Do It Yourself With... @wakeupkitty?

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 months ago (edited)

I'm not a specialist if it comes to it
I have no waste to reuse
I passed Kindergarten longer ago
Sorry, if you read me
You won't learn anything
All I can offer you is creative writing

Stand up Comedian(1).jpg

The title might suggest something else so before you jump and say: Take or watch me, let me wake you up, it's not not what you think

I usually do everything myself

but as I already wrote, I am not a specialist in anything. If you want to be good at something, you have to do this often to improve your skills. I lack time. Of course, I can't do everything myself because I don't have the time, money material or strength.
Nowadays, anyone who wants to do a task themselves and does not have helpful parents, grandparents, neighbours or friends who tell them how to do a job can turn to the Internet. You can spend hours on YouTube learning how to knit, crochet, garden, write, take photographs, unclog the sink, tile walls or clip the cat's nails. Anyone who has an ailment receives medical advice and there are many tips from grandmother's time. Not my grandmother, she certainly did not use all those spray bottles and tools that Western 'civilization' forces on everyone.

You and I, you more than me, buy all that stuff because we seriously believe it is good. And... With everything you buy, you receive a mountain of waste as a gift. With us, you can pay to get rid of your waste! If you believe you can throw the trash in your garden, dig it under or burn it, then you are wrong. We have the environmental police and the neighbours do not turn a blind eye.


What to you do with your mountain of waste?

The first option and the best is to buy nothing and certainly not anyhing with packaging around it. Also avoid plastic rubbish (buckets, tubs, toys, kitchen accessories) it easily breaks and rarely last a year let alone a lifetime.

I haven't bought cucumbers for years because they are wrapped in foil. I refuse to buy plastic.

Today we pay a deposit on every bottle, jar and can. It doesn't matter which store you buy it from, you can return it to any and you will receive money back.

I try to buy as much as possible in jars and bottles. This is healthier and I can reuse the jars (piggy bank, homemade jam, syrup, cherries in juice, cherry liqueur, candy or liquorice jar, for screws or other small things).


I had no intention to show these (a present for a child) but the gravestone I made out of concrete I could not find between my photos. I made it for the gnome graveyard of my daughter. I intend to make one more for my wolf but it has to wait besides if I make it now it can't be shown within one week since it takes two weeks to dry and after that I need about one week to paint and varnish it.


This is a big shopper, I use it for the garbage (waste) left


### In my waste-bag, there is only one tetra pack (so paper with plastic on the inside and foil) and one can. Both are part of separated waste, for which there are containers (also for paper and glass). In two or three perhaps four I'll take it away.

I haven't bought detergents for years. This can easily be made with chestnuts (peel, chop into pieces, add water and leave overnight) or with a bar of hand soap.

Toys, small items, books, and clothing that are still in good condition go to a 'gift cabinet' (people place such a cabinet in their garden and everyone is free to take out what is needed or leave behind what is no longer used) or 4noppes.(4noppes is a store where almost everything there is can be taken for free.)

The time I made wasp traps or planters from plastic bottles is over. I no longer buy water in plastic bottles either and avoid plastic as much as possible. Without food wrapped in plastic, we already eat, drink and inhale plastic enough.

I once made a lamp from waste plastic, I cut strips of plastic bag (and knitted a bag with Jack the Pumpkin King and Zero and once a dachshund) but I don't do that anymore. I also made a fly curtain from plastic strips that I had braided. I did cut these strips from the plastic bags of dog food.

If it comes to reusing: I use old pots and pans as dog bowls and sometimes as a plant pot. I still cook with aluminium pans that I bought second-hand over 20 years ago. These are intended for use on a camping gas stove.

I reuse boxes, but two years ago I also used them to cover the weeds in the garden (the weeds suffocate due to a lack of sunlight), next I made a new border on it for sowing.

Nowadays I knit or crochet all the sweaters myself.

The advantage of this is that what is homemade can also be reused again. The sweater I once knitted for my three-year-old son, he knitted a scarf out at the age of 8 and I made him a beanie. Ten years later scarf and beanie has been taken apart again to make a larger scarf and hat (you have to be creative if your son doesn't want to give up something from childhood).

Sometimes items just break. Like Lisa the youngest's furbie. It had already been bought second-hand. I took it apart and washed the fur. Lisa will never say a word again, but I'm going to make a stuffed animal out of her. She will then be a gift for my youngest's birthday or a surprise for December 5th.


Do it yourself with me, wakeupkitty?

I have a ceiling to fix, a crack in my son's bedroom wall, the outside walls have to be repaired and painted but first the car needs a few small repairs. I am still working at unclogging a toilet (I am hopeful) and my scarf isn't finished yet (it's a good thing winter is over). If you like to give me a hand you are welcome otherwise the only creativity I can share is what I write and at the moment @fadthalib and I write and practice together no matter if some say what he writes adds nothing to Steemit (buuhuu to you!). Kind of rude if you ask me, especially if I see all those bad content and AI written comments. A better life clearly only counts for a few Steemians.

