The Diary Game[September 4th, 2023] : First solar car might be from my zone

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE11 months ago (edited)

On the 4th of September, 2023 I saw something very interesting that caught my attention. For those who don’t really have much knowledge about solar and how it can relieve some life-stress situations, you may not understand the joy of seeing little wins like what I am about to share now in the later part of this publication.

Just before I get into the full story of the information I shared above, let me tell you how I started my day.

I woke up around 3:50 a.m. on that day, I guess that’s a little too early for normal humans who don’t have much that is disturbing their minds….

Don’t get me wrong, my body system is used to waking up that early and engaging in activities, mostly with my laptop and in the blog.

So, yesterday, I worked on our team 1 spreadsheet which is using the SC04 account, it was also my curation day.

When it was 4:46 a.m., I got a notification of a new role announcement from the Steemitblog. It was a new role of Steem Representative, I guess that’s no longer a news now…because the news is everywhere.
It was a good moment and also a privilege for me to be entrusted with this role.

It was even more interesting seeing some good real friends on the list. This is my way of saying congratulations to all my friends and thank you to the Steemit team for entrusting us with these responsibilities.

I spent some hours in the blog combing the blog, reading, learning, checking, laughing at some funny posts, and curating worthy ones, that’s a whole process if you know what I mean.
I also keep in touch with some friends on Discord and Telegram.

In the evening time, I stepped out of my house to buy something, but I saw something that was very interesting and caught my attention.

Some children around my neighborhood were trying to build a solar car, though it looks scattered, they were actually trying to make a point from their little creativity.

They collected the solar panel from a spoilt lamp and they built the body of the car with carton. I was tempted to spend some time there with them. I asked them where they got the idea and why they decided to try it. They told me that they watched it on their father’s phone.

I wanted to see the video, but their father was not around. The good thing was that their mother was around and she also had the video and they showed me from their mother’s phone. And that’s the video below…

These children said they want to change the idea of using petrol and they don’t like the unwanted gas coming out from the car but rather using sunlight to power the transport system.

They mentioned that they lost one of their friends with his entire family due to carbon from a gasoline generator…, they all died in one night. These people were inhaling fumes from the gasoline generator unknowingly at night while their gasoline generator was ON. Sad situation.

They further mentioned that they don’t like the fact that cars emit this poisonous gas and they wish they make something that won’t cause harm to humans.
To me, that was really impressive! I promise to buy them a better solar for their practice and I will do it.

Hopefully, with 300 Steem, I can buy them many components/materials they can use to build and construct different solar powered devices.

I will do my best to fund their mini solar equipment practice. Hopefully, in the future, I will write updates about them and their new designs. These are various ways to motivate them.

They said that they can produce many things, but the challenge is that they don’t have enough components.

I have already collected their father’s number and I will still reach out to them.

These are great minds. With proper coaching, they can be very useful in society tomorrow. I like assisting such ones in the best way I can and I hope the Government can buy the idea of assisting these future inventors.

Their little creativity might look funny, but they know what they are doing and if you are in the field of electrical/electronics engineering you will appreciate this creativity, it makes me remember the good old days in the university.

I designed and constructed some great dummy projects in electronics which gave me many opportunities around and outside the school environment.

Well, I got back home a little late, but I was happy, at least I saw something that could motivate me.
Will I come up with my solar car…? Let’s watch what the future would bring…

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That would be a great project to get your solar business known - building mini solar cars with schools...

And you would definitely look cool arriving at the schools in one of these...

Congratulations on becoming a Steem Rep !

 11 months ago 

That would be a great project to get your solar business known - building mini solar cars with schools...

Great idea on map! Students would love this....maybe this children's school would be my first.

And you would definitely look cool arriving at the schools in one of these...

😊, I may be the first person to drive a solar car in my zone...going in with this isn't a bad idea...

Congratulations on becoming a Steem Rep !

Thank you so much, it's a privillage to serve in this capacity.

 11 months ago 

Wow, this is really a very interesting idea sir.

 10 months ago 

I was inspired by your comments to develop a solar powered toy car. My work below is the first trial using used materials in the form of oil packaging. I will develop further with various other types.
Sir... I have applied for friendship on discord, I have many things to do for the future development of the project.

 11 months ago 

The kids are adorable and just try themselves out (even if the little one looks very grim ;-)) How nice if you can help them!

 11 months ago 

Thank you for your compliment. I will definitely help them with better materials to build mini dummy solar cars..

 11 months ago 

Que gran idea la de estos niños crear un carrito con sistema solar, primera vez que veo esto!!
Tienen mucha razón al decir que no causar daño este método ya que con gasolina si hará daño a la humanidad!
Me alegro que puedas ayudarlos amigo a seguir mejorando su creatividad!!


 11 months ago 

Thank you friend.
Their thinking ability is very sharp,they can bring something in the society if properly coached.

#solarsteem ...

Hopefully, with 300 Steem, I can buy them many components/materials they can use to build and construct different solar powered devices.

 11 months ago 

Roger that!

Thank you so much for the big gift, I'm obliged.

The day is over, but it's a beautiful day.

 11 months ago 

Mr @ubongudofot, you are very creative.

Good job, love your idea🙂🙂

This is absolutely amazing. I am happy this children have the intention of doing this great thing. Help them make the right choice when the time comes. Keep it up for the future is bright.


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