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RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | - 6 Steem

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFElast month (edited)

Wow, who ever thought that one of the most used hashtags is also the toughest to say something about? I wonder how come. Does this mean Steemit mainly exits out of copy-cats who do as told? It would make sense since that's what I see in the world we are living in.

Since no one reads this, it means I can say what I want. Good for me. It reminds me of my first years on Steemit and I had it with all those Steemians I invested in by reading, commenting, and upvoting them. Not to mention all those contests I hosted and paid the prizes for. No, no booming upvotes or support from others I was the supporter.

If you don't earn much giving away 25% of your earnings is a lot. I tried it out and indeed not much is left except for scratching your head and wondering how to pay for the prizes of the next contest. I barely managed till the moment came I had to give up. Friends @marblely and @gertu some others already gave up long before me. It was a sinking ship no matter how hard we tried. It also proved that most of those who joined it mainly did for the money and, to be honest, many of those entries sucked (finally, I can say, hey, the guy do you know I will curate from September on perhaps you like to be friends again after all those years huh? - for sure my brother would laugh about this and say: Sis... well, what he will say I won't tell).

Back in those glorious days when no one read me (it's the same today by the way), it was a good time for free writers and i learned a lot. I can't remember fires set to burn Steem, the whole idea came later but there were bots. Indeed bots. Back then I had no idea what it was, not much to delegate anyway, and people were not all helpful in explaining how or what (you know I was that idiot posting, commenting, and supporting without having a clue how to buy Steem or sell. I always wondered how many others did it and had such high amounts in their accounts. What I do remember from back then is that many didn't know how to transfer since a middleman was needed (no, not for free, and indeed you have to trust such a person and no, I did not besides of the fact to my opinion you have to learn to do it yourself, It's a bad thing to depend on others if it comes to your finances.)

burnsteem25: I have some questions and so far no one answered them (well @stef1 made a great start I share the link to her post underneath my text so keep reading the nonsense I type..)

  1. where does the Steem flow?
    It should be an account with the name null but there's just like the name of that account: zero, noppes, nada.
    To be fair it feels like a scam so it sounds like a great plan to me to explain where all the Steem is saved since I read in a post that is the idea: Steem is transferred to an account and will stay there forever (no one sets Steem at fire or crunches is).

  2. If you don't burn Steem are you bad for the Steem environment or better: Steem ecosystem?
    Stef1 (yes, I share the link later, wait and let me finish (lol that's what my brother says if he tells me something and 1001 questions pop up) shared info that made me think. If you leave your Steem in your wallet (you join a club) it means you take Steem out of circulation and with that, you help to make it more valuable. Sounds good if you ask me since my Steem no matter club or not is all here. It's in my wallet, my other wallet it's in the wallets of my community, and transferred as a prize to the wallets of others and each one of them joins most likely a club and is set next to that 50/50 meaning automatically 50 percent is paid out in SP (some even set 100). So I'm asking what more can we all do to make Steem stronger and still grow.

I might be a senior but many around me are way bigger fish than I am. It's interesting how never anyone knocks at their door and asks for money while people line up with me and pretend they like me to help them write better. I recently had I request (recently as in yesterday) and as I offered my help it turned out it's a lazy guy who's only need is 20 bucks. Can you believe that? (I am sure you can).
Anyway I first wrote back "so do I" but I thought: No, that's not the answer I should give. I mean 20$ is by far not enough to fullfil my need (indeed I have need to even if I don't eat) so I deleted what I wrote and typed instead: I need 2000 $ will you give it to me? I regret I did it because now I think about it 2000 is by far not enough if I want to viit my friend @patjewell and pick up @ibesso first and pay @el-nailul to finish my hut and do a bit sightseeing on Bali because I was invited and after that I will dive into the jungle of burning questions no one dares to answer but everyone wonders about.

P.S. Not everyone since there are things people do out of habit even if commenting and upvoting isn't part of it.

After all the typing I have a remark: (off topic) The comment section is so small it's not very inviting if it comes to leaving long comment behind.

The weather was fine, the stable flies are ripping us apart again and the sunflowers are dying.