I have plenty of stories to share dear @goodybest I can even try to tell you why I write certain phrases if you are interested.

A great day to you and all creative writers!


@yaladeeds @xiao-aine @eveetim @rokhani

Please consider SHIELD-IT SUPPORT for our friend @pousinha. They are happy with an upvote!

Header/Photogrid: Canva
Picture: AI-generated by me -
I am a mobile phone user only

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
If you wrote something good you can tag me, original (no AI-written) stories/tales only. You do not need to join a club to be read and upvoted and you can post wherever you like. I suggest the freewriters or @hive-107855 the Dream Steem. Use the tag # story
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

#steemexclusive #goodybest-c30 #club100 #kittywu #creativewriting

 2 months ago 

You're always giving! Your write-up is a testament to your creativity, and anyone who reads it from beginning to end will see how much you have positively contributed to keeping the environment clean. Unlike developing countries like mine, the government in your area has put to manage waste, but over here there are no laws to enforce it. People can throw waste and plastics away even on the highway without getting punished. I must say, those crochet works of yours are extremely beautiful! Crocheting is a skill that I have never tried, but I would love to learn. Giving someone a gift that you make with your hands is truly valuable.

You mentioned that you plan to make one more gravestone from concrete item for your wolf, but it will have to wait. If you make it now, it won't be ready to show within a week since it takes two weeks to dry, and after that, you need about one week to paint and varnish it. Please don't forget to share the outcome with us when you're done. I can't wait to learn from your creativity.

I appreciate that you reuse boxes. Two years ago, you even used them to cover the weeds in the garden, which suffocated due to a lack of sunlight. Then you made a new border on it for sowing. This is a great practical idea! Thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge with us. I always learn so much from your posts.

 2 months ago 

Amazingly beautiful! You're right we can all learn one thing or the other using the internet. I personally have learnt to fix things, sew clothes, and learn other skills like makeup, wig making, laundering soap from YouTube videos. We can't be wasting our time learning or doing nothing.

You've just motivated me to learn more, Thanks ma'am!

You can enter the contest and tell/show what you learned. Wig making sounds interesting. 👍

 2 months ago 

I'll try as much as possible to participate

 2 months ago (edited)

Do not join everything, there's no need to. If you write, write what gives you energy.

But I suggest you to join the
You can earn uvf good for an automatically upvote.
They have a weekly contest and I just noticed everyone received 1 Steem. Some only write a few lines so you can be creative.


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 2 months ago 

Beste @wakeupkitty

De belangrijkste les in dit artikel is het realiseren van een waarde waarin we met alle creativiteit en onafhankelijkheid geloven. Het is niet alleen een campagne om het milieu met woorden te beschermen, maar het is erin geslaagd deze in de praktijk te implementeren door het gebruik van plastic zakken te vervangen en over te schakelen op zelf gemaakte goodybags of "noken", wat iets buitengewoons is. De bereidheid om te leren en het vermogen om te doen wat ze zelf hebben geleerd, maakt dat mensen in elke situatie kunnen overleven.

Hoewel AI voor sommige academici een enge geest is geworden, zal AI de rol van ‘storytelling’ niet daadwerkelijk kunnen vervangen. De grootste uitdaging op dit moment is hoe we zoveel mogelijk creatieve schrijvers kunnen produceren; dat is wat we zullen doen om AI te bestrijden.

Bedankt Katty, je hebt er een mooie zondagochtend van gemaakt. Geniet van een goede nachtrust en zoete dromen 💓

Wat ik zie is dat we helemaal niet iets nieuws doen. We gaan gewoon 50 tot 100 jaar terug in de tijd. Mijn oma had zinken of houten emmers en teilen en zij had een boodschappen net. De plastic tas bestond nog niet. Iedereen had een eigen tas bij zich.
Ik weet nog hoe ik grkenten en fruit kocht bij de groentenboer. Dat kreeg je los mee of in een papieren zak. Om het brood ging een stuk papier of zo in je tas. Een patat friet zat ook in een papieren zak en vorkjes waren van hout. Het komt allemaal weer terug alleen wordt er nu gedaan alsof het de uitvinding van de eeuw is.

Bijna 40 jaar terug stonden er bij de Albert Heijn supermarkt in de plaats Rijssen grote bakken waaruit je zelf macaroni, suiker, rijst en nog meer kon scheppen. Dit deed je in een zak of meegebrachtte container. Had je maar 200 gram nodig kon dat ook. Ineens was het verdwenen. Niet om hyhenische redenen maar 1 kilo of 2 verkopen verdient beter.

