Steem Witness Announcement: Empowering Steem's Future through Decentralization | Dhaka Witness

in Witness Activitieslast year (edited)


Among the blockchain-based social media platforms, Steemit stands out as the number 1 platform and a frontrunner in empowering content creators and curators. Rewards its users via Steem token. Today, I am thrilled to announce my entry into the realm of Steem Witnesses.

After a long try finally I launched my witness node server. I am really grateful for the other witness and one of my close friends who helped me to set up my witness server. My condolences and heartfelt gratitude towards them.

As a witness, my purpose is to contribute to the continued success of Steem by ensuring the stability, security, and decentralization of its blockchain.

I would like to share my thoughts exploring the role of a 'Steem Witness', the benefits it brings, how it operates, and the vision I hold as a witness dedicated to serving the Steemit community.

The Purpose of a Steem Witness:

If you check the witness, you will see a lot of witnesses have been disabled and the number has decreased but the more witnesses the more decentralized the platform will be. Steem witness serves as a critical pillar of the platform's infrastructure.

Witnesses validate transactions, create new blocks on the Steem blockchain, and help secure the network. By operating a witness node, I aim to actively contribute to the development and maintenance of a robust blockchain ecosystem, enabling Steem to thrive.

Benefits of Having Steem Witnesses:

Having a diverse and active set of witnesses brings several advantages to the Steemit platform and its users. These benefits include:


Although I have already mentioned it. Steem witnesses play a pivotal role in ensuring the decentralized nature of the blockchain. By distributing the responsibility of block creation and transaction validation among multiple witnesses which resulting no single entity can control the network.


Witnesses employ robust security measures to safeguard the Steem blockchain from potential threats, including malicious attacks and fraudulent activities. By maintaining a high level of security, witnesses protect users' valuable content and transactions.

The way Steem Witness Works:

The witness system on Steem operates through a consensus mechanism known as Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). A simplified explanation of how it works:


Steem users have the power to vote for witnesses they believe will represent their interests effectively. The top-ranked witnesses, based on the number of votes received, earn the privilege of producing new blocks. Every user has 30 slots to vote for the witnesses.

Block Production:

The witnesses take turns creating new blocks and validating transactions. This rotational system ensures fairness and prevents a single witness from monopolizing the network. This works randomly among the top 20 witnesses and blocks are produced every 3 seconds. And the 21st witness works as a backup.


Steem witnesses are actively involved in the decision-making process for protocol upgrades, rule changes, and other essential matters related to the blockchain. Their role is to represent the best interests of the Steemit community and contribute to the platform's growth and development.

My Vision as a Steem Witness:

As a witness, my vision extends beyond technical responsibilities. I am committed to helping and supporting all users of Steemit social media, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community. I believe in the power of collaboration and aim to facilitate meaningful interactions among Steem users, encouraging content creation, curation, and engagement.

I will actively participate in discussions with other witnesses, contributing to the witness-category tag to share knowledge, insights, and best practices. By collaborating with fellow witnesses, we can collectively shape the future of the Steem blockchain, creating an ecosystem that fulfils the evolving needs and aspirations of its users.

Becoming a Steem witness is an exciting milestone in my journey within the blockchain world. I am eager to contribute to the decentralization, security, and growth of the Steemit social media platform. I would like to ensure its sustainability for years to come. By voting for witnesses who share your values and vision, you can actively participate in shaping the future of Steem. Together, let us build a stronger, more vibrant community where creativity, engagement, and mutual support thrive.

My VPS server:

CPU8 vCPU Cores
OSUbuntu 20.04

It will be magnificent if you support me via your witness vote. Tho cast a witness vote you can follow the below methods:

  1. Scroll down to the voting box and type 'dhaka.witness' and cast your vote.

  2. Follow the link and approve your witness vote.


  1. 👉 Go to your profile on @steemchiller website steemworld 👉 account details 👉witness votes 👉 vote for witness 👉 type 'dhaka.witness' 👉 confirmation using your active key.


Lastly thank you so much who have already voted for me. I hope everyone will continue their support in the future. I will try my best to feedback to everyone who is supporting me via witness vote. Let's make Steem more secure and decentralized.

Best Regards


Hello, my friend. Thank you.

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Thanks for supporting me

we could know more about your team ?

Currently I am working with @steemgoon.witnez

I have some other friends but they are out of Steemit. Are you developing Steemit android app? There is no app in the play store

we are developing encrypted steem chat web for only steemians HOPE you will love

Yours @blockseater

Fully independent encrypted steem chat or using a third-party like discord or integrated with Steemit?

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