Like promised the link

Upvote bot an so on if you read it you might learn something.

I have a blackout so I can't invite anyone except (think, think, think... no one comes to mind) @saintkelvin17 (look I know your name by head)

P.S. Wait a minute I forgot to mention @iranwadey and @heriadi... I know you say you mainly listen but you can if you read and let your fingers do the typing. @grebmot?

#betterlife #comment #steem


Not only did I read your post, I read it three times! Then I used a text to speech voice reader and read it again, while also listening to it! Granted my short term memory is bordering on dementia these days, but I'm here. You opened the box, we came. Like Hellraiser (dunno what kind of cenobite I would be).

Obviously I don't know you Kitty, but thus far you haven't given me any reasons to doubt your character. Don't know if that's worth much coming from me, just saying. Can't say what the future holds, but know I'm grateful you're around. Well, up until I get my Ferrari and then I'm fucking outta here!!!

Heh, but seriously. Wouldn't worry too much about it. At the end of the day the Internet is just the Internet doing as the Internet does. In terms of improving the community I keep thinking about that proverb that argues how a rising tide lifts all boats. I guess there's a social construct like aspect to it, where opinion and circumstance create a feedback loop (in the self-fulfilling prophecy sense). Take the broken window theory for comparison, when people feel are more inclinded to further destroy an environment because it's perceived to be in shambles. But then I guess this also works the other way around.

Oh, next time someone asks you for 20 bucks ask them to give you 5 first, because you're out of data and need a down payment to access your wallet. I'm joking. Either way, chin up Kitty!

5 $ is not enough, you know how much they charge for overhead although it's all DIY and already consumes enough (time, energy, phone, painful hand, bars of chocolate, waiting...)

No Ferrari over here, how about a Corvette? You should dust it off and the left front tyre is a bit flat but it drives (doors locked but not damaged it's a miracle).


Thanks for stopping by you brought a broad smile on my face while I spend my days stretched out in the sun. Screen in the shadow.

If you listen again you can do the dishes at the same time.


Heh, you're welcome! Car is looking nice, too. Wonder what happened to the owner......

If you listen again you can do the dishes at the same time.

It might sound silly but a voice reader is legitimately a great time saver. Helps me read articles while doing something else, or proof read my own stuff. If I was having access to multiple voices I'd use that for dialogue, like some sort of table read. The read aloud browser app is pretty good though.

I believe you it saves time. Only if my son calls I put him on speaker since it's more like a way he can hear me or I hear his ideas with long pauses of silence. Good for doing something else.

More devices each one with a different language?

According to my son the car is in the parking park for many years (wonder how high the bill is). The info of the car is available (1975) but no trace of the owner so I doubt you find him in the trunk. For sure my son will try to trace him.

It's hard to get different voices reliably, at least for free. Offline text to speech got more or less abandoned, or isn't that good in comparison. Nuance dragon was pretty ok, but seemed expensive unless it fell from a truck.

What I really loved was the online tts stuff that actually used famous people's voices, but that got shut down more or less because of legal issues. Or remains some grey area.

Without wifi one is shut out from all the "great" things modern life has to offer. Never heard of tts but it sounds better, AI voices are dull and I find them hard to stand but it can also have to do with the language. The navigation system we use can't say two frequently used words so we decided to switch to a different language.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.


Curated by : @damithudaya

Wow, I’ve only been on this platform since December 2023, and I have to say, if I hadn’t had the luck of meeting Kitty while she was navigating through the icebergs of the sea of Trieste, I probably wouldn’t be here today leaving my thoughts on this epic stance—because, come on, who doesn’t love a good unsolicited piece of advice? So, a trip to Bali to watch the most beautiful sunsets in the world? Count me in! Even if it’s just one of those stories told from behind a screen, I’ve already got my sunglasses on!


 28 days ago 

This seems to reflect a deep frustration with the experience on the Steemit platform, particularly with the community dynamics and motivations behind user participation. You touch on how systems like upvotes and contests are more of a burden than a support, and how most people involved seem more interested in financial gain than the content or community itself. Your reflections also show frustration with the lack of solidarity and transparency within the community, and how this leads to feelings of overwhelm and eventual abandonment.

