Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "My best moment"


Hello steemit friends, I'm @wasa2020 from Nigeria. I'm so happy today to share my entry in the contest of this community today with the title "My best moment". I love the topic of this engagement and that is why I have decided to share my participation.

Before I will present my entry, I will like to invite @bela90, @bossj23, @ruthjoe, @okere-blessing and @vickyson to also join the contest today.

Which moment in your life will you always remember? describe what happened that day. (You can share up to two moments if you have up to that)

The moment in my life that I will always remember is the day I was promoted in my church to the rank of Captain. I'm a member of the Boy's Brigade of Nigeria and I have always wanted to achieve this level as I journey in the service of God via the boy's brigade service.


On that special day, I was taken unaware because I never knew I will be promoted that day. As it is in the custom of my church, for anyone who they want to promote, they provide uniforms and other necessary things for the person for free.

While the service was ongoing, I was called out among the people to be promoted. I was so delighted as I was handed a prepared uniform and a stick used by those in that rank. I went in and then changed and came out and behold everyone started shouting for joy. I was overwhelmed with happiness.

Why was it so special?

The day was so special to me because it came as a surprise. I don't always get surprises like this hence when I saw this one I was so excited about it. I don't even know exactly what to do because I was so happy.

I have always wanted the promotion but I never thought it will come on that day. It was so organised and it was perfectly done and that gave me much joy so that is the reason why that day was special to me.

Can you compare that day with your current situation, what's the difference? (You can do well to show the pictures)

Well, there is not much difference between that day with my current situation. This incident took place not quite long. I have been given more responsibilities than ever since I assumed the position of captain in my local church.

Though, it has helped me to learn many more things and also enter different places which ordinarily I couldn't have entered. So being a captain was fruitful after all.


The picture above is my picture at the moment which also says I'm looking very good even right now. In essence, the situation has made me a better person and I'm delighted I had the opportunity.

Why is it good to remember moments like this in life?

Moments like this can not be forgotten easily because it has kept remarkable memory in our various lives. I remember this moment because of the joy it brings to me at any point in time.

Whenever I feel discouraged and want to give up, I remember the show of love and support given to me on that day and then that makes me know that people still care and love me.

How can you create beautiful moments for someone else?

The best way to create a beautiful moment for anyone is to surprise the person with a gift or a present that he or she never expected. I was given something that I never expected and that kept a memory for me till this moment.

I will want to surprise someone with a gift too that the person will not forget in a hurry and that is one of the major ways to create a memory for people to make the moment special for them as always.

 last year 

Good write up. Congratulations to your promotion . As you are looking for someone to surprise I'm here you can surprise me.

 last year 

Lol 😆

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 last year 

Un ascenso a Capitán de su iglesia representa un gran momento en su vida. La ocasión fue muy especial porque no tenías conocimiento de que te habían preparado esa sorpresa. Obtener esos logros siempre marcará ese instante de vida como un aliciente para continuar con el buen trabajo y haciéndo lo mejor en pro de nuestros semejantes... Éxitos, amigo.

 last year 

Thank you for sharing your post with me ! I read through it and I can see that you participated in the Steemit where you shared your best moment . Its wonderful to read about how you were Able to experience a moment of pure joy and love when you married your wife . Your wedding day was beautiful & unforgettable moment for you where you were able to share your love and commitment to each other in front of Your family and friends.

You described how you felt on that day and how that moment still fills you With happiness and gratitude . Its wonderful that you are able to remember this special day and cherish the memories That you created with your loved ones . Your post is beautiful tribute to your wife and your marriage & its great to see how much you value the love and connection that you share .

Thank you for sharing this beautiful Moment with us and for reminding us all of the importance of cherishing the special moments in our lives .

 last year 

Coincido contigo que recordar momentos así nos sube el animo y nos motiva a continuar. Éxitos

 last year 

Saludos amigo, espero se encuentre bien.🙏

Que bueno que lo hayan ascendido como capitán en su iglesia. Me imagino la gran sorpresa al ser sorprendido por todos los miembros.

El uniforme se ve muy elegante y adecuado al rango. Es admirable que personas tan jóvenes estén dedicadas por completo al servicio de Dios.

Me alegro que recuerde ese día cuando se siente desanimado. Siempre debemos seguir adelante y motivado, tiene personas que lo quieren mucho.

Le deseo un camino de éxitos y que su vida esté llena de salud y muchas bendiciones. 🙌

Saludos cordiales 🌺

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