Day 857: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: you need help

in Freewriters4 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Monday prompt you need help hosted by @mariannewest

The prompt for today is you need help, but it should be I need help, for the life of me I can not figure out what is going on. Why can I no longer get pictures to load on here? I always copy the freewrite by @myjob picture, that @freewritehouse was so kind to make for me, then I paste it to my new #freewrite. Now when I try to do this I get a few letters and numbers then it says (undefined). I sent the picture to my downloads and tried to post it from there and I still get (undefined). Another thing that is going on is my feed page is no longer on steemit, it says I have not followed anyone yet. So yes I need help. Everything was going along just fine and then one day everything went to crap and nothing wanted to work like it used to. It sounds a lot like life, everything is going great and then bam you are hit with chaos and nothing goes right. Maybe I should wait it out and like life it will get back on track.

I went to the doctor with my husband today and he wanted to schedule surgery but my husband told him he did not think the hernia is what is causing the pain because it is not out when he has the pain. The doctor agreed and now we have to go to another doctor and get him to schedule a cat scan. whatever happened to the day when you could go to one doctor and he knew what all needed to be done and did it.

We are going to try to fish tomorrow but they are calling for 15 to 20 knots, it will not be pleasant. We might need help.


I know! It may be easy for a tech savvy person to figure out these changes, but I've had to spend hours this week trying to figure out how to navigate the new crap.
You are not the only person having this problem with the photos.

And I was just thinking the same thing about doctors. My son's primary doctor knows he needs a transfusion, but he won't prescribe it. Doc simply told me to take my son to a hematologist, which is impossible. I find our medical system shameful.

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@owasco I am so sorry you can not get help for your Son, that breaks my heart. I can only imagine how bad you must feel for him.
I spent about 2 hours researching how to fix the picture problem and I know no more now than I did when I started. For the life of me, I have no clue as to why someone wants to change things that work just fine.
Thanks for the prompt.

I have the same problem already a bit longer. At first, I noticed it was not shown by @esteemapp and I told them but never came with a solution or answer.

Next, I noticed it didn't work on Steemit and if the photos are not shown.

What I do is using the app photogrid for each photo. No matter if it's mine or a download or... I open the photo with that program and save it.

Next, I upload that photo into my post (I still use Partiko to write). If I do this and copy-paste it into or @esteemapl or Steempeak it works.

Btw Partiko can still read and show each photo only the rest. It cannot for some reason.

I hope this helps you. Instead of photogrid, I assume you can use a different photo-program too.

Sorry for writing mistakes I do not see well today.

!trdo 💕

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Thank you for the update. 👍🏻

@wakeupkitty thank you, I will try this, I do not know what photo program I have but I will try to find out what it is.

I really hope it works for you. It seems we are not the only ones, although some seem to struggle with it sometimes. With which programme you post? You can try Steempeak and see if the problem still exists. Good luck. 💕

Morning Cissy. You will see your freewriters community on your Steemit page under communities. If you want, try posting on the freewriters community from there and see if the photo loads. If it works there then you know there must be a glitch with busy at presence.

@redheadpei thank you I will try this.

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