The critique of the use of bots and how these systems change the dynamics of interaction on Steemit is also interesting, highlighting the changes that have occurred over time on the platform. Your bittersweet experience seems to provide insight into the challenges that platforms that rely on community contributions face, particularly when financial incentives are involved.

 27 days ago 

Thank you very much for supporting my post.

You captured some points very well but what you did not is share your opinion** If there are that many questions I find it hard to believe you have no opinion yourself. Is it a bot or is it you who answers? Perhaps the curator made a huge mistake and should take the vote away.
I would say give it another try and share your opinion for a change. Who knows you help others with your answers.

 26 days ago 

I liken joining the Steemit Platform to working for a large private company. Where we know there are many investors in it who want to seek as much profit as possible. Of course, the company imposes various rules that must be obeyed by its employees. Sometimes target achievement is enforced if employees are able to achieve it, they will be given a bonus. As employees, we do not know and are not told how much profit the company will get.

Likewise with this steemit platform where we know there are also investors in it who want to seek profit. They will give awards if we are able to obey the rules on the steemit platform. Maybe by using the burnsteem25 hashtag they will get benefits where the steemians do not need to know how much the profit is.

Maybe this is the opinion that I can give, I apologize if it does not match the desired expectations 🙏

 29 days ago 

Okay... "agteros kom ook in die kraal"

Sorry for my late reply, but I've taken a few days to catch up with work that was neglected.

You know, there is so much to say about Steemit, some positive and some negative. In the end, call me stupid because when I enjoy something, I tend to look past the negatives.
I hate complicated things these days, as I have many years of solving problems behind me.

These days I don't even want to think too much about things.

You might want to read the following post;

In the end we all look the other way if not we would have left mijn toetsenbord doet gek... Het is gezonder om te zeggen wat je denkt en dan is het klaar. Gebeurt dat niet dan blijft het treden.
Trouwens wie niets zegt die heeft pech en klaagt dus voor niets.

Lekker dagje ik lig in de zon... Nou ja lag.. Met zo'n op het scherm zie ik niets.

Bedankt voor de link.

 last month 


Ok, what I will say is my personal perspective only:

As a trader, I see this as a strengthening strategy of steemit to make this "STEEM" coin have a better price in the global market. the question is; does it work out so far??. The answer is not worked out, but it helps to avoid steem over flooding the market. So what really help steem to go higher in the global market?, definitely investors. Steemit platform has investors, including us as steemian is the investor by staking the steem in our wallet (steem power), so the strategy is good enough by combining it with club status, it is also to support the steem not to overflow to the external market. Every coin as I know will do some strategy such as burning, and those who want to burn the coin will send it to NULL, so not only steem will send it to null for the burning process, but all kinds of coins.

As the steemian;

Send to NULL means no more circulation, but who should do it?, why do only small accounts send it to NULL regularly?, why do some of those who have fat wallets never send it to null?, or why the steemit team who has a large amount of steem do not burn it by themselves first?, I don't have answers to those questions as well, that is what I would like to know too. I set it to null sometime to support this initiative because I would like to see the steem have a better price in the global market, is that possible??, Let's say every day I burn 3-5 steem, does it help??? I don't think so, what helps the steem price is burning the steem on a larger scale. The steemit team also needs to do it voluntarily. Set to NULL is not mandatory and steemian doing it voluntarily as well, but some believe that is the chance to get better upvotes from the steemit team. I did set it to NULL from some of my posts, but I also support charity instead, because my dust burn will not have a significant impact on the steem price.

look at 9 months ago:

The steem price at that moment, increased at a certain level because investors looked at it as a profitable choice, but then, what is happening now? ( I don't have a deep understanding of market analysis), but at that time the price was high not because of burning steem, but because investors bought large amounts of steem and invested in it.

How about the trading volume in Binance now?, interesting to know right? within 24 hours today a total of 2.45 M steem in the Binance market. It is too small, which means investors don't have that much interest to invest, why??? can we make it better?? I think if the platform has better content and a stronger community the price will get better too. What does stronger mean?, you can figure it out yourselves.