Nu zijn er weer winkels die je laten betalen voor een zakje waar het fruit in gaat. Je kunt ook iets kopen dat meerdere keren meegaat. Het ene zakje is van nylon weegt niet, het andere van katoen of bamboe en weegt?

Ik zag een supermarkt waar je moet aangeven of je geen verpakking of een verpakking gebruikt. Kies je voor een verpakking kun je die verpakking eerst wegen. Of het eind resultaat klopt?

De zakjes die ze geven zijn niet sterk. Twee appels houdt een zakje net. Een banaan scheurt het stuk en vlees is te zwaar dus dan worden er meerdere zakken om gedaan. Ik neem liever mijn eigen bakken mee wie weet komt dat nog.

Bloem, griesmeel, suiker, zout wordt nog steeds in papieren zakken verkocht, dat kan met veel meer producten.
Melk, yoghurt in glazen flessen kan best. Mijn oma's kochten dat zo en konden het dragen, ik heb het ook lang zo gekocht zelfs toen er al kartonnen melkpakken bestonden. Nu zijn er al jaren plastic melkflessen en de melk is eeuwig houdbaar zelfs een jaar na de houdbaarheidsdatum nog. Er zit ook nog nauwelijks vet in. Voedingswaarden worden kunstmatig toegevoegd.
Het goede, voedzame gaat naar?

Het is goed om zelf iets te kunnen en het bespaart geld en de ergernis om te betalen voor slecht vakmanschap. Als vrouw word je standaard belazerd en betaal je voir alles meer. Gewoon omdat men denkt dat je er niets vanaf weet. Kleding, toiletartikelen enzovoirts is voor vrouwen altijd duurder dan voor mannen. Gewoon omdat er aan vrouwen meer te verdienen valt. Zij zijn in elk opzicht de melkkoe.

Ik heb geleerd dat iets zelf doen mij heel wat geld en ergernis scheelt en het eindresultaar is niet slechter vaak zelfs beter. Het zelf doen (do it yourself) is al decennia een trend. De vakman is te duur en zelden een specialist. Ik hoop dat jij een fijne dag had terwijl ik sliep als een blok.

i answered your question from 26 days ago btw sorry i dont really pay attention to steemit much anymore i hope it helps

 2 months ago 

Als je het zelf kunt maken, waarom zou je het dan kopen? Dit principe is een cultuur geworden in je familie en misschien doen sommige van je medeburgers dat ook. Op een dag, als alle internetverbindingen verloren gaan, zullen alle activiteiten terugkeren naar de oudheid, waar ruiters en boogschutters de bron van kracht voor een natie zouden zijn.

Niet alleen internet maar ook gebruik van stroom. Het wiel zal dan ook weer opnieuw uitgevonden worden en de mens wordt een stuk slanker en vermoedelijk ook gezonder.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

It sounds to me you are a specialist :))

 2 months ago (edited)

Nooo... You know me, just a busy bee

 2 months ago (edited)

Oh yes they tricked us in buying everything we actually don't need, which ends up adding even more and more Garbage to the the already stacked garbage. Your write up took me to years back when we were living with my parent as young kids, our trash was always disposed by digging the ground and burying it, it was fun sometimes cos my siblings and I will take turns in digging using only one shovel, we will talk about maybe one day we will find treasures like the ones in the movies and name new insects we find under the ground. Sadly we never found no treasure, we once found someone else's trash though. Other neighbours preferred burning theirs but for us, keeping them to dry up was looking like creating a dump site for others and the air pollution wasn't necessary too, so digging was our only way, until the government introduced a waste disposal system which felt like a better solution, as all we needed to do was to run downstairs immediately we hear the sound of their vehicles, annoying sometimes but better for us. Before they started acting like kings of the nonsense. Thanks for the tags always

Now the question is: what is the government doing with all the trash. We have new hills..
Guess what's underneath those lovely green hills sheep are walking around... garbage!

A part is exported to?

Dear friend, if you write comments like these copy paste them in a new post! And use the tag #comment

You can post in freewriters and join
Their weekly contest and upvote the daily lottery to join/make a chance.

I hope you are fine. 🍀❤️

 2 months ago 

Teaching me new ways to explore here, I love that, thanks so much

You are welcome!

 2 months ago 

You are really an example to follow when it comes to keeping the environment clean and healthy. I can’t believe you have not bought cucumber for years because it’s wrapped in foiled…😊

Your kids will be so happy they have a mum like you especially during those winter periods because those knitted sweaters and head scarf will really come in handy

Well, I discovered there's life without cucumber and a plus is we all hate removing the foil. It's a real pain and annoying.

They are happy with it but if it's cold it's hard to keep and stay warm. I am happy tje temps are going up...the mosquitoes are blooming too. 🙃

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