Salma, The Humiliated Woman....

in Freewriters3 days ago

Tuk tuk tuk... "excuse me......". The sound of the door was heard from outside.

Who are you there? "A soft and old voice was heard from inside the house. The grandmother went to open the door and it turned out that...."

We are members of the police who are handling the case of Salma's death some time ago. We received news from the public that Salma's grave was always visited by wild animals and disturbed her grave, and this is very disturbing to the residents, "said the police officers".

"We only live together, son. Salma is a good child, she is very devoted to me and she has never committed a crime during her life, but I don't know why the public insults her just because she died suddenly in the house. Even the public said she had used illegal drugs". The grandmother said it with deep sobs.

We will thoroughly investigate this matter, grandma, please cooperate. We will search Salma's room. "The police said politely"....

Grandma said, "Please sir, I have never been to her room since she died there, there are so many memories I have with her there, we slept and talked there, I can't bear to remember it again, it makes my longing and heart ache". Hikz... Hikz... Hikz....

The police and community elders also searched Salma's room. The police found nothing, but a young man who liked Salma got a clue, which was a valuable gold necklace. He didn't tell the police and chose to hide it. He thought that Salma couldn't possibly have a gold necklace like this because she was a simple woman.

After searching and feeling that they didn't find anything, the police finally said goodbye while directing the residents not to make any more noise.

A few days later,...



The community held a meeting. They began to analyze for themselves what might have happened. Finally, the young man who found the gold necklace spoke. "I found a gold necklace under Salma's bed!".

Everyone was shocked, except the village leader. The young man continued his conversation.... "I have gone to a goldsmith near the city, I showed them the gold and it turned out that the model and material of the gold necklace did not come from this city, it was a gold necklace designed abroad".

"Then how did Salma get it?" asked the village leader in surprise...

"There is only one answer, we have to ask your son about this!" "Huh,... ?" The village leader was very shocked and he was at a loss for words, as if he knew what the young man meant.

"Be careful with your words young man, I know you have loved Salma for a long time and want to marry her, but accusing someone without evidence is not a good thing, and please do not involve the police in this matter yet", said the village leader who tried to calm down.

"Okay, if that's the case then bring your son to the next meeting and I will also look for other evidence, I'm sure Salma is a good woman, you all are the ones who misunderstood her! Said the young man as he left the meeting place and his eyes were glassy.

The next day, the son of the village leader participated in the Deliberation. He looked relaxed with his style like someone from abroad.

The village leader started his event, he immediately revealed what the young man said yesterday, the son of the village leader denied it and he seemed completely innocent.

Then, the young man continued with other evidence, namely the friend of the son of the village leader who had also just returned with him some time ago.

"Him! He is my main witness in this matter! I swear that she will not lie and I will be responsible for whatever she says!" Said the young man with great hope....

While showing the necklace in his hand to the young man, the young man asked with only one question. "Brother, Look at this necklace carefully, do you recognize it?".

The witness said, "it belongs to my friend Steven,"... While pointing to the village leader's son...

Steven replied that his necklace was lost some time ago and it turned out that Salma took it, "you thief girl!" Said Steven defending himself.... ".

"Come on Steven, I saw how you seduced Salma at that time, she even rejected you hard and you forced her several times..." said Steven's friend who was tired of his evil nature!

"You rotten friend!"... ​​Said Steven who was very angry!

Ppuuukkkk....ppaakkkkk.... The sound of a hard slap from the village leader who was also Steven's father.

Now be honest, yesterday you told me that your necklace was not lost but you had sold it to a gold shop... I am ashamed! Very ashamed! I will definitely judge you truthfully.... The look on the village leader's face, who was looking down in shame with a face full of tears....

Steven thenn cried and told everything, he was the perpetrator of Salma's death. At that time Salma was sleeping and I entered through her bedroom window. When I wanted to rape her, she woke up and tried to fight back and scream. Then I covered her mouth and hands which made me accidentally kill her. I didn't know that she had dropped my necklace, I immediately ran when Salma's grandmother called her and entered the room."...

The grandmother who was also present at the meeting was shocked and cried hysterically, "Salma my daughter .... Owh my beloved Salma .... "

Then, why are Salma's graves always visited by dogs? Asked the young man ...
"That was also my doing! said steven...."

