supplies of personal medicines, such as pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medicines, dizziness/nausea medicines, plasters, and so on. Also, bring basic medical supplies, such as bandages, antiseptics ,and rope release.

  • Climbing equipment :
    I have to bring the appropriate equipment To climb Mount Semeru. Some of the essential equipment includes :

Hiking boots that are comfortable and have a good grip.
Clothing appropriate to the weather conditions, including warm clothes for the colder temperatures and raincoats To protect against rain.
Sturdy and comfortable backpack for carrying gear.
Tents, sleeping bags and sleeping mats for overnight stays at the campsite.
Lighting equipment such as a flashlight or headlamp.
Hat, sunglasses ,and sunscreen to protect from the sun.
Personal equipment such as a penknife, compass, map and emergency communication device.


"Be the brave who explores the highest peaks, and let the universe caress my soul with irreplaceable beauty. Climbing Mount Semeru is a journey that will test my limits, but at every step, I will find new strength and face the awe that unforgettable. So, face challenges with passion ,reach the top with confidence, and let the memories of climbing Mount Semeru illuminate the footprints of my life forever."

In this contest I invite @newby , stanley52, @emultiplex and @abdullahw2 to take part in this interesting contest.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
 last year 
Hola amigo 👋

Qué bueno que tenga una grata experiencia de escalar una montaña, es algo maravilloso poder compartir con la naturaleza observarla y admirarla desde tan cerca como en una montaña.

No todo el mundo tiene este privilegio y usted lo ha tenido así que muchas felicitaciones le deseo mucho éxito y bendiciones en su participación

 last year 

Hello friend! Thank you for your congratulations and support. I agree, mountain climbing is an amazing experience and provides an opportunity To connect with nature in a deep way. Observing the beauty of nature and admiring it from the height of the mountain is an irreplaceable experience.

I am fortunate to be able to share this experience with you, and I hope To continue to inspire and motivate others To explore nature and appreciate its beauty. Thank you again for your support, I hope I can continue my participation in activities that bring happiness and blessings.

Thank you very much..

 last year 

Hello @rezvan
Your detailed description of your experience climbing Mount Bromo is fascinating and descriptive. It provides a clear picture of the breathtaking scenery and the challenges faced in reaching the peak. You effectively describe the awe-inspiring moments of witnessing the sunrise and true landscape of Bromo Crater.

Your plan to climb Mount Semero shows your enthusiasm to challenge yourself further. You recognize the difficulty of the terrain, the need for physical and mental preparation, and the importance of safety precautions. You also mention the opportunity to bond with fellow climbers and experience shared adventures.

Your answer is well organized, informative, and shows your passion for climbing. It highlights the importance of preparation, safety and respect for nature while pursuing such challenging endeavors.


 last year 

Hello @mateen005 ,thank you for your comments and appreciation for My explanation about the experience of climbing Mount Bromo. I am glad that the description gives a clear ,and Interesting picture of the adventure.

Indeed, climbing Mount Bromo is an extraordinary experience. Stunning views and the moment of watching the sunrise is one of the unforgettable moments. Witnessing the beauty of Bromo Crater directly gives such an impressive feeling.

Climbing Mount Semeru is a new challenge for me, and I am very excited to go further. Awareness of the difficulty of the terrain ,physical and mental preparation ,and safety are very important in making such a climb. Keeping yourself safe and respecting nature is a priority.

Thank you again for your very positive and supportive comments. I am delighted To be able to share my hiking experiences with you ,and may the spirit of adventure continue to burn within us all.


 last year 

Friend you've published with too anticipated time. Of course communities have to release contests to make people get organized to follow the SEC in a daily basis during the whole week, but five week starts officially in three hours, at 00:00 UTC

 last year 

Thank you very much

 last year 

Senang membaca pistingan kamu teman, gunung bromo merupakan gunung yang ingin saya daki selanjutnya teman

 last year 

Thank you friend! Glad to hear that you enjoyed reading my posts. Mount Bromo is indeed a great choice to climb! Its spectacular natural beauty will provide an unforgettable Experience. Hope you can reach The top and enjoy the amazing view. Happy climbing and happy pursuing your adventure on Mount Bromo!

 last year 

I hope I can climb Mount Bromo, you are welcome

 last year 

With pleasure my friend.

 last year 

I will try To tell and explain my experience in climbing Mount Bromo. Mount Bromo, located in East Java, Indonesia, Is one of the popular climbing destinations in my country.