Do you want to know what some of my traders' friends say?, "I don't like to trade steem, because the average movement is too slow". Why does this happen? because only a small amount of investor interest investing in the steem!

What the team needs to think about is making the platform and steem more interesting for Investors

What do you think guys? @harferri @aneukpineung78

Actually, I'm reluctant to comment on these kinds of things for several reasons, but the most important one is that my knowledge of this topic is quite limited. It's better for me just to read or even not know about it at all. But since I've been called out, as a form of respect, here’s my comment:

IMHO: burnsteem25 is one of the most ABSURD things in the Steem ecosystem. I don't give a duck what others think about this kind of thinking.

If the goal is to prevent STEEM from flooding the market (which could lower its price), then the solution should be to reduce the rewards, not to have large votes that generate big numbers, some of which are supposedly burned, creating a cloud of suspicion, similar to kitty's, "Where do the "burned" STEEMs actually go?" Who knows, they might end up in someone's pocket. I have quitted doing burnsteem25 for some times based on this premise. If this means no one cares about my posts, that's not a problem. Like you said the other day, "Steemit is just a part of our life", and yes, relevant to that sentence of yours, it (Steemiting) is not my main profession.


That's all I can comment on; beyond that, I don't have the capacity nor capability, nor do I want to hit my head too hard at the "Steem-Wall", like your advise the other day, Bro el-n. 😆😆 But I do have questions:

I think if the platform has better content and a stronger community the price will get better too. What does stronger mean?, you can figure it out yourselves.

  1. What do you mean by "better content" and "stronger community"? (I know you said I can figure out the "stronger" part myself, well I tell you, I can't. Now please enlighten me. 😃😃
  2. How would better content(s) and a stronger community(ies) uplift the Steem-Money (STEEM, or maybe SBD as well) price?


Forgive my limited knowledge, and I hope you don't regret inviting me here. Please keep doing this (inviting me) in the future. Have a great weekend.

 27 days ago 

I am happy to see you accepted the invitation and reluctant or not @el-nailul knows who to invite to rock the... I don't know but know walls can be climbed and tumble down.

Thanks for your comment and make me laugh!

 27 days ago 

You do know what I am talking about bro @aneukpineung78, we discussed it many times, it is the lesson learned inside the crypto itself. I mean increasing the price is not the simple as holding steem or burning a small amount out of the market. What do we need to understand from the point of view of a trader when we know so many people hold it we will worry that the price will go down at any time they release those held crypto and flood the market, I am right?

We understand one of the fundamental laws in trading that said if supply increases without a corresponding increase in demand, prices will fall. In practice: when there is a lot of selling, it means there is a lot of supply hitting the market. A sudden and large increase in supply, without a corresponding increase in demand, will inevitably lead to a price drop in the commodity.

Applying this to Steem (the blockchain) and STEEM (the currency), it seems that, whether acknowledged or not, with the massive production of STEEM like we have been seeing recently on Steem, it is hard to see STEEM reaching the moon again, even with the stellar support from the Sun. It is hard, not impossible.

Absolutely not relevant meme, sorry. But there is a Sun in the picture. Source

If STEEM is sent to @null it is 'burnt' or taken out of circulation and therefore reduces supply.

I am familiar to the concept of burning tokens. I just found it's funny to create so much to burn some of it. I think it would be better to never create at all. I know it's technical.


Hi there, your comment is interesting to read, keep up your engagement, you are awesome!

Curated by : @𝖾𝗅-𝗇𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗎𝗅

I understand the first part of what you wrote but there's something that comes to mind.
Indeed investors are needed but they can be found on the present platform as well. If there were an easy way to buy/sell Steem via the wallet more people might be motivated to to buy. Just like years ago, I still meet people who have no idea how to trade Steem. We should keep in mind that: for everyone was a first time if it comes to cryptocurrencies it isn't that easy besides, we can't all use Binance or have easy access to whatever is offered, and not everyone can register with an ID. If Steemit offers an option to buy Steem it might get interesting.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.


Curated by : @damithudaya

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