"I made it seem like Salma was the perpetrator of the crime, I wanted to ruin her life, she had dared to reject me and I will not remain silent as long as I live..... " Steven continued.

Gdukkkk... Gdukkkk... Gdukkkk... The sound of a hard blow flew over Steven's face.
"You're insolent!". That's how despicable you are to do it, she is the love of my heart, I even wanted to propose to her on the day she died... The sound of the blows continued to be heard until the residents finally separated and reported them to the police....

The police arrested Steven and also the dogs he had trained to destroy Salma's grave...


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Assignment 1. Writing Course. Lesson 4.
@inspiracion , @wakeupkitty , @yancar

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Where there is a Will there is a Way

Greeting friends!


I felt so calm for a very long time reading your story, I was really entertained the right way and I think you deserve a handshake from the president of your country for creating such a nice story 😊.

I dislike young men like Steven because they do unnecessary things to girls that can even lead to their unexpected death. Why can't Steven control himself? His careless mistake has made him killed Salma and now her life has ended just like that, poor old grandma who will never forget this.

Everyone was shocked, except the village leader.

Please can give tell us the reason why the village leader wasn't shocked at that particular moment?

Is good Steven was arrested but was arresting the poor dogs necessary? 😂 I laughed out loud when I read that part, your story is super and I will love to read more stories from you my friend.


Thank you for such valuable input,

Please can give tell us the reason why the village leader wasn't shocked at that particular moment?

The village leader is Steven's father, and as parents we must know the temperament of children from childhood to adulthood....
Steven's father was shocked beyond shock... Wow!
How is a child who fails?
This is where the theory is my friend....
Evil will find its place and vice versa,
Dogs are only trained to destroy, so what happens if left alone.... 😁

Yes you are right and I must say that you really have alot of skills in writing.

As for the dogs, am very sure they won't be in the police custody for long, someone else might buy them and train them to act right. I just participated and I will love you to read my story.

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Hola amiga 🤗 el amor mueve montañas y cuando se ama sinceramente respetamos el recuerdo de esa persona aún cuando ya no esté en este mundo tal cual lo hizo el joven para defender la memoria de Salma.

Steven fingía ser inocente pero las mentiras tienen patas de barra y todo se descubre tarde o temprano,se hizo justicia para Salma😄👍

Hola, @liasteem:

Me parece excelente esta historia en la que se evidencia el abuso de poder y los malvados sentimientos del hijo del líder de la comunidad, quien se siente agraviado porque Salma no quiso ceder a sus pretensiones. Por fortuna, el joven amigo de la víctima enfrentó valientemente las circunstancias para aclararlo todo. Ahora bien, lo que me causa curiosidad es por qué algunos personajes esenciales del relato no tienen un nombre propio. Se les nomina con epítetos genéricos como el joven, el amigo, el líder… ¿Es una estrategia narrativa para que contribuya a la intriga que se nos plantea?


Hi, @liasteem:

I think this story is excellent, in which the abuse of power and the evil feelings of the community leader's son, who feels aggrieved because Salma did not want to give in to his pretensions. Fortunately, the young friend of the victim bravely confronted the circumstances to set the record straight. Now, what I am curious about is why some essential characters in the story do not have their own name. They are named with generic epithets such as the young man, the friend, the leader... Is it a narrative strategy to contribute to the intrigue we are presented with?


The story was really interesting..

At first, when her boyfriend hid the necklace, I thought he was the killer in the story but as I kept reading, it turned out it was the village leader’s son.

The dogs digging the grave of salma” does it symbolize anything??

 2 days ago 

you forgot the hashtag #wewrite - did you check the wordcount?

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Curated by : @fantvwiki - Selective Team

Your story kept me intrigued and reading, there is an emotional tone that gives strength to the story and makes it exciting to read.

This man, the son of the village chief, embarrassed his father. I liked that the father recognized him and did not cover up for his son.

Thanks for participating, blessings.

Thanks for your kind feedback,
A father's heart is broken, he sends his child abroad to get a good education, but the influence of a bad environment makes him change...
Being a failed parent is the most painful punishment.

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