Milk - Spelling or Spilling Cowbell

in Freewriters3 months ago (edited)

Milk is food NOT a drink!

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Do you believe milk is healthy?
It might sound disappointing but it isn't unless you have breast milk in mind, the milk intended for human babies and which can also benefit adults.

In Japan are breast milk bars where you can breastfeed as an adult man. The breast of a strange woman, that is. The own wife does not have to walk around like a leaking cash cow and serve her husband with it. Apart from the fact that breast milk is healthy for everyone, it is also soothing. Drinking is not sucking, every baby knows that, unlike the average adult man who thinks he has to suck always good for cracked nipples.
In the Netherlands there is an ointment to fight this: udder ointment. The down-to-earth Dutchman certainly thinks: What is suitable for the cow also works for the woman!

Back to 'milk is exonerated for everyone', which is a Dutch slogan from the dairy factory that perished in a sea of milk. Many types of yoghurt and custard are made out of the flood of milk in our country and of course yoghurt drinks, kefir, rice porridge, oatmeal porridge, grits porridge, whipped cream, sour cream, semolina pudding and many more puddings and desserts to get rid of the milk puddle.
'Three glasses of milk a day' Joris Driepinter shouted for years. I never drank those 3 glasses a day and neither did anyone I know. We must be the cause of the milk puddle, although they could have made more butter and cheese from it instead of selling toxic fake butter and plastic cheese and lying that it is a healthy choice.

Imagine: 3 glasses a day per person how much milk you have to carry home if you do the shopping for the average family of only 4-5 people.


Breast, a mother's milk is healthy and not just for babies and men. The best, of course, is the milk with nutrients, preferably from the first days. Not every woman is suitable as a dairy cow or as it used to be called: a wet nurse. For those who think that a baby must be born in order to breastfeed, let me help you out of that dream. This is most certainly not the case.

What else is breast milk good for, other than filling the stomach, soothing, or making cheese? The milk is said to be healthy for cancer patients and those who have had chemotherapy. A few years ago people started looking for breast milk. Imagine that in a 'civilized' country. That worked of course thanks to the internet, but as soon as the government got a smell of it and the milk manufacturer... you guessed it, the breast milk was denounced, contaminated with you name it to the point of being unhygenic. What a joke, the average baby bottle and teat and chemically manufactured powdered milk is dirtier and more dangerous than breast milk. And why do government and milk manufacturer care at all? It is not as if the entire population of the Netherlands goes for breast milk only.

Milk, cow milk, is not healthy for everyone. It's a fable, a sales pitch. A person can live, be healthy perfectly well without drinking milk (without cheese is more difficult).
Milk intolerance seems to be common, common in the sense of normal. It kind of makes sense when you think about it. By drinking milk, people build up a level of tolerance. It's like getting vaccinated against a disease or injecting yourself with low doses of snake venom so that the immune system will start making it's own antidose and protects if the snake strikes.

Do not feed cow milk to cats and hedgehidges it's not healthy. If it comes to breast milk predators need a better quality of milk, it contains not enough nutrition (I know because I tried it out).

Is milk still milk? That is the question when we talk about cow's milk, the 'white engine' (another sales slogan). I have strong doubts about it. What is sold in the store is no longer fresh nor milk. It hardly contains fat and the nutrition is questionable (the less fat, the higher the lactose content!), therefore we have chemicals/medication and plastic in it and the milk has a virtually eternal shelf life, even months after the expiry date.


Cowbell doesn't ring a bell so I checked and read it is a milk brand. It will probably be something like our FriescheVlag-Campina dairy giant manufacturer who apparently also sells products across Dutch borders.

Cowbell-milk-spelling-bee-competition is a mouth full. By now I know Cowbell is a milk-brand (@saintkelvin17 do you get paid for promoting them?) and 'Spelling Bee' is a game/competition mainly held in countries where English is spoken. I hope the competion is about spelling and not spilling milk. What happens to those who don't win? Will the cowbell bell before a tub with milk is emptied over those who lost? Will the winner be profided with 30 liters of milk per week?

I checked on wiki-whatsoever and apparantly there was a Dutch Spelling Bee at the time I already stopped watching TV.

If that game is held in the Dutch language I better ask someone from Belgium. If the Netherlands and Belgium play '10 for language' Belgium always wins. So I'll ask @tyrnannoght to win the game for us or we both bring a cat along saving us.

If the Spelling Bee is in English @patjewell is the one since she is great in if it comes to spelling like she proves weekly in her kids quiz spying with her little eye, @dove11 might be a good choice since he loves to win on the other hand I might need a stand-in for myself @sbamsoneu can take my place. I am sure he can do it and if not he can tell a story since he is very entertaining.

The contest? I missed it, which is less worse than a failed check payment, since now I do not need to invite anyone or post in hive-180106 - the community.


Header: Canva - white because all those pictures give me a headache
Pictures: AI-generated by me. What a surprise it can spell the word 'cowbell'.
Prompt: failed check payment

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Nice post my friend and am sorry you missed the contest, I never knew you intend to participate in it. Milk is a very interesting topic to talk about dear.

Will the cowbell bell before a tub with milk is emptied over those who lost? Will the winner be profided with 30 liters of milk per week?

I can't stop laughing at this, are you that curious to know?

Yes, is it true? Somehow I had an eerie feeling. I vaguely remember kinds of competitions on TV - I believe among new weds even in those clothes- who got poured some slimy stuff over their heads or they sank into the mud.

Next time I hope to be in time.

Let's keep on taking milk my friend. I hope to see you participate in my contest next time. Have a nice day.

I don't drink milk perhaps I had 10 glasses in my entire life. I'll try to keep an eye on your next contest.
Thanks for letting me know I made you laugh!

I have been to your milk-filled country because milk is my business. I guess I am so strong even at this age because I never was fed on tinned milk.

 3 months ago (edited)

That can be unless you ate a lot of eggs, have good DNA, are always active and spend a lot of time outside.

They cleaning up the farmers, cows, we'll be the next smart city with data center all over the place. No milk, no cheese, no potatoes. We'll all suck from Bill's chemical tube. All are those still alive.

My mother made us drink milk with each supper. It was her belief that it would keep us healthy. Till today, I cannot drink a glass of milk. No ways!
Even in my tea, I drink it strong and with hardly any milk. It must just have that slight white color. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Best wishes!🥛

We never drank milk. During winters hot cocoa but even that was rare.
Milk used in the coffee...cooked and whipped.

sometimes we had buttermilk, yoghurt was more common.

Milk is slimy and bad for those with asthma.
I only use a drip in black tea, mainly to keep the cup clean.
🥤yoghurt drink, juice or cocktail?🍹

Juice yes as for the other two, no thank you (•ิ‿•ิ)

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