Project... Rover Two (Contest.. Rovers of the Fog)

in Freewriters10 days ago (edited)


Whew! This was a tough one. But it's done. Rover Two is landed on planet C-14 and is up and running. So happy to be heading home. I miss everyone. I'll get a hero's greeting for sure. The cameras will be rolling. Nationally televised. Interviews for months.

They must be announcing now, "Alright. What we have all been waiting! The reentry of our brave astronaut. Splash down has occurred. The boats are swooping in to take him to shore. What an adventure!"

Okay. Here I am. Where's my wife and children. My mother and father? Oh. Here they are running to embrace me. But wait, what's this? I have my arms around them... but there is nothing there. It is as if I am clasping air only. Oh My God, I have landed in a parallel universe. A reflection only. A mirage in a kind of galactic fog.

Link to contests for freewriters:


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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