Coba buktiin pake gambar original kalo udah pernah ke bromo.

 last year 

Mohon maaf bang saya ke sana sudah lama sekali waktu masih duduk di SMA kelas 3.
Emang wajib foto asli yang di posting ya bang?
kalo nggak salah yang saya baca di aturan kontes nggak wajib foto asli bang,minta saran nya sekalian sama abang,maklum saya bergabung di steemit baru sekitar 5 bulan bang.
Kalo harus asli nanti saya coba cari foto nya bang....itu juga kalo ketemu ya bang,maklum udah lama bang.

Terima kasih bang udah baca postingan saya.

 last year 

Espero que consigas tu objetivo de escalar el monte Semeru amigo.
La preparación física y mental es imprescindible aunque igualmente lo es la buena alimentación los días previos a la subida.
También la prevención como llevar medicamentos, vendas y otros utensilios te pueden sacar de un apuro en la montaña.

Enhorabuena y saludos. ;)

 last year 

Thanks a lot, buddy! I really appreciate the support and encouragement you give. That's right, careful physical and mental preparation is very important in climbing Mount Semeru or any mountain. Doing physical exercise before climbing, maintaining a good diet ,and preparing yourself thoroughly are important steps To maintain health and safety during the climb.

Thanks for the tips, and I'll take all of that into account as I prepare To climb Mount Semeru. I hope that with careful preparation ,strong enthusiasm ,and proper prudence, I can achieve my goal of climbing this mountain.

Thanks again for the support. I send you warm greetings and wish you success In all your endeavors ,and adventures. Keep the spirit and be safe !

This is so lovely you have really taken your time to explain your best mountain, we can do without food over there so going with our food is the best option. Going on physical fitness is best too because it will prepare us and make us have physical stamina

 last year 

Thank you for your compliment. I am glad that my explanation was useful To you.You emphasize the importance of preparation and physical fitness when climbing mountains ,and that is a very appropriate view. Making sure that we are adequately prepared before undertaking a physically demanding activity, such as mountain climbing ,is the key to success and safety.

Food is an important source of energy to maintain stamina and provide the necessary strength during the climb. Carrying sufficient and nutritious food is very important To maintain nutritional balance and avoid overexertion.

Thank you very much

Mountain is a place of peace. I like your post. best of luck brother.

 last year 

Thanks for your comment! I agree that mountains are beautiful and calming places. Sometimes our journey to the mountains is not just about reaching the top, but also about taking in the incredible views and seeking inner peace. Hope you too can experience the beauty of the mountain someday and success is always with you!

 last year 

@rezvan, I see that your country Indonesia has a large number of mountains and active volcanoes, ideal for practicing mountaineering and enjoying an extreme hike.

It is surely a beautiful experience to visit Mount Bromo, and to see each of the natural wonders that exist, beginning with the sea of ​​sand that surrounds the mountain.

Reading your post I see that you are a person with a lot of knowledge and training to climb mountains.

Since it describes in detail everything that would need to be done, AND what equipment I would take to climb Mount Semeru, which I see as having a high degree of difficulty.

Where in addition to equipment Whoever is going to climb the mountain has to acclimatize since the height makes mobility difficult.

I loved reading your post and I hope you share the photos with friends in the community when you have the opportunity to do your dream climb

I say goodbye wishing you have a great day

 last year 

Thank you for your response. I agree with you ,Indonesia has many mountains and stunning natural beauty ,including the breathtaking Mount Bromo. Mountain climbing is an Extraordinary experience and can provide satisfaction In itself.

Regarding climbing Mount Semeru, it is true that this is a mountain that has a high level of difficulty and requires careful preparation. Acclimatization is very important for dealing with altitude which can affect mobility. Proper equipment is also required, such as comfortable clothing, ,good hiking boots ,sleeping gear ,and other hiking gear. In addition, it is important To prepare enough food and drink for the trip.

I will try To share my photos and experiences with friends In the community when I have the opportunity To do a hike. Thank you for your support and hope you have a Great day too !

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