【wk24】Nutbox Weekly Report

in NutBox3 years ago

Jun 13, 2021 Nutbox Team
Nutbox is a one-stop DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) factory for the communities, providing a series of tool components (Crowd-staking, DApp Factory, DAO Governance Factory) for non-technical founders to easily create their own DAO platforms.

Official Website:https://nutbox.io

Peanut delegation review


  1. TVL Overview


  1. UG trend


The scale of Peanut delegation pool is expanding to 5,880,180 SP, which comes from 360 delegatees.Peanut is owned by every delegatee and Peanut’s liability holder. If you delegate your SP to Peanut, you will get PNUT.

【For detailed distribution rules, please refer to the document】: https://docs.nutbox.io

【Delegation manual】: https://blog.nutbox.io/@nutbox.mine/the-new-ui-of-nutbox-is-about-to-online-and-the-tutorial-of-new-ui

Development update


  1. The Nutbox Crowdloan module is officially launched:
    • More communities and projects have been entered one after another;

    • Refactored the state judgment logic of Crowdload fund;

    • Deployed a test environment based on polkadot v0.9.4;

    • Optimized the loading speed of the Crowdloan page to increase it by more than 2 times, including:

      Refactored API initialization logic;

      Use CDN to optimize static file loading speed;

      Built Nutbox's own Kusama node.

    • Continue to improve some details of the front-end and optimize the user experience.

  2. Nutbox V2 front-end page development is basically completed.

In progress

  1. Nutbox V2 front-end development, including:
    • Part of the front-end development of Nutbox V2 staking module.
  2. The development of the Steem chain of the Nutbox Relayer Foreign Chain section, including:
    • Steem network block synchronization, verification and analysis;
    • Steem transaction data analysis and build Proposal according to Spec.
  3. Nutbox Relayer HomeChain is partially developed.

To do

  1. Nutbox CLI development.

Operation overview

Globle ambassador program

Nutbox now has 8 ambassadors worldwide, dedicated to the development and promotion of Nutbox in different regions. The ambassadors made the following contributions this week, thanks for all your work👏😊

1. @happycapital【Korean】
- Daily operation of Kokaotalk;
- 10k SP delegation added;
- Translated the 23rd Weekly Report, Nutbox Development Roadmap, Polkadot eco China Tour, Pnut Token Economic Review, etc. into Korean;
- Posting analysis of PNUT in terms of price, circulation and marketcap, etc. on steemit.👍

2. @abcallen【China】

3. @ale.aristeguieta【Venezuela】

  • Published a total of 21 Nutbox-related articles on Medium, Torum, Steemit, Hive, Facebook, Instagram; amazing
  • Published 345 Nutbox-related news on Twitter, and designed 6 videos for Nutbox on YouTube;👏
  • Realization of our second Webinar;👍
  • Nutbox promotion with Torum ambassador who has more than 13k followers;
  • Daily operation of the Spanish community.

4. @bsfmalaysia【Malaysia】

5. @lnakuma【America】

6. @adikhen【Pakistan】

7. @TimBae【Korea】

【How to become Nutbox ambassador】:https://blog.nutbox.io/@nutbox.mine/nutbox-global-ambassador-program-or-nutbox

Community overview


Data changes:

2,138 followers worldwide, 40 increase from last week;

887 community members, 26 increase from last week.👏


Offline Activity

  1. 【Crust Openday】On the afternoon of June 9, Nutbox CMO Sunny attended the Crust publicity event on the Bund 8, Shanghai, and introduced the decentralized parachain auction platform launched by Nutbox to members of the Crust community. In addition, Nutbox is actively developing in-depth cooperation with other project parties.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63211.44
ETH 2631.43
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71